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she wants to have fun

she wants to have fun

Quik help. Met a girl, she justb wants to have fun, u know what that means. she thinks i am too reserved how do i loosen up and what are some exciting date ideas to go on.

she wants to have fun


how do i loosen up

By loosening up!

Fun = alcohol. Unless by exciting you mean an amusement park.

she wants to have fun

Is she cute? How old? Are you near the ocean? Get a camera . Go near a lake or ocean and take some wine . Drink some wine and say? Lets get naked and take a dip ! Do not take her Gf with you . Do not travel with her until you have sex with her . I made that mistake . She wants to have fun ? Get her alone and make your move . Try and kiss her ? Not to fast . If she is 18-23 ? She wants to play . If you do finger her ? Take your TIME . Place her hand on you .

Have some money and condoms on you . Say lets get a room .

Sounds like she is young. Girls today are into sex more than ever .You ever been with a female ?

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