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Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Just start planning to go travel adventure like you guys doing but still have problem with money because if I travel now I don't have any more money comes to my bank account. I start to plan to make Internet business like PPC or affiliate Marketing but the problem is I just have basic knowledge about computer programming althought I'm working for IT outsourcing service in my country Indonesia but my position is Sales so I just have basic knowledge not really technical.

so guys do you started your internet business with programming knowlegde?

Now I'm looking for good affiliate marketing and I find replacemyself by john jonas site is offering affiliate, I already take a look to the site and the offer seem good they are offering 10% fee per referral, but I hope I will get other suggestion from you guys the easiest to sign up and fastest when withdraw

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

You don't have to be a software programmer.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

You really don't need much (if any) programming knowledge to get started.

I just used wordpress and a few helpful plugins to set up my online business.
If you are going for an online product based business check out my 4hww "muse" tutorial.

If you are going more for affiliate marketing then I would recommend this very helpful affiliate marketing tutorial.

Learn how I created a successful 4HWW Muse Online Business and travel around the world.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-27-2010 02:04 AM)phoenix abroad Wrote:  

You really don't need much (if any) programming knowledge to get started.

I just used wordpress and a few helpful plugins to set up my online business.
If you are going for an online product based business check out my 4hww "muse" tutorial.

If you are going more for affiliate marketing then I would recommend this very helpful affiliate marketing tutorial.

Thanks for your suggestion, your site recommendations are help me a lot. Roosh V forum is Rock [Image: biggrin.gif]

for anyone who just want to start online business like I am and thinking about making website with wordpress these are good plugin for your WP site. ( I take this from Phoenix Abroad site recommendation)

* Easy Privacy Policy – Google penalizes the search ranking of sites without a privacy policy
* Google XML Sitemaps – Helps improve Google search ranking
* All in One SEO Pack – Optimize your site’s appearance on a Google Search page (link text and description)
* Fast Secure Contact Form – Used on the checkout page to register a “sale”
* Google Analytics for WordPress – Track where visitors go on your site
* Google Website Optimizer for WordPress (optional) – Easily integrate “split-testing” into your site

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-25-2010 10:28 PM)coronaborcalis Wrote:  

I start to plan to make Internet business like PPC or affiliate Marketing but the problem is I just have basic knowledge about computer programming althought I'm working for IT outsourcing service in my country Indonesia but my position is Sales so I just have basic knowledge not really technical.

For that you don't need to be a programmer, nor you would need to hire one.
If you were planning to develop something like Gmail, then it would be a different story!

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-27-2010 10:43 AM)coronaborcalis Wrote:  

Thanks for your suggestion, your site recommendations are help me a lot. Roosh V forum is Rock [Image: biggrin.gif]

You're welcome coronaborcalis, I am glad to help. I am working on an entire series of posts about finding the right target market and creating an online business, so make sure to check back or subscribe (rss or email) so you can be notified when they are posted.

Learn how I created a successful 4HWW Muse Online Business and travel around the world.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

What about a social networking site? I have no idea where to start with building one but, I have what I believe would be a great idea that would generate some pretty good advertising revenue.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

I hate shitting on ideas, but...

My last job was building a social network. That company had 500 employees and lots of capital. They are going to fail utterly. Don't do it.

If you think you can beat Facebook or even Hi5, you're crazy. [Image: smile.gif]

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Ok but, what are the steps to building one? Just for the sake of mental exercise. Humor me.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-30-2010 07:02 PM)Cruatha Wrote:  

I hate shitting on ideas, but...

My last job was building a social network. That company had 500 employees and lots of capital. They are going to fail utterly. Don't do it.

If you think you can beat Facebook or even Hi5, you're crazy. [Image: smile.gif]

Great point Cruatha, every time I hear how someone is "building the next facebook" I want to punch them in the face.


Ok but, what are the steps to building one? Just for the sake of mental exercise. Humor me.

Fisto you may want to talk to Lumiere, he is creating a social network called Flashpodding. His site has a decent chance at success because he is targeting a very specific niche group of people and not trying to compete with facebook.

Learn how I created a successful 4HWW Muse Online Business and travel around the world.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-30-2010 06:54 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

What about a social networking site? I have no idea where to start with building one but, I have what I believe would be a great idea that would generate some pretty good advertising revenue.

My impression is that most businesses built around advertising revenue will not survive the next five years. Look on what's happening now in FCC and Congress, read all the talks about online advertisers. Their golden days were in past.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-30-2010 07:40 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Ok but, what are the steps to building one? Just for the sake of mental exercise. Humor me.

You could just create one on Ning, there are some pretty successful networks on there that make money.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

Quote: (12-30-2010 07:40 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Ok but, what are the steps to building one? Just for the sake of mental exercise. Humor me.

I can probably help you, but I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for here? A development plan?

Unfortunately the development, while a big hurdle, is relatively small compared to the rest. Operations and marketing dwarf it and make it completely insignificant.

Indeed your only chance to have a successful social network is micro-niche, but the problem with that is unless you can bring some very specific value to that niche there's no reason for your customers to not use Facebook, Ning, whatever else instead. Facebook is flexible enough to support almost any social network, and Ning is built to support niche social networks.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

you gotta be highly focused for your network to have any chance of success. if not, forget it

you don't need programming skills to run a successful online business, while there are certain things where you do need to hire a professional

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

I think it really depends on what kind of internet business. But, for affiliate and PPC marketing, you definitely DO NOT need to be a programmer at all.

In fact, you don't need to be a programmer for most type of internet businesses. However, there are some things that you just might not be able to do yourself, and for those bits and pieces you can hire a freelance programmer to help you out. For example, you set up your site, but now you want to integrate it with some kind of payment system like Paypal. Depending on the platform you use, it could be pretty simple. Or it could not.

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

you should familiarize yourself at least at conceptual level with the technology too

Do you need to be programmer to start Internet business?

In terms of technology I suggest this mix though I am not a technologist by any means

HTML (the foundation), CSS (the design of the foundation), PHP + MSQL (the information warehouse architecture).

I've been thinking about this as well and so far here is what I got.

3 Steps to a successful online business

1.) Conduct Market study - determine the size of your market, and the competitors. Data is accessible through Google search analytics.

2.) Decide on Market approach
a. Direct competition - find a niche relative to your competitor, fight tooth and nail for traffic.
b. Market creation - create a new niche, build it, and maybe they will come.

3.) Develop your product
a. create from scratch
b. outsource

I think that would be the gist of it keeping in mind costs and future growth. Ideally, it would be a turn key operation, with the minimum amount of maintenance after product launch. Thoughts?

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