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Getting called out

Getting called out

I think this marks my graduation from "afc" to "non-afc". I was talking at an hb last night and her drunk friend insisted that I was a player. I was totally original with everything, except when I told her that I live off the land when she asked what I did.

I then asked how she would define "player". She basically said "A guy who looks good and obviously knows he's the shit". I know I'm not a "player", but it feels great to be called one. Is it normal to be called out? [Image: banana.gif]

Getting called out

judging from some of the posts here its a common test to call someone out as being a pua etc... sounds like you handled it well, taking the compliment but not adopting the label...

"For the true meaning of victory ask the defeated warrior"

Getting called out

Just say, "Ya I'm a player. What is it that makes you so attracted to players anyways?" One way to handle a shit test is just to agree with her, then follow with sarcasm. When a girl gives you a shit test she is trying to break her own state. They try to cause trouble because something on a biological level compels them do so. (Same way we are compelled to PU and close chicks.) She's trying to find out if you're alpha. So in conclusion, to pass a shit test you MUST prevent her from breaking her own state.

Getting called out

Basically anytime anybody "accuses" you of something you can easily disarm them by just admitting it in a fun way.

Girl : You are a player

PUA : (smile) Glad you noticed / Guily as charged / etc ..


AMOG : That shirt is gay.

PUA : Funny, that's just what my boyfriend said the other day.

Getting called out

As long as she's not calling you out for using lines

[Image: thumb.gif]

Getting called out

Well this is kind of related, but did anyone watch VH1 The Pickup Artist finale? Both guys used a line similar to mine which is pure gold dust i swear to God. They said, "You must be the bad girl, and you're the good girl etc." I do something similar or the same.

Ill use Tyler Durden's line,"You have a good girl face, but have bad girl mannerisms."

*Field tested Tyler Durden's line several times, and girls crack up hysterically. I said to a chick couple nights ago, and boom all 4 of her friends were locked in. She said "say it again so my friends can hear it."

Anyways can you use any of the lines on that show or just scratch them? I watch it so I make sure I dont use the same lines as them.

Getting called out

Quote: (11-30-2008 08:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

As long as she's not calling you out for using lines

[Image: thumb.gif]

I'd use the same response .

Girl : You are using pick up lines.

Guy : Hang on I have to look up my response to that (take paper out of pocket and pretend to look up a reponse). Oh, here we go - "No I am not"

Getting called out

Lol, I started using the lamest pick up lines at the drunk chick after she tried to call me a player. "Is that a keg in your pants? Cuz I would tap that." "I wanna treat you like my homework. Slam you on the table and do you all night long" She was so drunk she thought I was seriously trying to use those. It all ended well, I made a dry-hump/kiss close with a date planned for wednesday. I am man enough to make a penetrate close.

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