OK, let's break down just the first paragraph, which was so filled with facepalm that I dared not read further.
Specifically, I admire men who are controlled, confident and who fulfill their biological destiny as protectors and providers.
I wonder what would happen if men got it in their heads that they might enjoy living their lives without taking on the onerous "duty" of protecting and providing for an entitlement queen?
The people who write this stuff, and specifically the women who write this stuff are truly diabolical individuals. Let someone talk about "training" women to fulfill their "biological destiny" as (insert subjective soundbyte here), and find out how quickly these same people will shout that notion down.
Should women be "trained" to better fill their "biological destiny" as broodmares and homemakers? By whom? And who decides what the "biological destiny" of another human being should be? Patrice Lewis, I suppose, moron though she may be?
Make no mistake, these women are far, far worse than feminists, because at least the feminist is nominally opposed to gender roles. You can reason with certain feminists, most are our enemies only because they're smug idiots who don't recognize their own hypocrisy and lack the cognitive faculties for self analysis. But these tradcon losers
knowingly and happily accept the freedom feminism has purchased for them, fairly or unfairly, while holding men to the same biological determinism they're committed to eradicating for females.
Men are essential for training boys to tame the testosterone and channel their natural strengths and aggressiveness in appropriate ways.
For the benefit of whom? Other women? What does appropriate mean in this context? Again, is it essential to train girls to channel their "natural strengths" in appropriate ways, or would that be viewed as oppressive to women?
Trained men are, in the words of columnist Dennis Prager, the glory of civilization. (It goes without saying that untrained men are its scourge, but that’s another column.)
The trouble with this author is that she throws around meaningless subjective words as though the meaning is clear to everyone else, such as "destiny," "trained," "untrained," "appropriate." For example, you have to define what is desirable in men before you can "train" them, and only failing that can you finally label them untrained and therefore a scourge.
Gentlemen, the fundamental reason the manosphere is here is exactly because everyone is trying to "train" you to be a better man, and we're here to discuss what we find desirable in ourselves without listening to these imbeciles prattle.
These people are not friends, these people are merely feminists who came to the realization that in a few years noone will remain to pay their bills and take care of them.