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how to introduce my job
01-05-2011, 09:38 AM
Hey all,
I live in a country where the real estate agent (or realtorroker) do not have high social position, because of the local agents cheat a lot when they do the housing deals and do not do their job that professional...
I work in an HongKong company and we do jobs very professionally, but still the whole "real estate agent" industry is not that high value in my culture.
I know to game girls, we need to not tell them directly what we do to make them think I am mysterious to them, but what do you guys suggest I should do to answer the question " what do you do?"
I think the answer "can you think of any other questions which are not so boring?" is very good one, but any better ones?
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how to introduce my job
01-05-2011, 09:42 AM
Say you aren't at liberty to talk about that.
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how to introduce my job
01-05-2011, 10:14 AM
Tell her you build families. You are a social architect, a logistics specialist.
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how to introduce my job
01-06-2011, 12:44 AM
In Asia its all about the job though. I would tell them that you manage financial transactions for investors.
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how to introduce my job
01-06-2011, 02:07 AM
Getting the urge to lie means you are trying to impress a woman, making it impossible to spit good game. Just by thinking about it you're ensuring failure. This is a confidence issue, nothing more.
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how to introduce my job
01-10-2011, 12:53 AM
A girl normally asks this question for one of three reasons. It's either a complete shit test, she is genuinely trying to get to know you, or she has already decided she wants to sleep with you and is only making sure that you're a normal person (ie not serial killer).
If you're already getting the touching, smiles, and playfulness from her, jokingly say that you dig ditches during the day and work in a soup kitchen on weekends. I think Roosh mentioned the digging ditches line a while back and it works really well. Just make sure she has no idea if you are kidding or not. Even if she already likes you, answering her questions directly will only look subordinate and make her want to fuck you less. I used this line on a 23 yr blonde nurse at a sports bar last week and she voluntarily admitted to what I'm saying. In this case, it was the last example.
If a girl is genuinely trying to get to know you, but she isn't "sold", just be nonchalant and answer that you work in finance, you're a business owner, or whatever. Don't be specific or let her continue asking "What type of business, company, etc? Just turn the conversation from that point towards something else or jokingly make fun of her nosiness. IMO, this is not the situation to just defect the question as it looks weird/insecure to not be able to say something, IF she is genuinely interested in you. Immediately putting her down for asking is also not good game.
As for a straight shit test, who cares. These normally come from girls that I am not interested in and normally, I just complete ignore the question or say "I push pencils most of the day", letting her know that I could give a fuck less about what she thinks.
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how to introduce my job
01-10-2011, 01:18 AM
Just tell her you do real estate investing, development etc.
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how to introduce my job
01-12-2011, 03:14 PM
I get asked this at least 3x per week. I usually keep it short and simple. Here is my scenario:
Target: "So, MIxx, what do you do?"
MIxx:"Well, I do everything from salsa dancing, to stepping naked under waterfalls in exotic countries of Latin America"
Target" haha, no, I mean, what do you do for a living"
Mixx"Oh. what do I do for money! Well, let's just say I live a very interesting lifestyle that keeps me very happy as oppose to a boring corporate career in a corner office"
Pause, and smile at your target....
Mixx:" wanna know more? well, I guess that part you'll have to earn that someday..", hold her hand tight, wait 10 seconds, and go for a kiss close.
Normally, this is DHV. I never give my target a direct answer as to prove/impress her, and it shows yet again, I am my own man whom she would be lucky to be around.
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how to introduce my job
01-12-2011, 03:43 PM
Quote: (01-12-2011 03:14 PM)MiXX Wrote:
I get asked this at least 3x per week. I usually keep it short and simple. Here is my scenario:
Target: "So, MIxx, what do you do?"
MIxx:"Well, I do everything from salsa dancing, to stepping naked under waterfalls in exotic countries of Latin America"
Target" haha, no, I mean, what do you do for a living"
Mixx"Oh. what do I do for money! Well, let's just say I live a very interesting lifestyle that keeps me very happy as oppose to a boring corporate career in a corner office"
Pause, and smile at your target....
Mixx:" wanna know more? well, I guess that part you'll have to earn that someday..", hold her hand tight, wait 10 seconds, and go for a kiss close.
Normally, this is DHV. I never give my target a direct answer as to prove/impress her, and it shows yet again, I am my own man whom she would be lucky to be around.
Awesome DHV model Mixx, especially the making her earn it part. I've used similar, and if the girl is liberal I definitely have to side step the career question. If the girl is giving me a good vibe I use this:
Her: What do you do for a living?
Me: I'd rather not say out load. (looking around suspicious)
When she leans in for me to whisper I gently bite her ear lobe.
Her: HEY! You're bad.
Me: Sorry, I got sidetracked. What did you ask again?
Girls are nosy little creatures and remaining mysterious drives them crazy.
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how to introduce my job
01-12-2011, 04:34 PM
I could not figure out why the OP attached a picture of MJ either, I did not see the relevance ti his post.
OP, can you explain this? And how does it relate to what you were posting?
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how to introduce my job
01-12-2011, 04:38 PM
Must have watched roosh's video on how to be a master blogger
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how to introduce my job
01-12-2011, 08:32 PM
I make a basic income through trading stocks, enough to do what I like to do without having to work for someone. Directly saying what I do sounds pretentious and looks like BS since I live a simple lifestyle.
Before I read about game I would always say what I do, explaining it LOGICALLY. I could always feel the interest deflating when honestly answering this. Then I changed something: when asked what I like to do, I do what Mixx said, misinterpret the question and answer with adventurous things I like to do, use those as topics for stories. If you get cut off or she goes back to your job, DO NOT say what you do, if you do, they will lose interest, evade the question, answer with humour, be vague.. smile.
Every time you get asked what you do, look at it as an opportunity to HOLD BACK. If you directly answer, she wins and you're losing points.
I would love to understand the logic behind this, it's completely counterintuitive to me.