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Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Hey folks,

I'm going to be in Europe on the first weeks of August, and I have managed to find 6 free days. Like the title says, not sure if to go to Poland or Czech Republic. Any advice is welcome!


Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

As far as I know, good cities in Poland like Wroclaw, Poznan and Krakow are famous with their students and in august, most of them go to their homes in other cities. Because of that, this cities might not be good to visit in summer.

I've read Gdansk and Sopot are good places in Poland for summer but I haven't visited them myself, I'm sure other friends will help you more.

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Ask yourself-
who's got the finest women?

Recon the talent on facebook, Russian cupid, etc.

No trip to Europe is complete without fully programming this mentality into your mind-

Hustle hard aka plenty of approaches or its all a waste IMO

Brno and other CZ from Nomad-

When you go drop us some data and let us know where some decent talent is at.

Hustle hard and good luck.

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

I just did 6 weeks in Wroclaw and 2 weeks in Prague. I would say that for six days, you're better off in the Czech Republic as the local women are sluttier and you can also game tourists who are looking to party. Poland is better for relationship game

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

I also had better success in Czech than Poland. Avoid Prague though.

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

^^ where do you suggest in Czech then?

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

At this time of year, Prague will be the only city in Czech with something going on. Ostrava/Brno will be empty, literally not a soul in sight. Go to Prague, just stay clear of districts 1-3. Plenty of nice Czech girls to be found outside the city center.

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

I am from Czech, living close to Poland borders so anything you want to know feel free to ask. For myself I would reccomend you Stodolni street in Ostrava ( ) - there are all slutty girls from Ostrava and a lot of people coming from Poland. Beside this here is really nothing to do, I would choose between Brno and Ostrava. From Ostrava you have easier access to Polland. Brno is well known for students, but now during summer brake it's not that good...

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

smetana, are you saying that Ostrava will still be busy first part of August?

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Quote: (07-08-2014 08:02 AM)slubu Wrote:  

smetana, are you saying that Ostrava will still be busy first part of August?

At Stodolni street there will be some people for sure, but not as busy as during school year. They have some webcams on street, you can check them during night if there's anything going, but it's mostly on Fridays, I dont know how it is during week days. (

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

For nightgame the best city is Ostrava.For daygame it is Plzen.

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Hey everyone!

Thanks for your advice. I contacted some old friends, and to my surprise I found an ex-classmate living in Prague, and he said he would be happy to show me around, take me to parties and such. So I think Prague it is, and I'll see if I can fit other cities on my time there. I'll work on the pipelining ASAP and of course, an updated datasheet of my experiences. My only doubt regarding logistics would be between renting an apartment on AirBnB or a staying at a fancy hotel. My vibe is the "travelling kind-of-affluent young business guy", so I don't know which one would cause the best impression on girls there (I'm guessing the apartment?)


Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Also, I'm open about trying a city that is not Prague, since I read it is harder nowadays. My game level is medium to low, but I have cash enough to treat a girl if that is what they like in the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic or Poland? 6 days trip

Brno, Ostrava, Oulumutz - the later the most smallest one, banged in all in ~1 week each trip, MILFs only though.

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