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salsa en colombia

salsa en colombia

hey, i just joined and i am going to bogotá en marzo. probobly medellín also 2 weeks to a month. i read before that the salsa is there. now i juat want to know where. i read roosh's warning about new,posts, and i can safely say that i have been searching the forum for two months on salsa un colombia. so, kets list every spot in COLOMBIA(the entire country) that focus on salsa. i think with this thread we can make a comprehenaive list of spots in each city for salsa. good salutaciones , can you give me a list of spots in bogotá or medellín to take my girls for salsa. i dance circular(la cumbia) on 1 and on 2. actually i dance salsa to my favorite ed banger songs on 1. (fyi). and if you have been to more than one salsa joint in a specific city, feel free to give a rating (1 to 10: worst to best atmosphere). i qant this to be the thread for this undiscovered theme. i will list te joints on the original post as people share discotecas. lets help each other make this list.


salsa en colombia

Cali is by far and away your best option...I've been here just over 1 month ( have spent time in Bogota and Medellin) and just about every club here is salsa, bachata etc etc...if you like to dance a lot I don't think there are many better places in the world than Cali..especially when taking into consideration the beauty of women to dance with.

salsa en colombia

Best, pure Salsa : Cali. This city breathes Salsa, but also breathes blood and lead, so there's that.
Safest Salsa city : Medellin (these days barely, tho), even though it's the world's capital of Reggaeton instead.

salsa en colombia

OP if you make it to Cali, be sure to check out La Barra de la 44, its very safe and has the best salsa dancers in the city, I highly recommend it.


salsa en colombia

Quote: (02-10-2014 04:56 PM)scotian Wrote:  

OP if you make it to Cali, be sure to check out La Barra de la 44, its very safe and has the best salsa dancers in the city, I highly recommend it.

Salsa de estilo Bugs Bunny!

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