Quote: (10-21-2008 11:49 AM)Trotter Wrote:
This is a tough one because it requires specifics. I read Sarryn's post in the other thread and I have to say I'm very different regarding those matters. I'm the type where if this was a RL situation I kick it in the rear as soon as it happens. That's the thing about being a target if you don't squash it from the start then it becomes harder to be rid of a developing stigma.
If this was something that happened at a bar with some guy I'll never see again I'll just blow him off and walk away. If it's a situation where I know I have to see this guy again I'm going to take it to him. I'm also kind of a big guy so if I have to I'll wait to catch the guy by himself and confront him.
That being said I've never been in a situation where that was a problem for me (except for maybe in high school or something). You have to wonder why someone would target you. Anywhere I go I'm always holding up shoulders and head up high, and I'm very demonstrative about things I do and say. Maybe you're this type of guy and the dink is probably thinking he needs to take on the big guy on campus just like fighting on your first day in prison to prove to everyone you're not a bitch.
This is not a situation where you can just let it go because if people really are paying attention then it will only damage your rep in the long run. But it's kind of hard to say really because I don't know anything about you or the people that go to your school. For all I know it could be Nerd University and in that case I'd just roll my eyes and be like wtf.
I think the flaw with your advice is that as you put it: "That being said I've never been in a situation where that was a problem for me (except for maybe in high school or something). You have to wonder why someone would target you."
You're a big guy as you put it yourself, this in itself can sometimes be a shield against other guys trying to tease/out-alpha you. Others need to make do with the tools they're given. Not being a nice guy is a start. Don't laugh at others peoples jokes at you, and if any express any sort of behavior towards you that you don't like, pull your attention away. This is sort of like how you train girlfriends with mini-freezeouts and take-aways. This works in all social situations...
The part I will agree on is, you have to confront this situation immediately. Don't let it fester. If someone made fun of my name in front of other people, even if they were all laughing, I would look at him seriously and show him I didn't find the joke funny. For me this works 100% of the time and the people will always shut the fuck up. Why? Because I have a history of demanding respect and taking 0 bull shit from others. I have NEVER been in a fight, but I have the look of someone who would jump into one. If you did this technique at this point, they would probably keep laughing... You need to work on your frame. Stop being a nice guy, don't laugh at yourself or the jokes people pull at your expense.
This is actually a very serious issue because if you can master being the alpha and demanding respect, you WILL be getting more pussy guaranteed.