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Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

I'm giving away two prizes to get the new forum jumpstarted.

1st prize: $25 gift certificate from Condom Depot
2nd prize: $15 gift certificate from Amazon.com

To enter just make at least one post anywhere on the forum between now and September 2 (register to post).

Winners will then be randomly chosen and announced in this thread. That's it!


Here are the winners:

1st prize: basilrandom
2nd prize: TheDoctor

They will be contacted via email

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Great...I will need those condoms after reading BANG![Image: banana.gif]
[Image: idea.gif]a little marketing doesn't hurt anyone!

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

The site has pretty inexpensive condoms. With $25 you'll be able to get over a hundred rubbers

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

i already ordered my trustex, but i could always stockpile another batch.

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

HAHAHA... what the hell would I do with 100 Rubbers... :-P

Helium balloons anyone?

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

How many domains do you have now?

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Roosh i love your cribs episode on youtube.


Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

milo: about a dozen but only a few are active

spaceman: yeah i put it on youtube but i'm not sure if it's blog worthy. it's almost embarrassing, and that says a lot based on the shit i've put out there

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Quote: (08-12-2008 07:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

spaceman: yeah i put it on youtube but i'm not sure if it's blog worthy. it's almost embarrassing, and that says a lot based on the shit i've put out there

I think everyone would like it, i think its pretty well done.

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Quote: (08-12-2008 11:33 AM)Samanosuke47 Wrote:  

HAHAHA... what the hell would I do with 100 Rubbers... :-P

Helium balloons anyone?
no, WATER BOMBS!!! mwhaha

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Quote: (08-12-2008 07:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

milo: about a dozen but only a few are active

spaceman: yeah i put it on youtube but i'm not sure if it's blog worthy. it's almost embarrassing, and that says a lot based on the shit i've put out there
What is your youtube account? If I may ask

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

my youtube is roosh4
I think that particular video is hidden now. Gonna post it on the blog soon

Grand Opening Contest **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**

Wow, I'm honored. I must shtup a different girl for every condom this prize buys, to pay a decent tribute to this patron of the Arts.

** I just bought and downloaded Bang.

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