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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 03:49 PM
my girl can barely talk when I rail her
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 03:58 PM
I don't hear anything during sex other than God and some other languages that have not been classified yet.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 04:00 PM
"Oh shit right there daddy"
"Did you leave the cap off the milk?"
"Yes I did ohhhhh right there right there"
This isn't how everyone does it?
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 04:01 PM
If it happens it's usually sexual and post sex as in "let's try X next time" or "we need to buy Y to use next time"
Not confessions of the bunny she killed in her childhood.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 04:01 PM
If your girl is capable of answering questions in logical, properly constructed sentences while banging, you're doing it wrong.
Like kaotic said - that stuff's best left to the post-action chat.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 04:25 PM
These dudes are giving you a hard time, but I know what you're talking about.
From my experience, it's true in the moment.
But truth seems to be so malleable and open to interpretation when women get involved.
"Well, that's how I felt then....You didn't take me seriously did you?"
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 04:30 PM
It's hard for her to talk with a dick in her mouth.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 04:57 PM
Post bang truth serum is a real thing. Their defenses are down and you can get a glimpse of their slutty past. Just sound curious and playful, and bitches will blab.
"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 05:02 PM
Ya for sure. I have girls admit to liking things in the moment that they would not have mentioned outside of the bedroom. You can definitely coax good info out of them (fantasies etc) while giving them the D.
They are by their nature emotional creatures so heighten emotional moments brings down the shields big time.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 05:28 PM
Talking while fucking is... not alpha.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 05:29 PM
To fantasies, yes. But I think they still use their logical brain most of the time for sexual decision making.
For example
While banging her: You like my dick baby?
Yes I love it
Yeah? You wanna share my good dick baby? Want another girl to share this dick with you?
Oh yeah that would be hot.
You leave the situation thinking you have a possible three way down the line at some point...only once she leaves the bedroom, she goes back into logic mode. You can try and say "hey remember the other night we were messing around and you said it would be hot to bring in another girl, would you really want to try that?" Her logical brain is gonna say "haha I was just messing around, I don't want to share you with anyone," or "I'm not really into girls," or whatever.
I think that when you have her in the emotional state she is during sex, you can probably take things further by asking to do stuff right then and there, but you can't cash those chips at a later time.
It's like those girls that get gang banged. She's screwing one dude, all of a sudden his roommate comes in and sticks his dick in her mouth without asking, suddenly she's getting double dicked without planning for it.
So, I guess in my example, if you're pushing for a threesome, make sure you have a girl waiting in the closet.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 07:16 PM
The question of whether or not women are honest, at any given time, is problematic because of this:
Women don't know what the fuck they want or need. They are governed by emotion, not tangible facts. Therefore anything she tells you is based on her emotional state at the moment.
This applies to men too to a lesser degree.
So on a good day you are pinching her cheek and she thinks it's cute. Even make a funny face to go with it. One day she decides to break up because she can't stand you treating like a child by pinching her cheek.
Check out Roosh's thread "You didn't bang the girl. Do you know why?" where we came to conclusion that feedback from women is worthless.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 10:23 PM
Who cares what they blurt out.
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Are Women More Honest When They Are Being Banged?
01-26-2015, 11:12 PM
Most are at one point or another, unless you really suck in bed or have a really small dick. The best women are honest during most of the bang and afterwards, the worst only offer fleeting glimpses of honesty.
I've banged girls who start off sounding like a scripted porn star, until I didn't do quite what they said, but rather what I intended which surprised them and broke their sexual frame in 2, pun intended.
Sex in itself is essentially a universal language, like good music you don't have to be an expert in it to recognize it worth, but it's best if the art of sex/war is something you're a practitioner of.