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"The Mythology of Biology is Fascist and Constraining" (and other hits!)

"The Mythology of Biology is Fascist and Constraining" (and other hits!)

This comes via Heartiste's twitter I think


"Jewish. Feminist. Lesbian. NO BORDERS NO GENDERS"

"The mythology of "biology" is fascist and constraining."

"Reactionary Zionist "macho" culture is itself trapped in an anti-Semitic and sexist discourse of being."

"Ban gyms for teenage boys, stop #violenceagainstwomen, minorities http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/19/health...risks.html … ; problem of incipient white supremacy."

"Mandatory therapy should be required of all adolescents to teach them to embrace alternative sexualities and gender identities, self-explore"

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