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$100M Bitcoin Heist

0M Bitcoin Heist

Apparently, a person or people hacked Sheep (online drug marketplace) and made off with 96K bitcoins. Currently there's a pretty intense game of cat and mouse going on between the culprit(s) and the internet - one trying to hide the money and the other trying to track him/them down.

Here's a link to a mainstream news article about it:

Here's a link to the reddit thread where some people were tracking the money trail.

0M Bitcoin Heist

Yeah, Reddit's internet detectives have such a spotless record, lol.

Like last year when they accused a missing college student from Brown as having been radicalized and carried out the attack, only to later find out that that he had been suffering from depression and had killed himself.

0M Bitcoin Heist

Hahaha! Yeah, there certainly a lot of dorks on there living out Breaking Bad style fantasies in their heads. That being said, ripping off drug dealers is pretty serious business. They've already doxed someone who may or may not be the right person. I'm just sitting back with a cold one watching this whole thing unfold.

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