I have had the opportunity to interview one of the top PUA’s in Asia known as BlueMystery. He is a personal friend of mine and has helped me and many others. BlueM also runs the KoreaLair and has an ebook on dating Korean women. Hope you enjoy the interview!
![[Image: bluem-alias-photo.jpg?w=212&h=143]](http://latinstylez.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/bluem-alias-photo.jpg?w=212&h=143)
Basic Questions
1) How did you get into pickup?
I got into pickup by desperately needing it, and through my desperation, I found a website called http://www.pickupguide.com
2) What is your dating philosophy?
I believe that the masculine and the feminine are both thrown into this ‘dating game’ by the gods with different advantages and disadvantages, and in the end want to share deeply intimate moments with each other.
3) How did you get good at dating to become an authority on it?
I started with the end in mind. I knew that I wanted to be an authority in dating in Asia, and so I decided to go to Korea and build my vision from the first step ‘going to Asia’. From there, I realized that I needed three things to build my skills: Experience, support and mentorship. I gained experience by going out regularly, support by going out with wings from the KoreaLair and mentorship from PickupAsia. The recipe was designed for me to succeed. Then my first niche became being successful with Korean women in their culture, and currently I’m the only PUA who is an authority in Korea.
4)What do you think guys greatest mistake with women is?
The biggest mistake I see guys make is not take enough risks. Guys make the mistake of either not going to talk to the woman, or not ‘pulling the trigger’ when it comes to sex, when clearly the women want them to. In other words, the biggest mistake that men make is thinking that women will act like men when it comes to dating and lead the interaction. Men need to understand that they need to lead, and women will give them the feedback they need to take the interaction where it needs to go, just like driving a car from point A to point B.
5) In your experience, what is the best place to find a quality girlfriend?
First of all, I want your readers to know that finding a “quality girlfriend” isn’t the only ultimate goal that Pickup can offer you, or the only goal that any student of Pickup should shoot for. To answer your question, there must be some groundwork set up. A man must both know what qualities a woman has to be his quality girlfriend, and that he is worthy of such a woman. Once a man knows that, he can get an idea of where to find her and what she’ll be like. So for example, if guy#1 likes a woman who exercises a lot, and is studious, he has the best chances of meeting her at a University gym. If guy#2 likes a woman who is extravagant and gorgeous then he can meet her in clubs.
6) What are some ways to enlarge your social circle?
Build it with the endgoal in mind. I wanted a social circle that would allow me to accomplish my goals of being a Pickup master, businessman, teacher and lover. Currently, my social circle involves Pickup Masters, Business Mentors, fellow PUAs, and my women. To build a social circle, learn to cultivate value and give it to the people you want to attract into your social circle. The next step would be to become a social node, where you make yourself the person to talk to when your social circle wants something of valuable.
7) What was your life like when you weren’t good with women? What is it like now?
When I wasn’t good with women, I lived with a little demon by my side, that would torture me daily. The demon was the knowledge of knowing that I didn’t have any sexual partners in my life, and that I didn’t know how to bring any into it. Nowadays, I’ve finally put that demon to rest and can confidently move into other projects, such as teaching men how to get good with women.
8) What is one of your favorite techniques/tactics?
One technique I learned from RedpoleQ (http://www.redpoleQ.com) with PickupAsia is the “D-move”. It involves taking the girls hand and putting it on your cock. Yes, it’s very direct. Yes, it’s very sexual. The woman has no doubts of your intentions, and now knows that it’s time for her to step up to the plate as she’s with a man who knows what he wants, or go home.
9) Do you use props? If so, what gets the most reactions?
Yes I do. Props are non-verbal ways of showing women who you are and what you’re about. My props evolve around the theme of travelling and learning about cultures, as does my game BECAUSE my quality girl is into those things. What gets me the most reactions are women who are into traveling and cultures.
10) What pick up artist has inspired you the most? What did you learn from them?
Kid44 (http://www.PickupAsia.com) I’m fortunate enough to have him in my social circle, and have been able to learn from him. He taught me a lot non-verbally as well as verbally. Him and RedpoleQ have really taught me about giving a lot of value to people, and how to teach PickUp as well as business ethics.
11) Describe the moment when your realized you need to work on this part of your life.
For me, I always needed to work on that part of my life. I never believed that some had “it” and some didn’t. It wasn’t until the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” was when I was in love with a girl I didn’t want to be, and when I saw her with another guy yet she knew how I felt about her.
12) What advice do you give to newbies starting out?
Dream big, and start small. Have a vision of what you want firmly in your mind and make sure it moves you. Whether it be to get out of a depression you’re dealing with for being lonely, or wanting to be as famous as Mystery, or being able to “just know” that you can get girls. Then be sure to start with small goals at first, such as the “newbie missions”, joining a Lair or a forum such as http://www.pickupasiaforum.com WITH THE GOAL of finding wingmen and mentors. If you really want to invest in yourself and cut down the time it takes to improve, definitely consider taking a bootcamp. If you’re in Asia, I strongly recommend the people I took a bootcamp from: PickupAsia (http://www.pickupasia.com)
13) In your experience, what is the biggest issue for guys getting attraction from women?
In my opinion, being able to generate ‘attraction’ is overrated. The fact is that it doesn’t take much for a woman to be attracted to you. the biggest issue is guys not believing that they are worthy of a woman’s attraction, not to mention sexual lust, and being able to move on in the process of going from ‘meet to sex’.
14) What are you goals for the community? Your life?
My goals with it the community is to build it in Asia, and see that it’s helping people on this side of the world. For my life, my goal is to attract better experiences in my life, including women, health and wealth, and I wish the same for everyone else.
Specialized Questions
1) Why did you choose to come to Korea/Japan/etc?
I chose Korea because of my personal fascination with it. Ever since I was a child I was involved with Korean culture through Taekwondo and loved it. I’m also in love with Asian women, specifically Korean at this point in my life.
2) Can you relate a success story about one of your clients?
The clients who have been most successful with what I and fellow partners have to offer are those that learned from us and went out regularly to implement what we had to teach while coming back to us for support. In other words, the successful ones are those who took action.
One student that comes to mind read my e-book and then took a bootcamp with PickupAsia but most importantly, he’s going out in the field and practicing what he’s paid good money to learn and has gotten some impressive results: He went from powerlessness with respect to women, to having had sex after a bit more one month, and still making progress.
3) Why did you choose the name _BlueMystery__?
It’s really silly lol. I chose ‘Blue’ because my favorite band at the time was, and is “Deepest Blue” (I recommend listening to them on Youtube) and ‘Mystery’ because at the time, I was using ‘mystery’ as a main tool to picking up women. Now it’s changed and I love being open to the women I’m talking to.
4) How do you differ from other dating coaches?
My focus is specifically on Korean women and culture at this time. PickupAsia and I are currently working on helping Foreign and Asian men have amazing relationships in Asia and with Asian women as we currently help men in both Korea and Japan. Soon we will be able to help men in Australia, China, Taiwan and more.
5) Your known as a(n) expert in Korea in the community. How do you respond to that?
I appreciate what the community has done for me, and will always consider myself to be a brother of that group. It has helped me and I’m honored to help it back.
6) Tell me about your products.
Currently, my e-book How to Date all the Korean Women you could ever want has helped people both in Korea and in other parts of the world. It’s made to give guys a fresh perspective on Game, such as setting up logistics, and sending yourself as a vibration that attracts the women you want. Most importantly, it gives hope to guys in Korea or who are into Asian women so that they can have the relationships they want with them.I also help out with PickupAsia Bootcamps in Korea. When guys are tired of not knowing what to do with respect to meeting women, or know what to do but don’t know how to and ready to have professionals guide them through what it takes to go from meeting a woman to setting up a date with her any time, any place, and anywhere, they come to us.
![[Image: bluem-alias-photo.jpg?w=212&h=143]](http://latinstylez.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/bluem-alias-photo.jpg?w=212&h=143)
Basic Questions
1) How did you get into pickup?
I got into pickup by desperately needing it, and through my desperation, I found a website called http://www.pickupguide.com
2) What is your dating philosophy?
I believe that the masculine and the feminine are both thrown into this ‘dating game’ by the gods with different advantages and disadvantages, and in the end want to share deeply intimate moments with each other.
3) How did you get good at dating to become an authority on it?
I started with the end in mind. I knew that I wanted to be an authority in dating in Asia, and so I decided to go to Korea and build my vision from the first step ‘going to Asia’. From there, I realized that I needed three things to build my skills: Experience, support and mentorship. I gained experience by going out regularly, support by going out with wings from the KoreaLair and mentorship from PickupAsia. The recipe was designed for me to succeed. Then my first niche became being successful with Korean women in their culture, and currently I’m the only PUA who is an authority in Korea.
4)What do you think guys greatest mistake with women is?
The biggest mistake I see guys make is not take enough risks. Guys make the mistake of either not going to talk to the woman, or not ‘pulling the trigger’ when it comes to sex, when clearly the women want them to. In other words, the biggest mistake that men make is thinking that women will act like men when it comes to dating and lead the interaction. Men need to understand that they need to lead, and women will give them the feedback they need to take the interaction where it needs to go, just like driving a car from point A to point B.
5) In your experience, what is the best place to find a quality girlfriend?
First of all, I want your readers to know that finding a “quality girlfriend” isn’t the only ultimate goal that Pickup can offer you, or the only goal that any student of Pickup should shoot for. To answer your question, there must be some groundwork set up. A man must both know what qualities a woman has to be his quality girlfriend, and that he is worthy of such a woman. Once a man knows that, he can get an idea of where to find her and what she’ll be like. So for example, if guy#1 likes a woman who exercises a lot, and is studious, he has the best chances of meeting her at a University gym. If guy#2 likes a woman who is extravagant and gorgeous then he can meet her in clubs.
6) What are some ways to enlarge your social circle?
Build it with the endgoal in mind. I wanted a social circle that would allow me to accomplish my goals of being a Pickup master, businessman, teacher and lover. Currently, my social circle involves Pickup Masters, Business Mentors, fellow PUAs, and my women. To build a social circle, learn to cultivate value and give it to the people you want to attract into your social circle. The next step would be to become a social node, where you make yourself the person to talk to when your social circle wants something of valuable.
7) What was your life like when you weren’t good with women? What is it like now?
When I wasn’t good with women, I lived with a little demon by my side, that would torture me daily. The demon was the knowledge of knowing that I didn’t have any sexual partners in my life, and that I didn’t know how to bring any into it. Nowadays, I’ve finally put that demon to rest and can confidently move into other projects, such as teaching men how to get good with women.
8) What is one of your favorite techniques/tactics?
One technique I learned from RedpoleQ (http://www.redpoleQ.com) with PickupAsia is the “D-move”. It involves taking the girls hand and putting it on your cock. Yes, it’s very direct. Yes, it’s very sexual. The woman has no doubts of your intentions, and now knows that it’s time for her to step up to the plate as she’s with a man who knows what he wants, or go home.
9) Do you use props? If so, what gets the most reactions?
Yes I do. Props are non-verbal ways of showing women who you are and what you’re about. My props evolve around the theme of travelling and learning about cultures, as does my game BECAUSE my quality girl is into those things. What gets me the most reactions are women who are into traveling and cultures.
10) What pick up artist has inspired you the most? What did you learn from them?
Kid44 (http://www.PickupAsia.com) I’m fortunate enough to have him in my social circle, and have been able to learn from him. He taught me a lot non-verbally as well as verbally. Him and RedpoleQ have really taught me about giving a lot of value to people, and how to teach PickUp as well as business ethics.
11) Describe the moment when your realized you need to work on this part of your life.
For me, I always needed to work on that part of my life. I never believed that some had “it” and some didn’t. It wasn’t until the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” was when I was in love with a girl I didn’t want to be, and when I saw her with another guy yet she knew how I felt about her.
12) What advice do you give to newbies starting out?
Dream big, and start small. Have a vision of what you want firmly in your mind and make sure it moves you. Whether it be to get out of a depression you’re dealing with for being lonely, or wanting to be as famous as Mystery, or being able to “just know” that you can get girls. Then be sure to start with small goals at first, such as the “newbie missions”, joining a Lair or a forum such as http://www.pickupasiaforum.com WITH THE GOAL of finding wingmen and mentors. If you really want to invest in yourself and cut down the time it takes to improve, definitely consider taking a bootcamp. If you’re in Asia, I strongly recommend the people I took a bootcamp from: PickupAsia (http://www.pickupasia.com)
13) In your experience, what is the biggest issue for guys getting attraction from women?
In my opinion, being able to generate ‘attraction’ is overrated. The fact is that it doesn’t take much for a woman to be attracted to you. the biggest issue is guys not believing that they are worthy of a woman’s attraction, not to mention sexual lust, and being able to move on in the process of going from ‘meet to sex’.
14) What are you goals for the community? Your life?
My goals with it the community is to build it in Asia, and see that it’s helping people on this side of the world. For my life, my goal is to attract better experiences in my life, including women, health and wealth, and I wish the same for everyone else.
Specialized Questions
1) Why did you choose to come to Korea/Japan/etc?
I chose Korea because of my personal fascination with it. Ever since I was a child I was involved with Korean culture through Taekwondo and loved it. I’m also in love with Asian women, specifically Korean at this point in my life.
2) Can you relate a success story about one of your clients?
The clients who have been most successful with what I and fellow partners have to offer are those that learned from us and went out regularly to implement what we had to teach while coming back to us for support. In other words, the successful ones are those who took action.
One student that comes to mind read my e-book and then took a bootcamp with PickupAsia but most importantly, he’s going out in the field and practicing what he’s paid good money to learn and has gotten some impressive results: He went from powerlessness with respect to women, to having had sex after a bit more one month, and still making progress.
3) Why did you choose the name _BlueMystery__?
It’s really silly lol. I chose ‘Blue’ because my favorite band at the time was, and is “Deepest Blue” (I recommend listening to them on Youtube) and ‘Mystery’ because at the time, I was using ‘mystery’ as a main tool to picking up women. Now it’s changed and I love being open to the women I’m talking to.
4) How do you differ from other dating coaches?
My focus is specifically on Korean women and culture at this time. PickupAsia and I are currently working on helping Foreign and Asian men have amazing relationships in Asia and with Asian women as we currently help men in both Korea and Japan. Soon we will be able to help men in Australia, China, Taiwan and more.
5) Your known as a(n) expert in Korea in the community. How do you respond to that?
I appreciate what the community has done for me, and will always consider myself to be a brother of that group. It has helped me and I’m honored to help it back.
6) Tell me about your products.
Currently, my e-book How to Date all the Korean Women you could ever want has helped people both in Korea and in other parts of the world. It’s made to give guys a fresh perspective on Game, such as setting up logistics, and sending yourself as a vibration that attracts the women you want. Most importantly, it gives hope to guys in Korea or who are into Asian women so that they can have the relationships they want with them.I also help out with PickupAsia Bootcamps in Korea. When guys are tired of not knowing what to do with respect to meeting women, or know what to do but don’t know how to and ready to have professionals guide them through what it takes to go from meeting a woman to setting up a date with her any time, any place, and anywhere, they come to us.