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noobie to pua

noobie to pua

hello my fellow pua!!! im new to this, im currently going through a divorce but have hit the party scene hard and im feeling pretty damn good except for a couple of things.

1.im a regular at this bar i go to
2.there is one female i want to seduce and she has given signs of her interest.
3.i really fucked up a couple of weeks ago but i think there is a possibilty i can get her..just dont knw how.

basically i told her i wanted to date her while we were dancing, then i misplaced my trust in her fren and told her that i might have scared her off.

that statement did me in, she stopped coming to the bar for awhile. i got a random txt frm her that she was pissed at me for saying she was scared. like a chump i apologized. and communication stopped.

until saturday. i txtd her wat she was doing that nite, and found out she was coming to da bar. i was happy. but didnt show it. i noticed her whn she came in but i made no movements to say hi. i waited 1/2 hr she finally notice i was there and she came gave me a hug talked for a lil bit then i walkd off. later one i got her and took her to dance. then i dance wit all her frens and didnt say nothing to her.

after the bar close i saw her outside went gave her a hug tried to talk to her but there was this awkard feeling so i walked away.

any advise............oh fyi i still plan on hitting on other females but not that place. she does the "one" i want to get from there.

noobie to pua


i told her i wanted to date her

This is your mistake. You showed way too much interest. Learn this phrase: "I think we should hang out some time."

Cool off for a bit, then start over. You're practically smothering her. It may not be lost, but tone it down tons.

noobie to pua

im honored by ur response and i apperciate it.

i was really torn on wat to do. i've seend ppl be very persitant and get the girl but i dont have the patients for all that bugging and smothering crap.

noobie to pua

You seem like you should work on your inner game. The game in your head, how you view things. You seem to care too much about getting a particular girl. Why should you care about that one girl? She stopped talking, the approach is done. Learn to WALK AWAY. Who cares about her? Being persistant or chasing her will decrease your value while increasing hers. That's the opposite of what you want.

noobie to pua

Cool persistence can work sometimes, but on this girl it's not helping you.

noobie to pua

coo.......yeah i dropped all communication with her working on another chick i've know fr awhile. i saw her this weekend.

eh will see where that goes.... ill keep ya'll up dated

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