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How would you guys play this?

How would you guys play this?


I work out of a members club in London which is part of an amazing 5-star hotel. The club is based on a whole floor of the hotel. Theres a girl who works on reception at a desk on this floor.

It's always really empty there. During the day, sometimes is just me in one of the rooms working and she's at the desk. There's always members of staff up there and people in meetings in other rooms however.

We speak every day, I play cocky funny, demonstrated value etc. We went for a drink once after work together, we were sitting close, she touched me a few times, I ran the 5 question game and other fun stuff which she responded well to.

Now I've hit a bit of a wall. I see her every day so there's not much mystery. How would you guys play this to get her in the sack. She mentioned that she was seeing one of the chefs at the hotel but she made a point when we went for drinks that she still "sees other guys" and isn't tied down to anything.

What now?

How would you guys play this?

run the first date bang recipe.

that is all the advice you need.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

How would you guys play this?

Problem is, my place is nowhere near the hotel (about 30 minutes on the metro). Her's is a 10 minute walk. The only other way, would be to get her number and organise a date later in the evening somewhere different. I think asking for her number now though would be strange and she'd instantly know what my plan is..

How would you guys play this?

You have to be able to talk to her somehow...get her number and invite her over for dinner or some shit. Her number is much better than Facebook etc.

How would you guys play this?

Because it's a work situation , I wouldnt ask her out of a formal date

I would invite her to join a mixed group of your friends when you're all meeting for a drink after work or maybe going to a club together

Your intentions are a lot less obvious so she can rationalize this.

Then get a few drinks in her, game her and separate her from the group

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

How would you guys play this?

Quote: (01-08-2014 10:46 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Because it's a work situation , I wouldnt ask her out of a formal date

I would invite her to join a mixed group of your friends when you're all meeting for a drink after work or maybe going to a club together

Your intentions are a lot less obvious so she can rationalize this.

Then get a few drinks in her, game her and separate her from the group

That's what I thought. Asking her out just the two of us seems too forced for a situation where I see her every day.

Getting her to a mixed group drinks sounds like a better plan where I can game.

On another note, how should I act around her during the day? I walk past her whenever I come in, go downstairs, come back from the bar etc. She already knows I'm a sociable guy as I have friends in there sometimes. I don't want to have to say "Hey, hows it going?" every time I come in or walk past. Needs to be different to every other beta who speaks to her during the day.

How would you guys play this?

No, you don't have to speak to her every time-you're a busy guy with important things to do, right?

It's better if you don't talk to her too much-that's what office orbiters do. Just keep up the light cocky funny from time to time

The most effective tactic would be if you can create situations in which she sees you around the workplace with attractive women. Your relationship with those women is irrelevant as along as they appear to be enjoying your company you will get a lot of impact out of that. At the least get girls to call you through the reception desk if work rules allow that. The more different girls who call the better.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

How would you guys play this?

Here is the Cooking Game I have run on chicks in similar situations.

Me: So when are you cooking for me?

If she says: "Saturday come over at 7. What do you like?" then problem solved.
If she says: "Eww I don't cook", then you say "Haha yeah you're probably too masculine for that."

If she says: "Whatever" or otherwise dismisses you, then she's not into you. Move on.
If she says: "OMG am not!" or otherwise is playful, then you say "Fine if you're a shitty cook at least take me to a nice restaurant. Or are you a cheapskate too?"

If she says: "What do you like?" or is open to it, problem solved.
If she says: "Isn't the guy supposed to pay?" then you say "Fine I'll pay but then I want a massage." Problem solved.

Obviously, there are numerous other potential permutations this conversation can take but it works wonders for me.

How would you guys play this?

It sounds like she already likes you and that you are high status, so;

I would make an arbitrary bet with her. Make it about a football match that takes place in the future on a day when you know she's free (so next Friday or whatever). Say if Chelsea wins then you buy me a drink at a place of your choosing - and vice versa. It's a win win for everyone and you can tease her about it (although not excessively) to build anticipation throughout the week. It's best if you lose the bet so you can buy her a drink at the pub around the corner from your flat.

This works because it has the appearance of being beta. Obviously you need to lead once you have her at said location.

This is field tested for the record.

The conversation goes like this;

You: What are you up to this weekend?
HB: Bla... bla... Nothing on Friday.
You: REally. Well there's a match on Friday. Let's play for steaks.
HB: Steaks?
You: You are silly. I meant, let's make a wager. (you'll have to use British terms obviously)
HB: I don't know about that. Are you trying to hustle me?
You: No. No. Nothing like that. I'm just trying to make things interesting around here. You look so bored. And I thought I'd help you out.
HB: Aren't you a good guy.
You: You know. It's my little social service for the day. Help out a lonely receptionist in the big city.... Tell you what. Here's what we'll do.
HB: I'm listening
You: Chelsea is my team. If they win I'll buy you a drink at a place of my choosing. If they lose you can console me by buying me a beer.
HB: you're so sweet.
You: I know... I gotta go now. It's not easy pretending to be important all day. [Image: wink.gif]
HB: Don't leave... [Image: sad.gif](((

If it works out you have to tell her that you need to keep things professional at work. And make sure you don't tell any of the other guys at work what's going on. That'll kill your game faster than anything else.

How would you guys play this?

Quote: (01-08-2014 10:12 PM)Noted Wrote:  

We speak every day, I play cocky funny, demonstrated value etc. We went for a drink once after work together, we were sitting close, she touched me a few times, I ran the 5 question game and other fun stuff which she responded well to.

Now I've hit a bit of a wall. I see her every day so there's not much mystery. How would you guys play this to get her in the sack. She mentioned that she was seeing one of the chefs at the hotel but she made a point when we went for drinks that she still "sees other guys" and isn't tied down to anything.

What now?

I bolded the parts above because I see a lot of advice to hang out with her in a group setting which is going BACKWARDS. Hit her up with something fun that she can join you for. Invite her out to party in your area when you have something good going on. Just get her out for a drink again and escalate! I'd aim towards somewhere that is close enough to her place that you can go there to bang. She knows what's up and even told you she wasn't tied down, it's your dicking to fail at.

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How would you guys play this?

Quote: (01-08-2014 10:34 PM)Noted Wrote:  

Problem is, my place is nowhere near the hotel (about 30 minutes on the metro). Her's is a 10 minute walk. The only other way, would be to get her number and organise a date later in the evening somewhere different. I think asking for her number now though would be strange and she'd instantly know what my plan is..

I'm not really sure what the problem is, other than you're wedded to the idea that your sex location has to be mere steps away from where you meet the chick.

3 options

1) run some serious game, and fuck her in the hotel/member's club.

"Why don't we be a little bit naughty"

2) run some serious game, go to a neutral 3rd spot, seed the idea of going back to *her* place and then go back to her place

"that thing you were telling me about"
"i'm a gentleman, I must be sure that you are safe, let me walk you home...lemme see your place...I really need to pee..oh wow is that Downton Abbey on the telly"

3) run some serious game, seed the conversation @ the neutral spot about showing her something cool at your place, and then keep her hot and bothered while you're on the tube until you get to your place.

"that thing I was telling you about the entire night that you have to see, come check it out, it'll take 5 minutes, it's so cool" OVER SELL IT

Remember, Game >>>> Logistics.

Most of us that live in the States, ROUTINELY talk our way into a chick's apartment, or keep them interested as we drive back to our place.

It's so normal and obvious that we don't actually talk about it much.

Read all the old school stuff from Mystery./Style and those guys. They all didn't live in the heat of the action. They learned how to future project/seed bounce locations while they were in the middle of running game.

This may seem weird if you live in NYC or London, but the vast majority of us don't.

Like I said before, if a chick is interested in seeing you, but you can't keep her entertained for 30 minutes - logistics are the least of your worries.

A vet of the game can convince a chick to drive hours, take a plain, bring a overnight bag....


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