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I just arrived here.

Anyone know a good online "whats happening in Bogota" kind of guide?

Gigs, clubs, bars, football matches etc.

Anyone who has been there? Where are your favourite bars? What nights of the week are good for what places etc...


http://www.bogota-dc.com/dir/rumba.html -list of some bars and clubs
http://poorbuthappy.com/colombia/travel/place/bogota/ -decent online travel guide
http://www.tuboleta.com/ -List of big events (concerts, games, etc.)

Fridays and Saturdays are the big nights out. Thursday can also be pretty good. Most other nights are pretty dead except for a few specific places (I forget what they are).

My personal favorites are http://elchacha.com/ (upscale club on the 43rd floor of an abandoned hotel) and Escobar Rosas Cra. 4 No. 15-01 Tel. 341 79 03 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group....4681018422 (used to be a pharmacy they converted into a bat/club, cheap place with a relaxed bar upstairs and crowded dancefloor downstairs filled mostly with students) in La Candelaria.

ANDRÉS CARNE DE RES Calle 3 No. 11A -56 (Chía) 863-7880
This one is pretty famous (about an hour out from Bogota and has even been written about in the NY Times).

Also, Jorge Celedon is playing on the 27th. He's a really great Colombian musician who plays Vallenato, a style of music native to Colombia.

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