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"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

While trying to work on some bar/night club 'game' this weekend, I used my lack of good body language to an advantage.. it was working quite well for a while.

See, I have a problem getting out of work mode (as a cop)... so I'll often(always) stand around like I'm surveying the place for problems, trouble makers, etc. Generally its a turn off to the women, but I'm working on catching when women are eyeballing me and trying to make approaches out of my situation.

So, I see a couple of cute women looking me over & doing some texting & taking pictures of each other on their cell phones. This continued a few minutes, then I read "bouncer" on the lips of one to another as they had another glance and a smile or two in my direction.

I mustered up the balls to approach, using this 'stand off-ish' body language of mine to tell them something along the lines of I'm not a bouncer, but enforce the 'no cell phone on the dance floor' policy (in a more humorous way that that, lol). I gave her a stern warning about it... and went back to 'watching'.... the two of them made their way back to where I was and started dancing close - the short girl stepped on my toes, so she got in trouble for that one too... I told her that was #2 warning and not to "push her luck, or she's in trouble"... her response was "I'm not afraid of you" with a cute smile & glimmer in her eye.. I smiled back at her.. but my mind went blank for some return banter.


Needless to say, the conversation went downhill (read: tame/lame/typical) from there... I ended up having some less than witty conversation with a couple of married ladies instead....


----[ update ]----

As I finished reading some other emails from various 'gurus' in the community, I happened across one that came in today that answered my question above -- rather than 'continue' the banter and risk running into a dead end like I did, end the banter... and change up the situation a bit:

"You know, this banter is pretty fun... Still, I'm wondering if you're just another one of "those" girls - or if you've got something else going on in there. I suspect you do... I'd really like to know what it is."

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Girl : I'm not afraid of you

PUA : Ok, I am going to have to take you home. Clearly you do not know how to behave in public.

(grab girl and throw her over your shoulder)

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

How do women react when you tell them you're a cop. Some women love that sort of thing whilst others wouldn't be so hot on the idea.

Anyway...I thought the natural progression would have been to dance with the girl who liked you most and then worked your way into a position where you two could kiss...if she's willing of course. After that it's pretty easy...

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Girl : "I'm not afraid of you"

PUA : "Oh, so you're the bad <naughty> girl."

That's a widely practiced canned response.

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Quote: (12-15-2008 06:33 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Girl : I'm not afraid of you

PUA : Ok, I am going to have to take you home. Clearly you do not know how to behave in public.

(grab girl and throw her over your shoulder)

Tell a girl you want to take her home that quick? I've heard of direct game, but that seems a bit much too soon.

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Cock your head, smirk, arched eyebrow, put an arm around her waist "guess you don't know me very well then."

I don't recommend the solution you offered, mcr - she's there to have fun. after she's gotten to like you a bit she'll want to get to know you. otherwise it's too heavy-handed.

Quote: (12-15-2008 06:33 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Girl : I'm not afraid of you

PUA : Ok, I am going to have to take you home. Clearly you do not know how to behave in public.

(grab girl and throw her over your shoulder)

Retarded non sequitur.

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

You could say:

her: "I'm not afraid of you!"
you: "Prove it"

I thought that was a little over the top then, but now it doesn't sound so bad. All I can see that doing is giving her an opportunity to indicate some interest, but I don't know that much.

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Honestly, just about anything you say will work. It's mostly just the approach and confidence.

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

How about.. "Well you should be."

Point to the smallest, dorkiest guy in the bar and say, "you see that guy? let's just say he won't be be stepping out of line anytime soon."

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Quote: (12-16-2008 04:17 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-15-2008 06:33 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Girl : I'm not afraid of you

PUA : Ok, I am going to have to take you home. Clearly you do not know how to behave in public.

(grab girl and throw her over your shoulder)

Tell a girl you want to take her home that quick? I've heard of direct game, but that seems a bit much too soon.

I didn't say that you don't need balls to carry it off.

"I'm not afraid of you"... need a witty retort!

Being is a cop is a great profession. It is a masculine profession and is protective of the community. I think that is a great profession, in fact, no problem saying "i'm a cop - one of the nice easygoing ones that might let you off if I caught you speeding for a good reason". I mean, cops sometimes are seen as tight asses, so why not use the raw power stereotype but temper it with some humour and comfort.

Back to the real question - the question is not about a witty response. Pressure is not on. You don't need to be the wittiest guy out there. No perfect banter line is going to do it.

You simply have to continue the conversation in a way thats really honest, because you've created some tension there, and the fact is she wants to know you're not a creep. Imagine your sister clubbing and then having some elongated 'player' type interaction. Girls want to connect at some point to know you're on the level. Just tell her "you guys seem like alot of fun, how do you know each other? / are you from here ? / what do you do for a living? ". You actually need to just persevere with the conversation in a way thats normal at this point. Searching for perfect lines with just make your banter unnatural. There is no perfect conversation. Its the vibe that counts.

I may get crucified for this post - but its OK to be boring, since your started out kind of flirty and edgy. I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying here. The cool banter can only come for so long. Push and pull. You should just be saying with your whole body (I imagine you are bigger than the girl physically) -- hey, there is no need to be afraid of me. I'd like to talk to you more. I like what I see right now, so lets see if we like each other.

By the way for slim build guys - a banter line like ROosh's might work, but just beware of using something like that if you're someone physically imposing.

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