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Game improvement advice seeking

Game improvement advice seeking

I know that many of you guys here are very good when it comes to picking smocking hot chicks, and I m sure that at some point in your life, you were not living in such an abundance [Image: smile.gif]
So if you were kind enough to tell what made your pickup skills go through the roof at some point, I think many guys here, including me of course, could benefit a lot from your experience...

Game improvement advice seeking

Quote: (01-20-2011 09:28 AM)Pacman Wrote:  

I know that many of you guys here are very good when it comes to picking smocking hot chicks, and I m sure that at some point in your life, you were not living in such an abundance [Image: smile.gif]
So if you were kind enough to tell what made your pickup skills go through the roof at some point, I think many guys here, including me of course, could benefit a lot from your experience...

When one realises it's a number game and you put your bid in for at least two different lizards a day, inevitably your pitch will get better.

Picking up women are exactly like sales. Have rebuttals for every objection and go for the close/sale.

Give me your credit card and let's get you on the road in the next 20 mins =
Just take off your jeans and let's start you off on your first orgasm.

If you've ever worked sales, it is EXACTLY the same principle.

Ultimately, it's a number game.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Game improvement advice seeking

In addition to what Moma said, the main thing that has helped me KEEP hot girls around is to display extreme confidence and have the ability to pass shit tests with ease. Even if I have to fake it.

I've had girls tell me "I love the way you walk into a room as if you own the place" and similar things. When a girl starts acting like a brat or a bitch, I just stare at her with my eyebrows slightly raised and my head slightly turned down. The message being, "these tantrums might work with lesser men, but not with me".

When the girls give shit tests, the simplest way to deal with them is to agree and amplify or just laugh off her stupid question and say "Haha, whatever". NEVER back down, never try to placate her or be nice to her, and always stand up for yourself as a man. She will LOVE you for it.

Game improvement advice seeking


So if you were kind enough to tell what made your pickup skills go through the roof at some point,

Month to month the change is slight enough that you won't notice. Only looking back years can I see that jump.

Game improvement advice seeking

See, for me it is a little different, because I feel I had pretty good game in college, but then settled down and got in LTR after LTR. The build-up to that was all gradual though, as I didn't really notice that as time went by it got easier for me to get a girl in bed.

I guess if I had to pinpoint one particular moment, it would be oh, roughly 6-7 years ago now? ...right after I got out of a year long relationship, I was headed to a friend's apt for a party, as I walked into the complex, a girl walked out and as I looked at her, she stared back at me with the "fuck me" eyes. About 2 hours later, I did!

Game improvement advice seeking

I like to compare Game with lifting weights.

Guys will look at the big man and get motivated to be just like him. They jump in and start off with the big weights. This does work for some, but the vast majority don't follow through, or get hurt and quit.

Do what I do. Start off with those small weights and work your way up. As time goes by your strength will improve and guys will be looking at you with envy.

It's the same with women IMO. Start off with a slightly pudgy girl or a nerd chick. They're easy prey. Then work your way up to the big game. That's worked for me.

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