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Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

how old are you bro?

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Late 20's

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-18-2015 07:56 AM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Average house price in Toronto is $1.3 million. Unless you want room mates at age 30, or to live in a small shoddy condo, or commute 2 to 3 hours daily to and from work you need to be making good enough money to cover your housing expenses

People aren't balling in Toronto, most are dangerously in debt.

A bit off topic.

You don't think $100K can cut it?
People aren't buying those homes at those prices, it usually passed down to them.
Christ if I was making $200K, I would move into Trump Towers or Shangri-La and game bitches in the lobby.

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Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Djemba, this is an interesting statement you made and one that intrigues me. Break down the living expenses you anticipate for a 200K annual salary. I assume you are talking before taxes?

Or is it a 200K take home salary. Are we now assuming that this is the household income or is this the ideal for a single male?

As a single male, is this person an independent entrepreneur or are they hammering out a minimum of 40 hour work weeks?

I'd like to understand how the 200K is being absorbed on a monthly basis if possible.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

One thing I've learned is it takes time to game. If I'm making 200k but have to work 60-80 hrs a week to do it that's not going to leave me with very much time/energy to invest in women. That's why a lot of high earners resort to p4p and that's why you often see the guys who kill it the most with women aren't the most successful financially.

In game a lot o money is really best for securing optimal logistics.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Why are you guys derailing my thread?

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-18-2015 04:00 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

Why are you guys derailing my thread?


Are you seeing any other guys like Chinese/ Indians etc having any success ?
What about age gaps ?

Most of friends have told me they have had better luck in Western Canada especially when it comes to white chicks. I'm thinking with the sinking Canadian dollar to try stay somewhere inside the country.


Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Elab - give us the breakdown, what clubs/bars did you go to?

What is your Tinder pitch?

I understand you are a big black dude, did that work in your favour or was it the fact that you were American?

Rishboy - I had an Indian friend from Toronto who lived in Winnipeg for a year, he said the ladies were very friendly. He even got approached a few times.

Our New Blog:


Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-17-2015 12:23 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2015 02:04 AM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:26 AM)Prince X Wrote:  

So I guess it pretty much goes unsaid that the difference between a brother's reception is night and day in Edmonton and say Toronto? Also, what are some other brother-friendly locales in Western Canada?

It's been a while since I have been out West, but I can you that from what I recall and what I see in Toronto now, the difference between places like Winnipeg and Edmonton, on the one hand, and Toronto, on the other, could scarcely be more dramatic. Non-blackness seems to be the most important characteristic that women look for in a man here; the signs are everywhere, and almost impossible not to notice, which is not to say that there are not some brothers who fail to notice.

I am sure there are brothers here from out west who are just shocked by what they experience here since Toronto, with all of its vaunted diversity, is supposed to be such a liberal and open-minded city.

I don't think that's a fair assessment. I've lived in Toronto over 6 years and there isn't an undercurrent of anti-blackness at all. There is an undercurrent and derision against some of the black hood behaviour that goes on in certain areas (Jane and Finch, Scarborough, Regent Park, Rexdale etc).

Arabs and certain peoples from Pakistan or India will hate on black people, no doubt about it. And gaming some of those women might result in death threats, for both you and her. Again, no doubt about that. But keep in perspective that some of those folks come from crazy backwards cultures where they cut each other up over the smallest sexual indiscretion. Honor killings are something we read about on a monthly basis in Toronto, Mississauga, and Brampton. If they can kill a man, or a woman over fucking someone from the wrong caste system or religion from their own community, you can only image how they feel towards their women running off with a black dude. Again, it's good to keep a cultural perspective in mind.

The city itself is a fine place to live as a black dude and I'll possibly consider living there again if I can clear a minimum of $200,000/year (What I consider the bare livable wage there relative to what one can clear in the prairies).

If anything Toronto is hard for everyone equally, especially my white friends, they are not killing it out there. Also if you're only chasing white girls then it'll be even harder. Whites make up 50% of the population, and half of that is women, roughly 25%. Now how many of those are between the ages of 19-40, and how many are fuckable?. Obviously the market for chasing white girls has been exhausted. But if, like me, you love all types of pussy its still a half decent place.

You are utterly deluded when you say that "there isn't an undercurrent of anti-blackness at all" in Toronto. Utterly.

And I live in one of the hippest parts of downtown -- quite a world away from the Jane and Finchs, Regent Parks, etc.

Anti-blackness may be worse in the brown community, but it most certainly is pervasive in the white community too.

Your comment that "If anything Toronto is hard for everyone equally, especially my white friends" is so outlandish, so crazy, that I don't even know what to say.

You need to separate your own personal experience when thinking about the city. I have three dates lined up this coming week -- all white. I don't do that badly online here. But am I not going to make my recent successes blind me about the nature of the city. I am considered very, very good looking. I am in a very high prestige profession. It is primarily these facts that account for why I have managed to do so well. Still, I think I should be doing much better, and would be but for race. Anyway, most other brothers do not have these characteristics, and so they do not do as well, or well at all. And maybe you also have characteristics that set your experience apart. I think I recall you mentioning in another thread that you were only half-black. I can tell you that, if true, this fact alone will lead to different experiences. The stigma associated with mixed blacks are not nearly as great as that associated with other blacks.

On a different note, the idea that 200k is a barely livable wage here is also quite outlandish.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-17-2015 02:53 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 12:40 PM)vinman Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 12:37 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

I can't take anyone seriously who says Toronto is bad for black guys. It may not be good, but its not bad either.

Every time I roll out to the nicer venues I see black dudes with hot girls. As DjembaDjemba says Toronto is difficult for everyone, but girls have nothing against dating black guys in Toronto.

How about you? How have you been received? Because Toronto seems like a tough nut to crack.

I'm not black.

Toronto's tough, but let's stop with the doomsday crap. I know guys of all races who've done well in Toronto. Sentences like "Non-blackness seems to be the most important characteristic that women look for in a man here; the signs are everywhere, and almost impossible not to notice, which is not to say that there are not some brothers who fail to notice. " make absolutely no sense at all when you could hit up King Street and see plenty of brothers with hot women.

Lots of girls in this city have zero issues with dating or banging a black guy.

The idea that "girls have nothing against dating black guys in Toronto" goes completely against what I have seen.

The vast majority of women aren't into brothers. You have to remember that there are a great many more white women than there are black men in the city. It is mathematically possible for 95% of white women to be completely against dating brothers and for you to see as many with brothers as you do see.

There may be worse places than Toronto, I'll give you that. So it may be relatively good for brothers. But that's because of how bad other places are. it is still very bad.

And an important fact that explains why it is so good, relatively speaking, is that there are a good amount of women here from places like Winnipeg and Vancouver, women who are far more open to brothers.

I'm willing to bet that those brothers that you saw with those women didn't meet them at the bar or club. I am in these clubs almost every week, and almost every single brother I see ends up standing around while other dudes are picking up. In some places the pattern is striking.

And I have other reasons why I say it is as bad as it is.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-19-2015 03:15 PM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 12:23 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2015 02:04 AM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:26 AM)Prince X Wrote:  

So I guess it pretty much goes unsaid that the difference between a brother's reception is night and day in Edmonton and say Toronto? Also, what are some other brother-friendly locales in Western Canada?

It's been a while since I have been out West, but I can you that from what I recall and what I see in Toronto now, the difference between places like Winnipeg and Edmonton, on the one hand, and Toronto, on the other, could scarcely be more dramatic. Non-blackness seems to be the most important characteristic that women look for in a man here; the signs are everywhere, and almost impossible not to notice, which is not to say that there are not some brothers who fail to notice.

I am sure there are brothers here from out west who are just shocked by what they experience here since Toronto, with all of its vaunted diversity, is supposed to be such a liberal and open-minded city.

I don't think that's a fair assessment. I've lived in Toronto over 6 years and there isn't an undercurrent of anti-blackness at all. There is an undercurrent and derision against some of the black hood behaviour that goes on in certain areas (Jane and Finch, Scarborough, Regent Park, Rexdale etc).

Arabs and certain peoples from Pakistan or India will hate on black people, no doubt about it. And gaming some of those women might result in death threats, for both you and her. Again, no doubt about that. But keep in perspective that some of those folks come from crazy backwards cultures where they cut each other up over the smallest sexual indiscretion. Honor killings are something we read about on a monthly basis in Toronto, Mississauga, and Brampton. If they can kill a man, or a woman over fucking someone from the wrong caste system or religion from their own community, you can only image how they feel towards their women running off with a black dude. Again, it's good to keep a cultural perspective in mind.

The city itself is a fine place to live as a black dude and I'll possibly consider living there again if I can clear a minimum of $200,000/year (What I consider the bare livable wage there relative to what one can clear in the prairies).

If anything Toronto is hard for everyone equally, especially my white friends, they are not killing it out there. Also if you're only chasing white girls then it'll be even harder. Whites make up 50% of the population, and half of that is women, roughly 25%. Now how many of those are between the ages of 19-40, and how many are fuckable?. Obviously the market for chasing white girls has been exhausted. But if, like me, you love all types of pussy its still a half decent place.

You are utterly deluded when you say that "there isn't an undercurrent of anti-blackness at all" in Toronto. Utterly.

And I live in one of the hippest parts of downtown -- quite a world away from the Jane and Finchs, Regent Parks, etc.

Anti-blackness may be worse in the brown community, but it most certainly is pervasive in the white community too.

Your comment that "If anything Toronto is hard for everyone equally, especially my white friends" is so outlandish, so crazy, that I don't even know what to say.

You need to separate your own personal experience when thinking about the city. I have three dates lined up this coming week -- all white. I don't do that badly online here. But am I not going to make my recent successes blind me about the nature of the city. I am considered very, very good looking. I am in a very high prestige profession. It is primarily these facts that account for why I have managed to do so well. Still, I think I should be doing much better, and would be but for race. Anyway, most other brothers do not have these characteristics, and so they do not do as well, or well at all. And maybe you also have characteristics that set your experience apart. I think I recall you mentioning in another thread that you were only half-black. I can tell you that, if true, this fact alone will lead to different experiences. The stigma associated with mixed blacks are not nearly as great as that associated with other blacks.

On a different note, the idea that 200k is a barely livable wage here is also quite outlandish.

I don't fully disagree with a lot you say. My only question to you is that if you are considered good looking and have a decent profession, meeting girls in Toronto should be a lot easier if you are doing the approaches.
Why do online game? I think we can safely agree that it isn't great for black guys in Toronto.
I find when you meet Toronto girls, the first question out of their mouths is what do you do for a living.
Clubs can be hit and miss like you said, unless it is a black jam.
Last night I actually drove around the city and had way more IOIs from girls on King st.
A big problem why a lot of girls don't like dating black guys, is that a few black guys have tried to turn out girls. Sadly, a few black guys make the market hard for many.
The guy I hang with who has mad game is Indian (albeit Caribbean origin).

Our New Blog:


Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

I'll try to keep this short as I'm guilty for partially derailing this thread.

1 - regards to the 200k being a livable wage.

Yes, it's quite a good sum of money and it isn't something easily attainable in Ontario, especially Toronto. That being said the after tax take home of 200,000 CAD in Ontario is only $130,000. If you're on a salary and paid bi-weekly, that comes out to roughly $5,000 per paycheque. You're not balling in Shangri-La at $5000 every 2 weeks. When I left Toronto for the oil-sands I was making $60,000-80,000 depending on bonuses, and that was still a struggle. I was living in dead centre downtown (Queen West) in a tiny loft style apartment, full of roaches (because roaches are fucking everywhere in Toronto). Now throw in car expenses (insurance being a big one), food, utilities, phone, internet, etc. you've already taken a large chunk out of your cheque. Throw in clubbing and bars, booze, eating out that's another big chunk.

What about savings? You have to save for travel, cash reserves in case of job loss? Investment in further education? Stock market investments with at least some dividends to get a bit of side income? RRSP, and Tax Free Savings account? At $100,000 you'd already be very stretched let alone anything less.

What if you wanted to buy a house in Toronto, and let's say it wasn't $1.3m but $700,000-$900,000. Minimum downpayment in Canada with CMHC (housing insurance which is required for anything below 20% of the loan value) is 5%. For a $700,000 home that's $35,000 cash. That's the bare minimum.

I'm speaking from personal experience having lived in Toronto for so damn long.

Now you don't have to live downtown Toronto, or even a nice part. You can live in a shitty part of town, or with room-mates, or commute a long ways out to Mississauga, Milton, Brampton, Markham, or even further to Cambridge, Kitchener, Oshawa, and so on. Then the comfort of your life takes a huge dive. Isn't the whole idea of game and self improvement to 'make it' and strive to make it better?

Don't have to agree with me, just food for thought.

In Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, and Montreal we can live a good quality of life, with a realistically attainable wages of $80,000-$130,000 give or take and still have money leftover to squirrel away.

And most importantly, for now the job market in the West is still far better, and incomes are significantly higher than in Ontario. This can of course change with a recession or a long term collapse in the natural resources industry. But as at right now it's a fact. Median income in Alberta is $80,000. In Ontario it's $44,000.

2 - About being black in Toronto

Indefatigable , what you are probably experiencing, and I experienced myself is Toronto's lack of friendliness. This stems from Toronto's stuffy prudish protestant culture of the past. The place hasn't changed. I made more friends living on the East Coast for 1 year than I did in 6 in Toronto. It's called the screwface capital of the world for a reason. In the west people are also much friendlier. If people are friendlier you're more likely to have more positive interactions, more social proof, a better job, and more bangs! In Toronto, people stick together, in cliques from high school or university. If you didn't go to high school or university in the city good luck making friends after that. And even at that you'd better have had a good circle of friends because most of them can end up manginas or sexually questionable hipsters.

Mix that up with the racial equation and all of a sudden you've got some serious question marks regarding the actual fabric of the society there. Yes, it's fucked up!

I'd still live in Toronto but it's certainly not the best place in Canada, probably not even the top 10.

3 - Back to Edmonton and the West

This city is so new, and so young that you're bound to meet women in wobbly social circles if any at all, sluts from the small towns, cowboy culture of drugs and sexual looseness and fathers who were never there because they're out in the oil field working for months at a time without coming home. After all, daddy has a hooker to keep his dick wet on days off, and cocaine to keep him working those long hours!

When it comes to crass slut like behaviour, the west is the best. Morals are very loose here. The oil money that has rolled in for 30 years has made people simply not give a fuck. "Fuck you I've got money!" That's the mantra out here.

Chicks out here know they don't have to hold on to a good man. There's dudes out here lining up to throw cash at sluts, they don't care.

If you're a black dude, get in on the action before the good times roll past as all good things eventually come to an end.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

The main issue in Toronto when it comes to livability is the price of housing is excessive compared to the incomes. I mean a 700k house can honestly be a tear down in the suburbs in terms of quality.

I don't think you'd be struggling with 100k in Toronto. You can get a reasonable condo for 1,500 a month. If you eat in you should be able to do that on less than $500 a month. A car is not necessary with the subway / transit system. So you have about 4k left to spend month once you pay your food and rent costs. Thats not all that bad. If you had a rather simple lifestyle you could probably save 3000-3500 a month. A decade of saving / investing like that and you will be in pretty good shape.

The problem is getting a 100k job in Toronto as a young guy is not the norm but the exception.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

One reason why black guys kill it in western Canada is because there are no black people in western Canada. Your an exotic type of man. Just look at Vancouver, the amount of black people there is very small compared to Seattle 2 hours away, and Seattle doesn't have a lot of black people compared to the rest of the USA.

So in most Canadian's minds, what they think of black dudes is TV and the movies, and that is a very positive, very sexy image. It's not the american image of the dumb ass blimp like black people americans would see when they drive through their local neighborhood ghetto.

Also canada doesn't really have a ghetto. The only thing that approaches it is Vancouver east side, and there is nothing black about that place.

So If the unaffordable housing prices, the rain and the wages on the level of reno, nv don't throw you off, Vancouver is a great place! Otherwise if you have an oil industry link, I would just stay in Alberta. You'll get more pay, have less taxes and have cheaper housing. And Canada has points based immigration. If you meet enough points you can just get a green card without a job, as long as you find a job within a year of arriving. Much better than US immigration!

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-19-2015 04:43 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-19-2015 03:15 PM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 12:23 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2015 02:04 AM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:26 AM)Prince X Wrote:  

So I guess it pretty much goes unsaid that the difference between a brother's reception is night and day in Edmonton and say Toronto? Also, what are some other brother-friendly locales in Western Canada?

It's been a while since I have been out West, but I can you that from what I recall and what I see in Toronto now, the difference between places like Winnipeg and Edmonton, on the one hand, and Toronto, on the other, could scarcely be more dramatic. Non-blackness seems to be the most important characteristic that women look for in a man here; the signs are everywhere, and almost impossible not to notice, which is not to say that there are not some brothers who fail to notice.

I am sure there are brothers here from out west who are just shocked by what they experience here since Toronto, with all of its vaunted diversity, is supposed to be such a liberal and open-minded city.

I don't think that's a fair assessment. I've lived in Toronto over 6 years and there isn't an undercurrent of anti-blackness at all. There is an undercurrent and derision against some of the black hood behaviour that goes on in certain areas (Jane and Finch, Scarborough, Regent Park, Rexdale etc).

Arabs and certain peoples from Pakistan or India will hate on black people, no doubt about it. And gaming some of those women might result in death threats, for both you and her. Again, no doubt about that. But keep in perspective that some of those folks come from crazy backwards cultures where they cut each other up over the smallest sexual indiscretion. Honor killings are something we read about on a monthly basis in Toronto, Mississauga, and Brampton. If they can kill a man, or a woman over fucking someone from the wrong caste system or religion from their own community, you can only image how they feel towards their women running off with a black dude. Again, it's good to keep a cultural perspective in mind.

The city itself is a fine place to live as a black dude and I'll possibly consider living there again if I can clear a minimum of $200,000/year (What I consider the bare livable wage there relative to what one can clear in the prairies).

If anything Toronto is hard for everyone equally, especially my white friends, they are not killing it out there. Also if you're only chasing white girls then it'll be even harder. Whites make up 50% of the population, and half of that is women, roughly 25%. Now how many of those are between the ages of 19-40, and how many are fuckable?. Obviously the market for chasing white girls has been exhausted. But if, like me, you love all types of pussy its still a half decent place.

You are utterly deluded when you say that "there isn't an undercurrent of anti-blackness at all" in Toronto. Utterly.

And I live in one of the hippest parts of downtown -- quite a world away from the Jane and Finchs, Regent Parks, etc.

Anti-blackness may be worse in the brown community, but it most certainly is pervasive in the white community too.

Your comment that "If anything Toronto is hard for everyone equally, especially my white friends" is so outlandish, so crazy, that I don't even know what to say.

You need to separate your own personal experience when thinking about the city. I have three dates lined up this coming week -- all white. I don't do that badly online here. But am I not going to make my recent successes blind me about the nature of the city. I am considered very, very good looking. I am in a very high prestige profession. It is primarily these facts that account for why I have managed to do so well. Still, I think I should be doing much better, and would be but for race. Anyway, most other brothers do not have these characteristics, and so they do not do as well, or well at all. And maybe you also have characteristics that set your experience apart. I think I recall you mentioning in another thread that you were only half-black. I can tell you that, if true, this fact alone will lead to different experiences. The stigma associated with mixed blacks are not nearly as great as that associated with other blacks.

On a different note, the idea that 200k is a barely livable wage here is also quite outlandish.

I don't fully disagree with a lot you say. My only question to you is that if you are considered good looking and have a decent profession, meeting girls in Toronto should be a lot easier if you are doing the approaches.
Why do online game? I think we can safely agree that it isn't great for black guys in Toronto.
I find when you meet Toronto girls, the first question out of their mouths is what do you do for a living.
Clubs can be hit and miss like you said, unless it is a black jam.
Last night I actually drove around the city and had way more IOIs from girls on King st.
A big problem why a lot of girls don't like dating black guys, is that a few black guys have tried to turn out girls. Sadly, a few black guys make the market hard for many.
The guy I hang with who has mad game is Indian (albeit Caribbean origin).

The short answer is that the open-to-dating-black-men market is very much a niche market. Approaching the dating market in a way that is inattentive to this is a perilous enterprise. (At any rate, it personally unsuited for me.) In other words, you will have a very hard time no matter what your personal characteristics, at least at the places that I most often find myself going to.

For one thing, your looks can only help if women actually look at you; you'll find a lot of women will just glance at you, instantly make a decision to reject you and then go through the rest of the (probably brief) interaction without even really taking a good look at you. (It obviously doesn't help if you are in a dark club.) For another, a woman who has decided that she is not interested in black men will not simply be swayed upon running into one she considers very attractive. I have had women walk away from me looking like they saw a ghost (esp. a couple years ago, when I got better reactions), women who were clearly very attracted. And even if she is not personally opposed, a woman most likely will take into consideration the social stigma associated with dating black men. I have had groups of women standing/dancing around me all looking at me desiringly, but none would talk to me. One time this woman actually started dancing with me, and I clearly saw her take a look at the reaction of her friends to this. She immediately stopped after doing that.

So now I don't do that much approaching offline, though I do do some at the clubs/bars. And when I do, the topic of what I do for a living usually doesn't come up. I think that's because I don't really dress to impress, so they probably just assume that I have a regular job.

Online though is a different ballgame. I agree that online is very bad for black men. But thousands of women use online dating here, and even if the vast majority aren't into brothers at all, some are. The key to finding them is through the 'match' features, where women can express interest by rating your profile/pics positively. (On Tinder, of course, the matching feature is centrally important to the functioning of the app.) So you can exclusively message the women who you are mutual matches with, if there are any. (A lot of women will actually message me first.)

I didn't always use this method. I used to send message more randomly, and I didn't do well at all. I think my pics are much better now, but I doubt that I would do much better now than I did then if I went back to more random messaging, although I might do a little better.

In general, online dating has been a huge factor in my pessimistic conclusions about the desirability of black men in this city, despite the fact that I do better than most on there. I don't think anyone would dispute the fact that the more a guy has going for him, the more surprising it is when he is rejected. What I think is also true is that the more a black guy has going for him, the more confidently we can say that race was a factor if he is rejected (i.e. do not reply to his messages). Of course, even the guy with everything going for him is going to have women who aren't into him. Still, we would know that something is amiss if only a small proportion of women were into him. Only a very small proportion of women are into me (though, given the size of the city, that is still enough for a fairly active dating life). And though this will inevitably sound arrogant, I think this augurs poorly for other black men. For given what I have going for me, if they aren't open to dating me, I really don't think most black men have a chance.

On a different note, I disagree about black jams -- at least hip hop jams. (Maybe Soca jams are different.) Sadly, these aren't usually that good. People often don't interact with people they don't already know, and if you don't at least seem like you have money, you probably won't get anywhere. At best, these are hit and miss too.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-21-2015 04:18 AM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Looks can only help if women actually look at you; you'll find a lot of women will just glance at you, instantly make a decision to reject you and then go through the rest of the (probably brief) interaction without even really taking a good look at you. (It obviously doesn't help if you are in a dark club.) For another, a woman who has decided that she is not interested in black men will not simply be swayed upon running into one she considers very attractive. I have had women walk away from me looking like they saw a ghost (esp. a couple years ago, when I got better reactions), women who were clearly very attracted. And even if she is not personally opposed, a woman most likely will take into consideration the social stigma associated with dating black men. I have had groups of women standing/dancing around me all looking at me desiringly, but none would talk to me. One time this woman actually started dancing with me, and I clearly saw her take a look at the reaction of her friends to this. She immediately stopped after doing that.

Online though is a different ballgame. I agree that online is very bad for black men. But thousands of women use online dating here, and even if the vast majority aren't into brothers at all, some are.

I'm an Afr-Am in L.A. I never realized that the 416/647 was so barbaric for brothas. I haven't dropped down there for more than a minute, and after peeping this post....it won't be on my places to-do list -- ever.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

I didn't notice that Toronto was anti black per se. I think Djemba hit the nail on the head, Toronto is very cliquey. I have met more solids in my short time in the so called 'unfriendly' US of A than in nearly a decade in the beloved 'friendly' Canada although Toronto doesn't count. I've had dudes invite me into their family home for Thanksgiving, knowing that I don't have family local and I have had lizards invite me in the same fashion for the opening of Superbowl etc.

Toronto is hard for all groups. I have friends of different sects and they are all getting played quite equally. I have Hispanic friends and white friends and their tales of woe are not different. I still keep in contact with a few cool cats from there and they are just grinding it out.

Two of the best cats I know for banging it out are an older Kingstonian and a Guyanese guy. They knew Toronto in the golden days and until it turned rotten and they are just making it do what it do.

You do have white groups in Toronto that bang black guys like a fashion accessory. They tend to love West Indian guys. I used to tell them I was Jamaican or from St Kitts depending on how the convo went.

Maybe Indefatigable, play up any island flexes you know in these spots. It's hardly a black thing though. It's more of an insecurity and foolishness on the lizard's part.

Global Baller, give Toronto a visit. They secretly worship America. Fake some New York shyt or call out LA like you dining with LL and you should be able to slam some useless hag looking for some ebony cassanova to take her to the land of sun and Walk of Fame.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

I know black cats that do alright in Toronto, the sad truth is that they are not corporate types nor do they have that clean cut image.

One guy is a beast, looks like a bouncer but has charm and mad game. I have seen him meet a decent looking girl in a club say two words to her and then bang her in a car in the parking lot. I have also seen him park in front of the ladies washroom in a club and just game bitches with no shame and great success.

Some dudes just don't buy into the negativity, sure there is racism and some girls might be funny about dating a black guy. I just think there is more pressure these days for them to date within their race. I get a lot of IOIs, but I tend to meet girls who are looking for a man to chase them down.

I also remember the golden days, man they were fabulous. In the back of my mind, a bit of that still keeps me going.

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Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-21-2015 09:19 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I know black cats that do alright in Toronto, the sad truth is that they are not corporate types nor do they have that clean cut image.

One guy is a beast, looks like a bouncer but has charm and mad game. I have seen him meet a decent looking girl in a club say two words to her and then bang her in a car in the parking lot. I have also seen him park in front of the ladies washroom in a club and just game bitches with no shame and great success.

Some dudes just don't buy into the negativity, sure there is racism and some girls might be funny about dating a black guy. I just think there is more pressure these days for them to date within their race. I get a lot of IOIs, but I tend to meet girls who are looking for a man to chase them down.

I also remember the golden days, man they were fabulous. In the back of my mind, a bit of that still keeps me going.

Interesting that you say that. That's literally just what I was thinking. It's almost palpable.

It's definitely a newer trend/development and it's almost like we're going backwards. Why do think that is? Particularly anti-black sentiment.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

What does toronto have to do with this thread? Man I through out a place where we obviously get love, and the thread get detailed and the conversation goes to where we don't get love. Come 'On!!!
Forward not backward gentleman! Positive not negative. Let's talk about winning not loosing.
I sense so much terrible inner game amongst the brothas on the forums recently. Unfortunately you don't hear from playas like Hencredible, international swag...ect.

But I'm telling u guys being black is not a bad thing. There's a list of Developed nations that you can show up and get laid by %15-%30 of a country just because your black. It's not like that for other ethnicities. Sure there are haters.... %80 of them are men. So who gives a @&ck!!! You know how many white dudes have come with that social pressure cock block and gotten pushed away in the face(by the girl) while I'm gaming her. The only think that fucks us is US. Too many idiots doing stupid stuff, in places where white chicks dig brothas. I hit these places up and the few black dudes that are there will have 3 and 4 girls pregnant. I feel personally embarrassed, by this stupid sh&$. Cowboy UP gents, the world is yours, so just take it.
Sorry for the harsh words, but this is a men's forum to build men up, and this needed to be said.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Quote: (07-29-2015 11:20 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

But I'm telling u guys being black is not a bad thing. There's a list of Developed nations that you can show up and get laid by %15-%30 of a country just because your black. It's not like that for other ethnicities.

Statements like these need to stop. The girls that will f-ck black guys just because they're black are a small minority and the quality is low. Just saying even 5% is pushing it. If you actually wanna help (regarding black guys), you wouldn't give this false and ignorant statement like the one above.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Yes, because you have a empirical statistic regarding that?!?!
and why are you so focused on trivial stuff. Are you really going to argue over a percentage that you nor anyone else can qualify.
Guys want to know where they can get laid within reason, I'm telling them.

When I went into clubs in Winni much more than five percent of the girls attacked me trying to get my attention and dance lude. I had very little time, and even the other member that was with me was like wtf these chicks are nuts in the clubs.

I even had a Canadian local come up to me because my wing approached his girl, and started just chit chatting. He said"It has to be so easy being you in this club"

Well like I said I'll share info for the guys who are gonna actually benifit from it. If others wanna sit around and pout about how hard being black is... I don't really have anything to say to them.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

I apologise for derailing the thread earlier, apparently people have confidence issues. With posters like Hencredible gone, and the everything else section exploding with white nationalism I can see how so many brothers up here feel under siege.

But if you guys actually go out of the bubble, you'll be shocked at how well you can do. Places such as Edmonton, winnipeg, Calgary, vancouver, and a slew of small towns are absolute gold mines.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Having gone to Calgary, I won't say that it's perfect but it's definitely somewhere I'd visit again. I'd pair it with Edmonton and check out some of the natural areas around those cities as well. The best thing to do is rent a car for a few days I think.

Elabayardes Black in Edmonton 24 hour bang

Damn, now that you showed me that last girl you are banging in Edmonton, I need to put Edmonton on my wish list. That's a quality chick my nigga.

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