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"The most dangerous thing that any society can do is invalidate young men."

"The most dangerous thing that any society can do is invalidate young men."

I've mentioned this in other threads but you can look at the promotion of female promiscuity (having the freedom to chase "alpha") as a strategy to prevent this. Look what happens in countries where the beta/provider/marriage strategy is the only acceptable route for men to have sex and the economy tanks, taking away that path for many (i.e. Egypt).

If only you knew how bad things really are.

"The most dangerous thing that any society can do is invalidate young men."

Young men are good for allies and for marrying off to women. That's about the only two positives when you skew the market with so much import labor.

A market crash would probably correct the problem, since it would destroy most of the white collar security of middle class beta fathers. They really never get to feel what it's like to compete with a bunch of immigrants on that lower financial level- which is where young men are forced to start.

But even then, I can still see men white knighting and giving remaining jobs post-crash to women... that's when young men will get angry and go after employers

"The most dangerous thing that any society can do is invalidate young men."

Quote: (10-05-2014 08:12 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

I like to think about this sometimes and there are a couple of possibilities that I keep thinking about. Who knows if they'll happen or not, but it's worth considering.

- No revolution will happen. We will eventually just become a worse version of Argentina, where the government still exists but they're so corrupt no one even really listens to them. High testosterone impoverished men with few job opportunities will turn to the profitable illegal drug business, join the military, or try to start their own businesses. There will always be ways for them to make money and get by.

- Another possibility is we become a complete and total police state. The SWPL, SJW, and other assorted left-wingers use the tech industries and the government they've infiltrated to crush any and all who disagree with them. They redefine crimes, get judges to come up with fancy ways to skirt around the Constitution, and generally wreak havoc until the whole system burns itself out Soviet-style.

Good stuff.

I think it's going to be a bit of both and that we're largely already there to a certain extent. Re #1 well since there really are fewer and fewer white collar and/or good paying blue collar jobs you already have large swathes of men limited to options like the military, start-ups (microbrews!), contracting or whatever. Or being a f*cking nurse in the fast-growing medical industry.

For #2 (second bullet), I think we're pretty much there on much of it except for the burned out Soviet/Communist part (and even there it's happening in some places). You can't say anything at work anymore, upon threat of getting fired, and even the mainstream media will go out of it's way to prosecute you if you don't toe the party line or say something 'inappropriate' (as defined by them, which can be almost anything depending on the context). The main source of growth seems to be government related or funded jobs at least in the US, and we know how politically correct and stifling that environment can be (and increasingly corrupt, even if technically 'legal').

What you will also have is continued lawlessness on the fringe and even getting on up into the middle class given how much money is involved and the spread of drugs (and how few 'good paying' jobs there are especially compared to just going on the dole and getting welfare/food stamps etc.). But if you are legit, pay your taxes and generally try to 'do the right thing' you will be subjected to a very powerful police state that will continue to harass you, either directly via increasingly draconian workplace and even home speech and other laws or by wealth/property taxes and or 'stealth' taxes like draconian fines for speed/parking tickets that chip away at your real income. At the same time, social services like the police and healthcare will continue to decline as the system get's overloaded. So the incentives to not play by the rules will be greater and greater.

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