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Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-04-2014 07:10 PM)RockHard Wrote:  

One of the contributors is Christian Rudder Founder & President of OKCupid.

I smell a political takeover masked by a political issue.

What if the reason given for sacking the Modzilla CEO was a cover for someone who wanted control of the group?

If the second in command is a liberal and the higher up is a conservative, this seems like a good way to initiate a hostile takeover.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

The gay community believe it or not is not in lock-step agreement on this decision.

Andrew Sullivan (gay conservative) basically destroys all the arguments in favor of Mozilla's decision here:


Among the scores of upset readers rattling the in-tray:

READER: I’m going to disagree with you, quite strongly, about the resignation of Brendan Eich. While I agree that he is certainly entitled to his point of view, and to take actions in support of that point of view, he is not entitled to face no consequences from those actions. That’s all this is: consequences. If he truly has the strength of his convictions, he will consider this a necessary sacrifice. Were I to loudly proclaim a belief in the inherent inferiority of other ethnicities than my own, and take actions to enshrine that belief into law, would I not reasonably expect to face consequences?

He’s not going to prison; he just has to find a new job. For someone with his abilities, that should not be difficult. I just imagine it will be done more quietly this time.

SULLIVAN: As I said last night, of course Mozilla has the right to purge a CEO because of his incorrect political views. Of course Eich was not stripped of his First Amendment rights. I’d fight till my last breath for Mozilla to retain that right. What I’m concerned with is the substantive reason for purging him. When people’s lives and careers are subject to litmus tests, and fired if they do not publicly renounce what may well be their sincere conviction, we have crossed a line. This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors. This is the definition of intolerance. If a socially conservative private entity fired someone because they discovered he had donated against Prop 8, how would you feel? It’s staggering to me that a minority long persecuted for holding unpopular views can now turn around and persecute others for the exact same reason. If we cannot live and work alongside people with whom we deeply disagree, we are finished as a liberal society.

Another reader:

READER: Eich certainly has his right to free speech. Where the line should be drawn (Supreme Court decisions notwithstanding) is when somebody’s speech becomes action – in this case, donating to Prop 8. Monetary support to reduce fellow citizens to second-class status should not be enshrined as “protected speech.” He can say what he wants, of course, but we can also say, publicly, that we don’t want to directly fund that sort of politics (since our money given to the company goes to the CEO’s salary).

SULLIVAN: What if an employee went to a demonstration that his company found objectionable? Would that be a reason to fire him? What we have here is a social pressure to keep your beliefs deeply private for fear of retribution. We are enforcing another sort of closet on others. I can barely believe the fanaticism. Another reader:

READER: There is not a single mainstream company in the world today that would endure a CEO who donated to a neo-Nazi organization, or the KKK, or for a referendum to make interracial marriage illegal. If he were to apologize later, or say it was a mistake, then he might survive. But to be defiant in his support for blatantly anti-Semitic or anti-black causes? No one would survive this. In making our case for marriage equality, we have set the right to marry for homosexuals on the same level as the right to marry inter-racially. This means that the public will respond to those who oppose it just as they would to those who fought to prevent my parents from marrying. And rightly so.

SULLIVAN: A little history lesson. Not so long ago, many in the gay community itself – including large swathes of its left-liberal wing – opposed marriage equality. I know, because I was targeted by them as a neofascist/heterosexist/patriarchal “anti-Christ”. Yes, I was called precisely that in print for being a conservative supporter of marriage equality and for ending the ban on openly gay people in the military. And I’m talking only a couple of decades ago. And now, opposing marriage equality is regarded as equivalent to the KKK? And neo-Nazis? Another reader tries to catch me in a double standard:

READER: So let me get this straight: It’s perfectly ok to spend money supporting legislation that causes actual, direct harm to gay people, but when Alec Baldwin calls someone names, he should be fired?

SULLIVAN: I never called for Baldwin to be fired – just that his rank use of homophobia while threatening violence made his claim to be a liberal preposterous. I was calling out hypocrisy. I never campaigned for Baldwin to be punished for this – just that liberals stop defending him as a campaigner for civil rights. The next reader probably has the strongest dissent of them all:

READER: You wrote, “Eich did not understand that in order to be a CEO of a company, you have to renounce your heresy!” Andrew, you are seriously misreading this. Mozilla is not just any company; it’s the subsidiary of a non-profit, the manager of an open-source project, part collective and part community, and only thrives because the community cooperates, delivering applications, helping out by contributing code, and donating money. A key qualification for a CEO of such a company is that he or she not alienate the community, and Eich simply did not meet that qualification (the board screwed up in hiring him, clearly). I hardly think you’d see the same kind of fireworks if, say, he had been appointed CEO of Oracle.
This is more akin to an opponent of gay marriage being appointed CEO of a company that depends on gay or gay-friendly customers or stakeholders. A public radio station in a gay-friendly metro is a good example. So it’s more like, “in order to be a CEO of an organization dependent on certain stakeholders, you must not offend them.” Seriously, this is news?

And CEO is not just any job; Eich was CTO of Mozilla for many years with nary a peep. But a CEO personifies the company, and the standards are different. Eich then compounded the mistake by eliding the discussion every time he was asked about it. He could have stood by his personal beliefs but drawn a distinction between those and how he intends to isolate them from his ability to lead Mozilla. He could have shown a bit of empathy towards the people victimized by Proposition 8 (many of whom are his customers, employees and partners) without recanting his personal belief (Rarebit, one of Mozilla’s partners that pulled out of the store, has a good take on this here).

He could have done many things, but he was too proud to give people even a fig leaf of an acknowledgment. Instead, he stonewalled, and more insultingly, he wrapped himself in the mantle of tolerance (the whole stuff about Mozilla’s “culture of inclusiveness”), essentially saying, “If you’re really tolerant, you must tolerate my intolerant views and continue to interact with the organization I lead just as before.” Please. He’s entitled to his views, but he’s not entitled to people’s cooperation.

In order to be a CEO of a company, you must be able to lead it. Clearly he couldn’t, because too many people, both employees and external stakeholders, simply would not follow him. He was pushed out because he could not do the job he was hired to do.

SULLIVAN: Really? Here’s what Eich said last month: “I know some will be skeptical about this, and that words alone will not change anything. I can only ask for your support to have the time to ‘show, not tell’; and in the meantime express my sorrow at having caused pain.” There is not a scintilla of evidence that he has ever discriminated against a single gay person at Mozilla; he was dedicated to continuing Mozilla’s inclusive policies; he was prepared to prove that the accusations against him were unfair, and that his political views would not affect his performance as CEO. But this was not enough. He had to be publicly punished for supporting a Proposition that is no longer in effect. This is absolutely McCarthyism from an increasingly McCarthyite left. Another reader makes a distinction:

READER: Gay activists didn’t run him out. I really think you are wrong on that. Sure, some of the usual suspects piped up. But that wasn’t what did it as far as Mozilla goes. It was young and down-for-the-cause straight people. There’s been a very radical, very recent shift in critical mass and majority opinion (especially among tech people, young people) that opposing gay marriage is immoral. This supportive/progressive/tolerant/well-intentioned straight majority does not hesitate (although it should) to equate gay rights issues with race based civil rights issues. The gay marriage issue has tapped into a moral consciousness.

After all these years of ducking whenever someone starts talking about morals, the gays are now on the winning side of that conversation. And I think this moral shift is so new that we don’t see it yet. And so I don’t share your disgust that Eich quit. He lost the respect of the co-workers and colleagues he was supposed to lead due to something than runs deeper than a mere political point of view. This was a moral position. And a growing number of reasonable average people just can’t abide homophobia anymore. It wasn’t an angry rump of gay activists that did him in.

SULLIVAN: Yes, it was broader than that. It was a coalition of those, gay and straight, who do not believe that people with different views than theirs’ should be tolerated in a leadership position. It’s a reminder of just how closed-minded and vicious so much of the identity-politics left can be. One more reader:

READER: Morality has always been about keeping society on the same page. If you violate the the norms, then you are shamed and ridiculed. The ultimate “victory” of the gay rights movement will be that those discriminating against homosexuals will be ridiculed and isolated as bigots. Ultimately we can only hope that the best values win out, and that we will always find outcasts in society that share our values, should our values violate the norm.

SULLIVAN: There you have the illiberal mindset. Morality trumps freedom. Our opponents must be humiliated, ridiculed and “isolated as perverts”. I mean “bigots”, excuse me.

Orwell wept.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Not all gay people agree with the decision.

[Image: 9bb6v3a.png]

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote:Firefox Input page Wrote:

You uninstalled your CEO. I uninstalled Firefox.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Wait...isn't all this against some law or something? Couldn't the guy take someone to court over this and...win?

Isaiah 4:1

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-04-2014 08:04 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

I smell a political takeover masked by a political issue.

What if the reason given for sacking the Modzilla CEO was a cover for someone who wanted control of the group?

If the second in command is a liberal and the higher up is a conservative, this seems like a good way to initiate a hostile takeover.

Tim Bray had a tweet yesterday that supports that conclusion:


The Prop8 thing was just a symptom. Eich was massively culturally incompatible with the org he was to lead. Untenable position.

But... 3 board members quit over his promotion (I thought boards voted on the CEO?) So will they rejoin the board now?

Man, Mozilla has seriously fucked itself. Now they've lost their CTO AND the CEO. They haven't had a permanent CEO for something like 3 years. And I see this cheerleading all over Twitter, people changing their icons to "heart Mozilla". This is going to be like the Cuban Revolution, a glorious victory followed by a swift fall to irrelevance.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Why does it matter to his job?

I didn't read he fired or mistreated gays for being gays.

This stuff just proves gays are a powerful political pressure group now.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 10:53 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

Wait...isn't all this against some law or something? Couldn't the guy take someone to court over this and...win?

No, because he wasn't fired, he voluntarily stepped down. However I'm sure behind the scenes there was tremendous pressure for him to leave.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Not all progressives agree with this either. Bill Maher said he thought it was fucked up.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 03:07 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-05-2014 10:53 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

Wait...isn't all this against some law or something? Couldn't the guy take someone to court over this and...win?

No, because he wasn't fired, he voluntarily stepped down. However I'm sure behind the scenes there was tremendous pressure for him to leave.

In a just (though fantasy) world, he could still sue for workplace harassment or something despite the fact that he quit himself. Plenty of women are doing that.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Surprise... NY Times columnist comes out defending the gay mob:



When you consider the importance of that market, Mr. Eich’s position on gay marriage wasn’t some outré personal stance unrelated to his job; it was a potentially hazardous bit of negative branding in the labor pool, one that was making life difficult for current employees and plausibly reducing Mozilla’s draw to prospective workers.

Check out those weasel words.

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

Good comment:


Will leftists be calling on Muslims who oppose homosexual "marriage" to be relieved of their posts? If not, why not?

And this:


This is such crud. I am 100% in support of gay marriage and find it moronic for any business to deny service to any customer that wants to pay, no matter what their orientation may be. But after this I will NEVER use FireFox not will I go out of my way to use the services of gay stores, etc. You gay men and women have become as close minded and petty as the very people you fought against. When Bill Maher begins mocking your tactics, its time to take note....

Oh and by the way...If this CEO was forced to resign, why not Obama, and Hillary who took the exact same position in 2008, along with over half ofd CA voters?

Im telling you straight up...there will be a real and honest backlash against people who act like this in the future. You got gay marriage BUT dont expect the rest of us to roll over on EVERY issue you hold near and dear.You want equality? learn to live with the rest of us. You want perfection? Go buy an island and create your own society.


[Image: ohshit2.gif]

The backlash is beginning...

[Image: 1376364006420.gif]

We need a few more firings like this to wake up the sheeple from these inquisitions.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 05:44 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


Im telling you straight up...there will be a real and honest backlash against people who act like this in the future. You got gay marriage BUT dont expect the rest of us to roll over on EVERY issue you hold near and dear.You want equality? learn to live with the rest of us. You want perfection? Go buy an island and create your own society.


[Image: potd.gif]

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-03-2014 04:28 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

The guy that got fired invented JavaScript. For his services to civilisation, he gets his career wrecked. Meanwhile, the skrillexed woman who fired him has never created anything in her life.

You weren't kidding.

Michelle Baker, Chairwoman of Mozilla:

[Image: AIu9NKP.jpg]

[Image: IRNHADm.jpg]

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Ran into this blog post by a Mozilla employee, sheds some light on things from an internal perspective https://medium.com/p/7645a4bf8a2


On March 27th, a small number of Mozillians tweeted variants of “I am an employee of @mozilla and I’m asking @brendaneich to step down as CEO”. These tweets were reported by the tech press, and my perception is that this was the start of the media firestorm. Most (or perhaps all) of the Mozillians who tweeted this were employed by the Mozilla Foundation, not the Mozilla Corporation which means that they report to the executive director of the foundation and not to the CEO. As foundation employees, they did not share the same org chart as Brendan.

So people not in his org chart started this mess


On March 28th, the Wall Street Journal reported that three Mozilla Corporation board members had resigned. The article incorrectly implied that the resignations were in protest of Brendan’s selection. It did not imply that the resignations were in protest of Brendan’s Proposition 8 donation, though apparently many interpreted it that way... The truth is that two of the board resignations were entirely unrelated to Brendan, and that one was related to Brendan’s leadership abilities but not to his Proposition 8 donation.

Big surprise, journalists mis-reporting a story in order to cast a more sensational light.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 06:24 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

Quote: (04-03-2014 04:28 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

The guy that got fired invented JavaScript. For his services to civilisation, he gets his career wrecked. Meanwhile, the skrillexed woman who fired him has never created anything in her life.

You weren't kidding.

Michelle Baker, Chairwoman of Mozilla:

[Image: AIu9NKP.jpg]

[Image: IRNHADm.jpg]


Take care of those titties for me.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Jeez, what a mug on this skrillexed superhag. Damn!

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Heartiste and his commenters sometimes mention the Gods of the Copybook Headings, a reference to Rudyard Kipling's poem. It's meaning:
1.The human condition repeats and ends each time in war.
2. We chase after false idols ("the Gods of the Market Place") but the further people get from common sense ("the Gods of the Copybook Headings"), the closer to the tipping point where common sense will reassert itself. This is not a peaceful process but a violent one.

A society is very sick when its women are encouraged to waste their youth and beauty on pointless degrees and careers while riding the cock carousel; in which femininity and motherhood are looked down upon; and in which hardworking, enterprising men like Eich lose their jobs for supporting the traditional family.

Nature and common sense will return, or as Kipling said: The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 06:42 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Jeez, what a mug on this skrillexed superhag. Damn!

She's atrocious even by feminist standards. I'd bang Lindy West before her. That's saying a lot.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Names Mitchell, not Michelle

Broad has a hubby, Casey Dunn. Didn't take her husband's last name.

[Image: women-anita-borg-valleyzen-3.jpg]

She majored in Asian Studies, then went to law school.

Notable quote of hers:


The average consumer does not know the difference between browser, Internet and search box.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Does anyone know what this freakoid did to warrant a position a CEO of such a company as Mozilla? What are her achievements and contributions to the world?

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 08:40 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Does anyone know what this freakoid did to warrant a position a CEO of such a company as Mozilla? What are her achievements and contributions to the world?

Probably appointed by someone who wanted "women in technology" to have a more visible presence. Of course we know all the people behind the scenes engineering the code are MEN. Her look reminds me of one of those wickedly smart but ugly German women.

edit-- And look at her husband, lol. The law of attraction at work. That a woman like this is even able to find a husband tells you everything you need to know about the American dating market.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 08:40 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Does anyone know what this freakoid did to warrant a position a CEO of such a company as Mozilla? What are her achievements and contributions to the world?

I think she got the job based on her good looks.

Take care of those titties for me.

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Quote: (04-05-2014 08:07 PM)2Wycked Wrote:  

Notable quote of hers:


The average consumer does not know the difference between browser, Internet and search box.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

THAT BITCH?! I remember her ass from getting herself in shit for that quote a long while back. I'll be damned that it's her who replaced this guy. I feel sorry for Mozilla itself. The near promised hubris under either leader seems to set the business up to take a sizable hit in the near future

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

[Image: women-anita-borg-valleyzen-3.jpg]

Fucking freakshows. That a cosplay convention for 50 year olds?

Mozilla CEO fired for supporting Prop 8

Yea that sad Asian or white chick in hairy Asian drag is pure ugly. Who had the audacity to take this photo?

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