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Acquired targets?

Acquired targets?

It's been a few weeks since I started classes again, and when I hit the gym daily I've noticed this girl at the bleachers quite a few times. I've seen her before around campus months ago but I never approached nor established eye contact.

Today I was doing my daily usual workout and spotted her at the bleachers with her group of friends and some dude. After a while I saw her making out with the dude and assumed he was her boyfriend or something of the sort.

At this point I really can't conclude if the dude is a beta, since I've never seen him before neither watched his behavior.

I must say I find her very very attractive, and physically my type. Which is why I want to approach and put my tight game to test. Maybe even consider something serious depending on her personality.

Now here's what I got in disadvantage:
  • She sits with a considerable big group (aprox. 4-7, mostly girls).
  • She sits at the bleachers, which implies a “detour”. Talk about making indirect game harder.
  • She apparently has a boyfriend (not that I care), which minimizes the opportunities of approaching.
Now I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, maybe give me some ideas that I haven't thought of, anything is welcomed. Having always present in mind that its a numbers game, I'd prefer leaving that thought aside and switching to the "failure is not acceptable", of course if I fuck it up thats that. But you get what I mean.

Also if you got a similar story present-past tense I'd love to hear it. I always like to hear other's stories similar to current experiences of mine.

Acquired targets?

Have you considered screwing one of her friends to get to her?

Acquired targets?

i would intersect her on her way to the bleachers or on her way leaving the bleachers.

approaching a set that big for a chick that has a bf is not a great idea esp if you dont know any of them.

Acquired targets?

Quote: (01-24-2011 08:35 PM)Vesuvius Wrote:  

Have you considered screwing one of her friends to get to her?

Not a good idea. Some girls don't want her friends "leftovers."Amuse

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Acquired targets?

Quote: (01-25-2011 12:55 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

i would intersect her on her way to the bleachers or on her way leaving the bleachers.

approaching a set that big for a chick that has a bf is not a great idea esp if you dont know any of them.

Yeah I don't know any, it would be a suicide mission. It is also very likely that she leaves/enters the bleachers with the group as well [Image: dodgy.gif]

Anyways, by "intercepting" I'm sensing we're talking about direct game here? What do you guys think.

Acquired targets?

if u dont wanna do direct game i would do some 007 shit and determine her schedule and plan a course of action. she cant be surrounded by friends all the time.....

Acquired targets?

Quote: (01-25-2011 01:34 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2011 08:35 PM)Vesuvius Wrote:  

Have you considered screwing one of her friends to get to her?

Not a good idea. Some girls don't want her friends "leftovers."Amuse

I'm not saying that women don't have respect for themselves. What I am saying is that the primal instincts of both sexes overrides etiquette and respect.

I've seen it work with the bang her friends approach I outlined in the building a harem thread.

People are like kids at the carnival. Word quickly gets around where the best ride is at.

The cloak and dagger approach that was suggested might work too.

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