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+ Self control on touching

+ Self control on touching

Is it right to use female friends to improve the way you touch women that your interested? I touched a lot of times my female friend in many different ways and im testing my self how fast or slowly should i do it. What i noticed is that sometimes my hand might tremble a bit and touch fast and some other times i do it slower and feeling cool. Is it normal or should i find some other ways to practice control over my self?
Suggestions and criticism are welcome.

+ Self control on touching

I think its good you practice with your friend. The trembling may be because of nervousness but it should fade away eventually. And don't be surprised if your friend becomes interested in you, never underestimate the power of kino.

+ Self control on touching

Depends on how you're touching them... if you get nervous about simple contact with women, I'd recommend at the very least hugging your female friends to overcome that mental obstacle. I don't think you should be kino escalating with them though.

+ Self control on touching

Thanks for the reply. I will keep practising and see if i can improve. Im not sure about kino escalation though.That i think is a thing to practice on other women

+ Self control on touching

I usually Kino in this order:

1st/2nd contact, throw my arm over her shoulder for 10 seconds, and repeat just once.

3rd Contact, grab her hand - and hold it - if she pulls away quickly, repeat step 1 above 2 more times. Otherwise, if she does not let go of her hand until you do, go to contact 4.

4th Contact - Hips, start pulling her by the hips, right into your personal space - if she pusshes away, repeat step 3 2xm then return. Otherwise, proceed to step 5.

5th Contact - Kisses, and pecking her everywhere on her face: Forehead, cheeks, nose, eyebrows - ask her to reciprocate. Do this for 15 minutes.

6th - contact - Peck on her lips, just grab her face and plant it on her w/o hesitation or apologies.

7th contact - Full blown tongue in her mouth.

8th contact - shit, if I need to tell you this, go back to step 1 fool!

if at any point you find yourself repeating steps, and she keeps pushing you away and you cannot even get to 5th contact (kissing), then she is just not attracted to you at all, or is not comfortable with you touching her and you must work on more attraction building or move on to another target if this lasts for more than 45 minutes.


+ Self control on touching

Quote: (01-25-2011 03:12 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I usually Kino in this order:

1st/2nd contact, throw my arm over her shoulder for 10 seconds, and repeat just once.

3rd Contact, grab her hand - and hold it - if she pulls away quickly, repeat step 1 above 2 more times. Otherwise, if she does not let go of her hand until you do, go to contact 4.

4th Contact - Hips, start pulling her by the hips, right into your personal space - if she pusshes away, repeat step 3 2xm then return. Otherwise, proceed to step 5.

5th Contact - Kisses, and pecking her everywhere on her face: Forehead, cheeks, nose, eyebrows - ask her to reciprocate. Do this for 15 minutes.

6th - contact - Peck on her lips, just grab her face and plant it on her w/o hesitation or apologies.

7th contact - Full blown tongue in her mouth.

8th contact - shit, if I need to tell you this, go back to step 1 fool!

if at any point you find yourself repeating steps, and she keeps pushing you away and you cannot even get to 5th contact (kissing), the she is not attracted to you, or is not comfortable with you touching her and you must work on more attraction building or move on to another target if this lasts for more than 45 minutes.


Great advice. If there's one thing that shy guys should get right in a date or pick-up, it's kino. Release the oxytocin!!

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