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Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Hi guys,

I love the forum, it's given me a lot to think about... and now i've finally registered on account of my trip to the US in a month and half.

I am an Australian student and have recently been accepted to go study in San Diego State University for the Fall Quarter coming up. I get a month to travel before and after so I will be in the US between mid July and Late January. I have plans to travel to Florida, New York, Colorado, Texas and maybe Mexico/Canada across the border. Pretty excited!

I hear a lot of good things about SDSU. Good parties, great weather, better girls. I don't think I'll be able to join a Frat or anything though.

I've created a POF account to get a feel of the dynamic with dating, women, and general culture over at San Diego. So far have a few leads to show me around when I get there... Californian girls are indeed good looking.

So I am currently in the process of looking into accommodation. I think I will be aiming for on-campus dorm housing, given I want the full college experience I'd never get back home. They look a bit small though, not sure how people get laid with their roommate sleeping 3 meters away from them. I also see there are meal plans available as well, which I am considering.

Anyway, I was wondering whether anyone could offer some advice about studying at SDSU, living in California, or maybe about the American College experience with a particular focus on game in general.

What's fitting in with a social group like? What are girls like? How important are looks, small/deep chat? How is travel around that area? Things to do, places to see?

On a side note, unfortunately I will be 20 years old while undertaking this exchange, so I don't see much luck with experiencing the drinking, bar and club scene, which could be fun, although i'm not a big night clubber due to fairly obvious cost-benefit reasons. I will have turned 21 later in my stay though... so maybe a 21st in Vegas?

My game at this stage is fairly mediocre. Though I am good looking, very hard working, athletic, fun and a good conversationalist when it comes to more intellectual topics (excuse my vanity), I feel I still have work to do with small chat, general social confidence and approach anxiety.

Any tips, heads up, extra information about what I should be privy to would be much appreciated.

I hope to be reporting back and keeping this as a bit of a journal for the next 6 months.

Thanks in advance

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

While you may not be able to join a frat, try to make friends with guys who are in frats. That will give you access to parties, where being underage doesn't matter.

Also, try to join as many clubs as you can.

Finally, play up the Australian accent.

San Diego is a great place to spend a few months. You'll enjoy it regardless of gaming.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

+1 for the accent factor.

A guy I worked with did at exchange at UCLA last year. He was raving on about the Aussie accent being a pickup line in itself. He's not someone I'd consider exceptionally attractive and a bit on the overweight side. I'm not sure how much game he has; but it's not something he'd lie about.
He was basically likening it to that scene in Love Actually where the English guy utterly cleaned up in the States. The accent will do nothing but work in your favour.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

This Is Trouble wrote a book on San Diego nightlife. That's his city. If you're not reading his blog, get on it:

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Oh also, with the dorm housing, what would be the best. Single bedroom, double, triple? I'm not very familiar with how it all works, or the social dynamic of college housing.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Quote: (06-07-2014 01:50 AM)ausdventurer Wrote:  

Oh also, with the dorm housing, what would be the best. Single bedroom, double, triple? I'm not very familiar with how it all works, or the social dynamic of college housing.

My semi-informed (i.e. from the POV of a European exchange alumnus) is the single.

Also, join a frat, in case it wasn't bleeding obvious.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Thanks so far, all good advice.
On another note...wow, organising this is proving to be VERY expensive. Flights, insurance, accommodation, visa's, travel outside studies and food expenses are stacking up pretty high. One semester of study with some travel before and after could cost me $15,000+.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Quote: (06-07-2014 05:46 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2014 01:50 AM)ausdventurer Wrote:  

Oh also, with the dorm housing, what would be the best. Single bedroom, double, triple? I'm not very familiar with how it all works, or the social dynamic of college housing.

My semi-informed (i.e. from the POV of a European exchange alumnus) is the single.

Also, join a frat, in case it wasn't bleeding obvious.

How can one join a frat for 6 months from January until July?

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Might want to take a look at housing at sterling alvarado. I'm staying there right now while I work an internship this summer. Apartments can be either a one man studio, double, or quad. You have your own bedroom and bath to yourself. Also really nice amenities including two pools in the complex.

Studying and gaming in San Diego as an Exchange Student

Have fun man, Sdsu is a playground just look your best and keep working out- lots of fit people. I agree, play up the accent it's your golden ticket. I dated a girl in the international dorms and the guys with accents got lots of positive attention if they are fun and outgoing. If quiet and introverted then they are just a wierd foreigner. You're in a party school and from a country with a rep for drinking so go with it. Embrace the fact that you have a lot to learn about the ca culture but also that you have a lot to teach about yours. learn to make a special " Aussie drink" that you can talk up at parties and then it just so happens that you have all the ingredients to make it at your place... Also get some smoke and keep it at your pad you'd be surprised how many hotties are down to go back to your place for a "drink or a smoke". Join some intramural sports or something and get into a party scene and your good to go. with a fake id pacific beach is the place to be and it will be in summer as well otherwise there are always good house parties by campus as well. The vibe is chill yet a lot of testosterone at times with all the frats and party drugs/alcohol. Embrace the party scene, Aztecs know how to do it right. Side trips- Tijuana, Torrey pines, del mar races and concert series this summer, balboa park, edm shows/raves if around are good for 18 year olds and all the chicks are into it. Have fun bro

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