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How hard up were you

How hard up were you

I was so hard up once I actually had sex with a fat girl because I didn't have any better prospects. She was the worst lay ever as I recall asking her when we started the love making "Am I in?". I don't think she was too thrilled to hear that and I was none too thrilled that I had to ask, but 40 minutes later and nowhere close to reaching climax I rolled her over like dough and faked it. Grossly disappointing it was just a disgusting experience to say the least.

The worst part was that we were co-workers. So that morning during the drive in (we drove together) I insisted that we keep it between us because I didn't want any uneeded attention. Of course, she agreed. Later that same day I'm getting ribbed by the guys because apparently I had fucked Shankle (the fat bitch). Gee, I wonder how they found out.

What was your most hard up moment and worst experience?

How hard up were you

My hard up moment was with my then wife almost 4 years ago.. she was screwing around.. I knew it, but I was a needy beta then and didn't say "f-off" to her. I should have known better. She lies, and lied about her being on the pill.. she wanted my DNA and got it.

Although I have a really great kid from it, its an expense I can't afford right now...

Lucky, I don' t have much to share for 'worst experience'... my only real haunting memory is of a girl who was wicked in bed, intelligent (top marks in university), but yet she was so stupid at the same time... I feared for my life in a car with her.. and her social skills didn't really exist. I can still picture her naked though [Image: sad.gif]

How hard up were you

Wait... how do you "fake it" as a guy? Isn't that pretty hard to fake?

Hard up? I would say as recently as 3 years ago I would have said "yes" to just about anything that came along. Even now my "yes"/"no" threshold is rather low... have I made a lot of progress, yes, but do I still have a LONG ways to go, yes also. I usually have at least one prospect these days, but most prospects go nowhere. If I had a sure thing that didn't require any effort, it'd have to be pretty bad before I'd say "no." So you could say that I'm still "hard up"...

Now, what's *really* scary is to talk to any of my several friends who are clearly much worse off than me!

How hard up were you


Wait... how do you "fake it" as a guy? Isn't that pretty hard to fake?

As long as she doesn't check the wet suit it's cool.

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