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What Women Like - interesting article

What Women Like - interesting article

I found this article while sifting cracked.com for something to distract my brain.

Interestingly enough it hits a few points I see talked about daily on this forum and it brings up some stuff I had speculated.


The fifth point about the color red might influence my next clothing purchase and the one about muscle size is something I had heard before and was actually something I was embracing myself by shifting my workouts away from super bulking to strengthening and toning.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

What Women Like - interesting article

I've got a couple red t-shirts, and a red button-up that I frequently get comments on, I just figured they were lucky...

What Women Like - interesting article

Quote: (06-11-2011 07:49 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

The fifth point about the color red might influence my next clothing purchase and the one about muscle size is something I had heard before and was actually something I was embracing myself by shifting my workouts away from super bulking to strengthening and toning.

The conclusion that brawny is bad is weak and flawed.

Here's why:
1. First, in a study of undergraduates, a paper found that the brawny men had the most sexual partners. The toned and built men did not come out on top.
2. Women don't know what turns them on. What they say arouses them does not correspond well with what actually does. There's a study demonstrating this.
3. When women see the brawny guy, they're making all sorts of assumptions. It's not an "all else equal" judgment. They assume he's something of a meathead, he's not interested in relationships, he's lower class, and any number of things. This was actually demonstrated in that study. All those other perceptions are susceptible to change, through articulate conversation. Eg, prove we're not a meathead by being intelligent.

If you're brawny and classy, I'd bet losing muscle wouldn't help you. If 'contrast game' holds any weight looking dapper with a high BMI and low bodyfat would only help. A man who cuts across types is very attractive.

What Women Like - interesting article

Anyone who thinks chicks dont dig muscle must be from the same group who think only "low quality" women like men with money.

Muscle is a sign of strength, vitality, health, good genes, success and testosterone. All the shit that makes her want your sperm to fertilise her egg. Just like submissive femininity is attractive to you, so too is dominant masculinity attractive to them.

She says muscle is icky in the same way she says your personality and sense of humor is all she cares about. In other words, she does not know what the fuck she likes, and she will rationalise away the reasons as to why she is getting pounded on all fours by some dimwit meat head.

Now I am not talking massive bodybuilder types like Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler, thats retarded, but being powerfully built with a low bodyfat is worth its weight in gold guys.

What Women Like - interesting article

I've heard a few women candidly say that they dont like really muscular guys (The definition of "really muscular" is up for interpretation) Part of me thinks that this is actually the female irrationality gene kicking in running along the lines of a muscular guy will have an easier time getting girls, so dating a muscular guy means they have to worry more or "try" in a relationship

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

What Women Like - interesting article

first, women don't know what they want. really, ever. and if they think they do, they don't. i mean no disrespect, but this applies to just about every woman. you have to show them what they want, (usually something that doesn't want them back) and then they get it.

second, that article was lame as fuck

What Women Like - interesting article

Isn't Cracked the poor man's Mad Magazine? As in, a humor magazine for pre-teen boys? I know I laughed at that stuff when I was twelve, but this article seemed like it was trying to straddle the line between insight and humor and just flopped.

What Women Like - interesting article

Quote: (06-12-2011 09:56 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

I've heard a few women candidly say that they dont like really muscular guys (The definition of "really muscular" is up for interpretation)

What she's really saying is that she never liked the muscular men she's met. Chances are, most of the very muscular guys she's met or known were meatheads. And if she's not hot, she's used to them ignoring her, so she rejects them before they can reject her.

Girls don't feel things in isolation. It's about the whole picture. Thus they say they like tattoos. It's not tattoos, it's the guy who gets them.

Maybe there are girls who really aren't into muscle. But how many are fatties and uggos preemptively rejecting the musclemen. And the hot girl who isn't turned on by muscle won't turn you down because you have it. It'll be neutral for her. For any given attractive girl, muscle has a positive or neutral.

What Women Like - interesting article

Reason #1: Why do you think that politicians wear red? IN past, only kings and royalty could wear that color.

Reason #2: Everybody likes beautiful things. WHo thinks otherwise is lying.

Reason #3: B' girls like huge guys.

Reason #4 :A man who can pay... Is a man who can pay. No one likes to walk around in town at night by herself, especially in SP.

Reason #5: Penis size? Hunnn...

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

What Women Like - interesting article

Quote: (06-14-2011 03:16 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Girls don't feel things in isolation. It's about the whole picture. Thus they say they like tattoos. It's not tattoos, it's the guy who gets them.

Thats some profound shit right there, very interesting thought.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

What Women Like - interesting article

Quote: (06-12-2011 09:36 PM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks chicks dont dig muscle must be from the same group who think only "low quality" women like men with money.

Muscle is a sign of strength, vitality, health, good genes, success and testosterone. All the shit that makes her want your sperm to fertilise her egg. Just like submissive femininity is attractive to you, so too is dominant masculinity attractive to them.

She says muscle is icky in the same way she says your personality and sense of humor is all she cares about. In other words, she does not know what the fuck she likes, and she will rationalise away the reasons as to why she is getting pounded on all fours by some dimwit meat head.

Now I am not talking massive bodybuilder types like Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler, thats retarded, but being powerfully built with a low bodyfat is worth its weight in gold guys.

Agreed. What women say they're attracted to differs greatly from the guys they fuck and the boyfriends they choose. Momentarily setting aside what we believe they should be attracted to and for what reasons, the fact is that women are as primitive as men. Women will and do rationalize it, but they take the pounding quickly. Bottom line...I don't base what women want upon what women say they want. Bless them for all their attributes, this is one area where they have no fucking clue.

What Women Like - interesting article

women only like dick.

What Women Like - interesting article

Totally depends on the women's mood - and time of the month.

If she's super horny, she wants a caveman/alpha who is going to fuck the living daylights out of her.

At other times, when she's thinking logically, emphasize will be on the "provider" traits.

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