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Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

He was being charged by the court for "discrimination and gender-based violence". Instead of being sent to jail or pay a big fine, the court has allowed a probation deal where he has to allow a feminist to co-host with him for ~20 shows and not interrupt her for "10 minutes" stretches.


An Argentine radio presenter has been ordered to host a feminist guest every week for five months as part of his probation, after being accused of sexism.

The punishment will start in March, with Angel Etchecopar ordered to not interrupt his guests for 10 minutes - he's also not allowed to criticise them after they finish. The air time will also be free of advertising.

It comes after prosecutors accused him of discrimination and gender-based violence.

Local media reports he used his program on Argentina's Radio 10, El Angel Del Nodia to attack feminists.

According to French newspaper Le Monde, he referred to the group as "feminazis" and "disgusting people."

Prosecutor Federico Vilalba Diaz told Argentine daily newspaper La Nacion that Etchecopar had been charged with "disrespectful, insulting, denigrating and discriminatory" outbursts against women.

But it's reported Etchecopar was able to convince authorities of his remorse and a female judge agreed to drop the case against him in favour of a probation-based solution.

"Etchecopar came to the inquiry with a repentant attitude and showed himself to be very different from the personality I had seen in the media," Mr Diaz told La Nacion.

Under the terms of the agreement, prosecutors will provide a list of gender specialists and Argentina's special gender violence prosecutor Veronica Guagnino will come up with the topics for discussion.

"It seemed important to me that the listeners of Baby Etchecopar could listen to other voices and other explanations, different from the ones they are used to, " Mr Diaz said.

"It is a non-punitive idea, but one that aims to improve tolerance."

For a year, Etchecopar - nicknamed "Baby" - will also have to avoid making offensive remarks against women, while he will also have to donate 15,000 pesos (approximately $AUD1,070) to the Catholic Charity Association Caritas.

If he breaks the terms of the agreement, it will be terminated and he will be re-prosecuted.

I rather go to jail than experience a 5-month long struggle session where I have to publicly cuck out.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

What he needs is a team of public relations experts to flip the script. "Give her enough rope to hang herself" and "let her open her mouth wide enough to put her foot inside" show the way to work this. That repentant attitude is a good start: encourage the feminist host to overstep, lure her into saying something outrageous, then act mortified and play back the outrageous statement (taken out of context to sound even more outrageous) on every show from now to the end of time, etc.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

That could, indeed, offer a great opportunity for trolling.
Let them say whatever they want and afterwards you make a compilation of standalone phrases particularly absurd (there will be plenty). No need to comment; the edition is the message.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

If he does that he would likely get in trouble with the kangaroo counts again for “disrespecting women “ but worth a shot regardless

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

[quote='Roosh' pid='1909760' dateline='1545678850']
He was being charged by the court for "discrimination and gender-based violence".


he's also not allowed to criticise them after they finish.

I wonder how often she'll be allowed to espouse discriminatory and gender-based violence toward men without punishment or to criticize him after he speaks.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

I have just acquired an enormous respect for Morocco.

Rico... Sauve....

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt


It comes after prosecutors accused him of discrimination and gender-based violence.

That was from the article. I do not see where he hit a woman or has encouraged hitting women. It is amazing how low the bar is for "violence against women" that doesn't even include real violence.

The whole article was a truly Year Zero read.

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Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Let`s not forget that law is a metaphysical field. It`s not a science! The courts just follow the general trends, or the zeitgeist if you will, in a society. The only surprising thing here is that it happened in Argentina. But maybe Argentina is more feminist than I thought. I really don`t know to much about that country.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Always remember: every Gestapo, communist dictatorship, and witchhunt/lynching ever in history was always, always, always originated with women.

Sure, the men carried the guns and drove the tanks, but behind them are the women who voted for the dictator, and told their men to "hang that ni**ger right now."

It was the southern women who drove slavery in the Southern US, screaming "whip those slaves harder, I need a new party dress." Black people have always known this but nobody listens when they talk about it.

It was the German women, *not* German men, who voted for Hitler.

It was Venezuelan women who voted in Chavez.

Women are fundementally childish by nature, always vote for men that appear strong and offer "free goodies." Women are unable to look more than a few years into the future and never able to comprehend that there is a harsh price for freebies.

Plus women love cruelty. They love to see people bleed and die for them. They have zero empathy for anybody outside of their own immediate family.

Women are the ultimate enemies of freedom and the ultimate obstacle to any stable democratic government. Once they have power, and start to use it, you will see society and government immediately veer off into insanity. Every. single. time.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Quote: (12-24-2018 04:29 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

I have just acquired an enormous respect for Morocco.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

I wonder what the alternative is if he refuses... Perhaps a re-education camp?

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Quote: (01-02-2019 01:40 PM)Proto Ubermensch Wrote:  

I wonder what the alternative is if he refuses... Perhaps a re-education camp?

Feminists would love to place him in mass grave and then rape his daughter in their perfect world. In reality, it seem to be jail time and massive fines was the alternative. For anyone that is Spanish speaking, the reaction from r/argentina. . My understanding via google translate shows a lot of commentators are concern about the verdict and are cautious of identity politics in the country.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Neighbor Bolsonaro's reaction to this legal farce:

[Image: tenor.gif]

[Image: tenor.gif]

Seriously though: meanwhile we have a case in Argentina where a young male teenager had to commit suicide, after being publicly and falsely accused of sexual abuse by... his (female) best friend [Image: confused.gif]

"Drama en Bariloche
Su mejor amiga lo escrachó en las redes por abuso, se viralizó [Image: dodgy.gif] y era mentira: el joven se suicidó
Ella trató de aclararlo, aunque el mensaje ya se había vuelto viral. El joven entró en un estado de depresión y se suicidó nueve días después."

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Quote: (01-02-2019 01:55 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

Quote: (01-02-2019 01:40 PM)Proto Ubermensch Wrote:  

I wonder what the alternative is if he refuses... Perhaps a re-education camp?

Feminists would love to place him in mass grave and then rape his daughter in their perfect world. In reality, it seem to be jail time and massive fines was the alternative. For anyone that is Spanish speaking, the reaction from r/argentina. . My understanding via google translate shows a lot of commentators are concern about the verdict and are cautious of identity politics in the country.

Mind you, speaking of daughter, this guy (1,55m) had is home invaded by burglars and engaged in a shooting with them when they threatened raping his daughter.

After taking a few bullets, spending months in the hospital and resuming his life with a rotten leg, this misogynous turd was really deserving the due punishment for violating the gender discourse etiquette.

Anti-feminist radio host ordered by court to co-host with feminist and not interrupt

Argentina is now off my list of places to base myself.

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