I've just left China and have return to the US, where I will be spending a frantic two months dealing with three different very nerve wracking and hectic things.
All of that aside, I've been asking myself some difficult questions lately. I want to base much of my life and career in a foreign country with high growth potential and in the past (4 years ago) I thought that it was going to be Korea+China.
Now Brazil is almost irresistible to me. I'm not talking about all of the beaches, lifestyle, and women - those are obvious. What is immediately appealing to me is that, with a background in Spanish and French, I'm very confident that I can become fluent in Portuguese in 6-8 months if I lived there. Second, it is somewhat closer to the US and Europe (8-9 hour flight from SP/RDJ instead of 14-18 hours). In addition to that, it is a democracy with a diverse and developing economic base.
China really needs no introduction here. It is overwhelmingly unanimously agreed upon that they will the next world juggernaut.
Putting the women/bundhas/caipirinhas aside and talking strictly about career choices, would you guys take China or Brazil?
All of that aside, I've been asking myself some difficult questions lately. I want to base much of my life and career in a foreign country with high growth potential and in the past (4 years ago) I thought that it was going to be Korea+China.
Now Brazil is almost irresistible to me. I'm not talking about all of the beaches, lifestyle, and women - those are obvious. What is immediately appealing to me is that, with a background in Spanish and French, I'm very confident that I can become fluent in Portuguese in 6-8 months if I lived there. Second, it is somewhat closer to the US and Europe (8-9 hour flight from SP/RDJ instead of 14-18 hours). In addition to that, it is a democracy with a diverse and developing economic base.
China really needs no introduction here. It is overwhelmingly unanimously agreed upon that they will the next world juggernaut.
Putting the women/bundhas/caipirinhas aside and talking strictly about career choices, would you guys take China or Brazil?