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Social Circle Game

Social Circle Game

Does anyone have any pointers for social circle game?

I have a pretty big social circle in the city where I'm at, and it's always throwing up new girls for me to meet, but I never seem to be able to pull any of them. I still get more success from cold approaching. What gives?

I seem to have a few sticking points in these scenarios, and was wondering if any of you guys have any advice.

The basic problem seems to me to be one of isolating the girl. If I can get her one-on-one, I'm golden. But if you're meeting her through friends, those friends are going to stick around and be an obstacle. For example, say you're sitting around with a mixed group of 4 or 5 people, one of whom is your target. How do you create enough of a personal vibe with her that it's not weird to ask for her number or invite her to hang out one-on-one at a later date, and yet at the same time still participate in the group conversation going on?

Then the other problem is that you feel like you're competing for her attention, which is never a good position to be in. In these group scenarios there is always someone else either hitting on her, or at least trying to talk to her. If you start competing for her, you look like a chode; if you don't compete, then you lose by default. What's the best strategy in this situation?

Obviously I know the best thing to do is wait for a chance to get her alone, but if the group I'm with is at a sit-down eating and drinking kind of place, then I'm not going to get that chance.

What do you guys think?

Social Circle Game


Namely: http://www.rooshvforum.network/thread-4754.h...ial+circle

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Social Circle Game

If you're having a hard time isolating, then you gotta become part of those mixed group conversations. If you're in the group but don't say a single word then you're not going to succeed. If you do the contrary, your target will become used to your participation in the group, that will make your job to lead for isolation easier since you're going to have a natural/trustful frame where she's gonna feel comfortable.

Social Circle Game

It's dubious to me as to whether social circle game even works or not. What you're essentially doing is socializing with a mixed group and letting the girls do the choosing. Maybe some others can post examples to the contrary, but I've never seen someone "infiltrate" a social circle and bang girls that weren't already interested.

I don't know if there's some kind of added "proof" that comes from being part of a certain circle which makes the girls more likely to fuck you, but my experience would say no. I've only seen lots of failed attempts at people trying to hook each other up... or whatever.

Quote: (06-09-2011 12:21 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

If you're having a hard time isolating, then you gotta become part of those mixed group conversations. If you're in the group but don't say a single word then you're not going to succeed. If you do the contrary, your target will become used to your participation in the group, that will make your job to lead for isolation easier since you're going to have a natural/trustful frame where she's gonna feel comfortable.

While I agree that this might help in isolating, I think it would only work if the girl is already sexually attracted to you. I've seen dorks who are in the same social circle as me get plenty of opportunities to isolate a girl. However, this doesn't suddenly make them want to fuck the guy. They'll just get used as temporary entertainment.

Social Circle Game

What I have noticed with social circles is that there really isn't a successful way to bang a friend of a friend if she doesn't show strong interest first. If you try and hit on her directly, everyone in the group will view you as a "creep" if you get turned down. This is the worst outcome because unlike a cold approach, you can't just walk away. The only thing that has worked for me is making jokes/having the most fun or taking control of the conversation and watching to see what girls are interested. It's super easy to isolate if she is already eye fucking you from across the table.

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