While trying to work on some bar/night club 'game' this weekend, I used my lack of good body language to an advantage.. it was working quite well for a while.
See, I have a problem getting out of work mode (as a cop)... so I'll often(always) stand around like I'm surveying the place for problems, trouble makers, etc. Generally its a turn off to the women, but I'm working on catching when women are eyeballing me and trying to make approaches out of my situation.
So, I see a couple of cute women looking me over & doing some texting & taking pictures of each other on their cell phones. This continued a few minutes, then I read "bouncer" on the lips of one to another as they had another glance and a smile or two in my direction.
I mustered up the balls to approach, using this 'stand off-ish' body language of mine to tell them something along the lines of I'm not a bouncer, but enforce the 'no cell phone on the dance floor' policy (in a more humorous way that that, lol). I gave her a stern warning about it... and went back to 'watching'.... the two of them made their way back to where I was and started dancing close - the short girl stepped on my toes, so she got in trouble for that one too... I told her that was #2 warning and not to "push her luck, or she's in trouble"... her response was "I'm not afraid of you" with a cute smile & glimmer in her eye.. I smiled back at her.. but my mind went blank for some return banter.
Needless to say, the conversation went downhill (read: tame/lame/typical) from there... I ended up having some less than witty conversation with a couple of married ladies instead....
----[ update ]----
As I finished reading some other emails from various 'gurus' in the community, I happened across one that came in today that answered my question above -- rather than 'continue' the banter and risk running into a dead end like I did, end the banter... and change up the situation a bit:
"You know, this banter is pretty fun... Still, I'm wondering if you're just another one of "those" girls - or if you've got something else going on in there. I suspect you do... I'd really like to know what it is."
See, I have a problem getting out of work mode (as a cop)... so I'll often(always) stand around like I'm surveying the place for problems, trouble makers, etc. Generally its a turn off to the women, but I'm working on catching when women are eyeballing me and trying to make approaches out of my situation.
So, I see a couple of cute women looking me over & doing some texting & taking pictures of each other on their cell phones. This continued a few minutes, then I read "bouncer" on the lips of one to another as they had another glance and a smile or two in my direction.
I mustered up the balls to approach, using this 'stand off-ish' body language of mine to tell them something along the lines of I'm not a bouncer, but enforce the 'no cell phone on the dance floor' policy (in a more humorous way that that, lol). I gave her a stern warning about it... and went back to 'watching'.... the two of them made their way back to where I was and started dancing close - the short girl stepped on my toes, so she got in trouble for that one too... I told her that was #2 warning and not to "push her luck, or she's in trouble"... her response was "I'm not afraid of you" with a cute smile & glimmer in her eye.. I smiled back at her.. but my mind went blank for some return banter.
Needless to say, the conversation went downhill (read: tame/lame/typical) from there... I ended up having some less than witty conversation with a couple of married ladies instead....
----[ update ]----
As I finished reading some other emails from various 'gurus' in the community, I happened across one that came in today that answered my question above -- rather than 'continue' the banter and risk running into a dead end like I did, end the banter... and change up the situation a bit:
"You know, this banter is pretty fun... Still, I'm wondering if you're just another one of "those" girls - or if you've got something else going on in there. I suspect you do... I'd really like to know what it is."