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A nice calendar for 2014 from Russia

A nice calendar for 2014 from Russia


One Direction and Cheryl Cole might have calendars flying off the shelves but they're no match for the 'flex appeal' of this 2014 offering.

Zlata, the Russian-born contortionist, has broken numerous world records for her flexibility - and judging by the pictures above it's no surprise.

These latest snaps show the blonde bombshell contorting herself into all sorts of extreme positions, bending herself in ways that would make a yoga guru blush.

She said: "I wish my fans, contortion fans and all contortionists around the world a lovely Christmas time. Stay faithful to me next year and I will have many more surprises for you."

The saucier snaps show her in skin-tight PVC suits and bunny ears while other more playful frames show her wrapped around giant lipsticks and candy.

Link - Mirror News

[Image: Zlata-2955082.jpg]

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Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

A nice calendar for 2014 from Russia

Imagine all the ways you could hit that

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

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