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how would you game with Angelina jolie.

how would you game with Angelina jolie.

she is sorrounded by alot of fans and very much crowded....finally you got the chance to get near with her...

Go. !

how would you game with Angelina jolie.

I wouldn't even introduce myself. I would take a sip of my drink.

Me - I always thought people were blowing it out of proportion about Hollywood, but the people here are really fake. No Offense.
Her - (lol) No taken. I know what you mean.
Me - Let's take you for instance. You at least use your fame to help others selfishly. Some people I really do feel are doing it just for the publicity.
Her - blah blah blah
Me - You see, I never knew that you were interested in those things. Your're the triple threat. Brains, Beauty, and a higher sense of purpose. But you did screw it up with the farm boy.
Her - (lol) Brad blah blah blah
Me - If you say so. But I thought you were the sexy feminist chick. Ya know no double standards. If men can do it, why can't women. But you take yourself off the market in you prime. I think the world shed a tear that day. Now your under lock and key.
Her - I'm my own woman blah blah blah.
Me - Listen, everybody has a right to call it quits. Look we better stop. Were talking too long, I don't want you to get into trouble. Somebody might start a rumor about us being lovers or something. (smiling)

It's not champagne. It's really ginger ale and ripple. I call it...champipple.

how would you game with Angelina jolie.

I would just stick by member between her succulent lips and there'd be no need for conversation.

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