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Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

[Image: screen_shot_20150305_at_3.31.09_pm.png.C....09_pm.png]

One love-struck Ohio teen almost died on a Chinese riverbank after getting drunk once he was rejected by the young woman he flew 7,000 miles to see, the Daily Mail reports.

Identified by only his surname, Pratt, the 18-year-old flew from Ohio to Jiangshan, a city in Zhejiang province, China, after reportedly falling in love with a young Chinese woman he met online.

However, the infatuation was not mutual. After being rejected, he got drunk and was later discovered battling hypothermia and unconsciousness on a staircase leading down to a river, the Daily Mail notes.

“He was unconscious and lying in a pool of his own vomit. It looks as if he might have fallen in the water at some stage as his clothes and shoes were soaked. To be honest, he was so inebriated, he could easily have drowned. It was only a short distance to the water,” a Cheng Bei Police Station spokesperson said, according to the Daily Mail.

The teen was taken to a hospital, where he regained consciousness only to find out that he also had lost all his money.

The manager of the hotel where he was staying felt sorry for the teen and allowed him to remain in the room for free.

Pratt told police that he didn’t know his would-be lover’s real name, but that she is known online as Xioqian. He fell in love, apparently, because of her perfect English and amazing photographs.

[Image: tumblr_mv10r2c8jJ1sk42aeo2_400.gif]

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Pratt by name, prat by nature.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

How are guys this fucking thirsty ? He didn't he realized he was in a country FULL of asian girls AND he's in a different country than his home.

That would be a winged adventure for me !

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

The first thing I though of.

Catchy song, beta message.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

If it wasn't for that girl encouraging her boyfriend to kill himself, this would be the worst article I've seen all week.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

A young man does the whole visa song-and-dance, flies around the world, gets Shaq'd and decides to almost drink himself to death...and then of course he's also probably spending heavy dough on hospital bills...


This is not like the kid who spent daddy's money to pump the ego of every chick at his school - where, okay, maybe that kid could have ended up scoring a girlfriend or - perhaps - even a bang or two. This will follow this kid around for life (thanks to the magic of the internet). No man will feel sympathy, no woman will feel anything but revulsion, and nor should they.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

7,000 miles. I hate having to go down and open the main door to my building to let girls in.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 06:57 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

This will follow this kid around for life (thanks to the magic of the internet). No man will feel sympathy, no woman will feel anything but revulsion, and nor should they.

That's excessive. He's a very young kid, it's excusable to be like that at his age. Maybe he will learn his lesson... and he will have some sweet and truly surprising memories of desperate young drunkenness -- one of the best and purest kinds of drunkenness -- and of the humanity of the Chinese cops and docs and the generosity of that hotel manager. This pic moved me, there is genuine tenderness -- and indeed, sympathy -- in the Chinese official's gaze here:

[Image: 263F649700000578-2975990-After_getting_t...942067.jpg]

Maybe it will teach him something about where true human quality is to be found, which is rarely with the ladies -- however irresistible their other charms might be...

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:00 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

7,000 miles. I hate having to go down and open the main door to my building to let girls in.

I always tell them to use the intercom so I can buzz them in.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:20 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:00 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

7,000 miles. I hate having to go down and open the main door to my building to let girls in.

I always tell them to use the intercom so I can buzz them in.

No intercom. I sometimes throw my keys out the window inside a pair of socks (to break the fall).

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 06:17 PM)mikado Wrote:

[Image: screen_shot_20150305_at_3.31.09_pm.png.C....09_pm.png]

One love-struck Ohio teen almost died on a Chinese riverbank after getting drunk once he was rejected by the young woman he flew 7,000 miles to see, the Daily Mail reports.

Identified by only his surname, Pratt, the 18-year-old flew from Ohio to Jiangshan, a city in Zhejiang province, China, after reportedly falling in love with a young Chinese woman he met online.

However, the infatuation was not mutual. After being rejected, he got drunk and was later discovered battling hypothermia and unconsciousness on a staircase leading down to a river, the Daily Mail notes.

“He was unconscious and lying in a pool of his own vomit. It looks as if he might have fallen in the water at some stage as his clothes and shoes were soaked. To be honest, he was so inebriated, he could easily have drowned. It was only a short distance to the water,” a Cheng Bei Police Station spokesperson said, according to the Daily Mail.

The teen was taken to a hospital, where he regained consciousness only to find out that he also had lost all his money.

The manager of the hotel where he was staying felt sorry for the teen and allowed him to remain in the room for free.

Pratt told police that he didn’t know his would-be lover’s real name, but that she is known online as Xioqian. He fell in love, apparently, because of her perfect English and amazing photographs.

[Image: tumblr_mv10r2c8jJ1sk42aeo2_400.gif]

This kid's 18. Minimal life experience, especially with women.

He knows nothing of the red pill (obviously) and probably believes in fairy tales.

Chalk this one up to inexperience and no where near enough life wisdom yet. There's no teacher like the school of hard knocks.

This is an example of how red pill knowledge, if he'd have been exposed to the manosphere, could (possibly since he lived) have saved a man's life.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Despite the thirst, he traveled much further than 99.99% of people twice his age in pursuit of something he wanted. He is either completely delusional or has a big set of balls. His emotional development is lacking, but that will hopefully grow with age.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

I'm sure we've all had similar experiences in our blue pill days maybe not this bad but similar in principle. For instance, as a freshman in high school, I was on the phone with a girl who I liked. She told me to hold on. I held on for a half an hour. When she came back she laughingly said, "You really held on that long. What the fuck," then hung up in my face.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Truth is, the whole story would be an excellent plot for a modest movie that could be very good. It would start off like a would-be romcom with this kid's online connection with this fake Chinese beauty and his crazy unannounced flight to Zhejiang... but then the cunt's rejection and cruelty would come very early -- surprisingly early -- and the heart of the movie would be those desperate and unforgettable self-pitying youngest drinks in a foreign dump of a city -- the camera would love that Zhejiang dive bar and its whiskeys and beers, the intensity of a young black kid's forlornness and drunkenness in the middle of it -- then being saved by the Chinese cops by the riverbank and the recuperation in that hospital... the surprising and unforeseen humanity and generosity of the men around him who bring him back to life.

Of course being a movie it would have to end with him meeting a good and genuine Chinese girl on the flight back... and that's OK too because life must go on and pussy must be served at some point. But there could be some truth and beauty and memorable moments at the heart of the movie. A Chinese-American co-production a decade or two before the great War. Call it "Jiangshan Story".

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Agree with Lizard. The Kid is 17. Cut him some slack.

At least when he fails he fails in as epic a manner as possible.

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:37 PM)tarquin Wrote:  

Despite the thirst, he traveled much further than 99.99% of people twice his age in pursuit of something he wanted. He is either completely delusional or has a big set of balls. His emotional development is lacking, but that will hopefully grow with age.


Some guys on this very forum still haven't left the country because they don't want to travel solo.

This kid is 17 and running at life full speed. Wait until he's got some wisdom behind those nuts - wisdom comes from experience, so he's gathering that rather quickly. haha

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

This is awesome.

If you are to fail, fail spectacularly.

Then go out and get drunk, puke on yourself, try to clean up at the river, fall in, climb out and fall on the stairs in a dizzy drunken cold water shock.

His buddies probably barely even knows he is gone and are still trying to figure out how to get liquor, weed and pussy in some Cleveland basement.

One of you cats in China needs to go pick him up from the hospital, give him a slap, a handshake and a good old fashion sit down.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Over under this unfortunate soul has some form of Aspergers?

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

How is a 17/18 year old getting that cash to fly round trip to China? There is another layer here. I suspect he grew up in a rich home and was shelterd with video games and chat rooms. Where else is a kid getting that kind of cash aside from his parents.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:24 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:20 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:00 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

7,000 miles. I hate having to go down and open the main door to my building to let girls in.

I always tell them to use the intercom so I can buzz them in.

No intercom. I sometimes throw my keys out the window inside a pair of socks (to break the fall).

Throw them a rope

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

It is better to learn young the true nature of women and that can only occur through experience. I applaud his audacity in going, shrug at his drunkenness, and hope that he now knows what lies within a woman's nature.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 08:13 PM)Laner Wrote:  

This is awesome.

If you are to fail, fail spectacularly.

Then go out and get drunk, puke on yourself, try to clean up at the river, fall in, climb out and fall on the stairs in a dizzy drunken cold water shock.

His buddies probably barely even knows he is gone and are still trying to figure out how to get liquor, weed and pussy in some Cleveland basement.

One of you cats in China needs to go pick him up from the hospital, give him a slap, a handshake and a good old fashion sit down.

If he can make it to Beijing on his own, I'll give him a warm bed to sleep in until he can find a way to get back home.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:48 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Truth is, the whole story would be an excellent plot for a modest movie that could be very good.

I'm ready to go, can write, produce, and direct PM me.
We're talking mini-microbudget.

The time to get in is now, pay him some money for the rights and try to get publicity while the story is new.

Sexual rejection, extreme drunkenness, puke, near freezing to death--it's near a Jack London level of primality.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

I wish I could get a free hotel room every time I got wasted and passed out in the river.

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Run with it IKE -- what do you need me for? The idea is all yours if you want it. Find a way to raise some funds... I would be happy to contribute a modest but not entirely negligible sum but not the whole budget.

And I agree, it's best done as a low budget with well-chosen unknown actors, and all location shooting though it would be nice to get a high quality camera and decent crew.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:48 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Truth is, the whole story would be an excellent plot for a modest movie that could be very good. It would start off like a would-be romcom with this kid's online connection with this fake Chinese beauty and his crazy unannounced flight to Zhejiang... but then the cunt's rejection and cruelty would come very early -- surprisingly early -- and the heart of the movie would be those desperate and unforgettable self-pitying youngest drinks in a foreign dump of a city -- the camera would love that Zhejiang dive bar and its whiskeys and beers, the intensity of a young black kid's forlornness and drunkenness in the middle of it -- then being saved by the Chinese cops by the riverbank and the recuperation in that hospital... the surprising and unforeseen humanity and generosity of the men around him who bring him back to life.

Of course being a movie it would have to end with him meeting a good and genuine Chinese girl on the flight back... and that's OK too because life must go on and pussy must be served at some point. But there could be some truth and beauty and memorable moments at the heart of the movie. A Chinese-American co-production a decade or two before the great War. Call it "Jiangshan Story".

You mean WW1 or WW3 that's coming?

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson

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