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Follow Up after getting blocked?

Follow Up after getting blocked?

Party at my place last night. I was about to hook up with brunette when this other blonde that likes me committed the block. It sucked.

The brunette texted me this morning claiming she left her wallet at my house. She asked if she could come back and get it. The brunette and I were holding hands going up to my room when the blonde fucked everything up, so I'm assuming this chick was down at the time. Alcohol was involved since this is college haha.

I'm planning on having her over, but I don't know if I should go for the bang or if I should just try and set up a date for another time. We were supposed to go to a bar today, but I'm pretty sure that finding her wallet is her priority since she lost it last night.

Depending on distressed she is, I think I might suggest that we go on a scavenger hunt through the house and the just take her to my room. If she's really freaking out, I'll just try to reschedule.

I've never really been in this situation before, so we'll see what happens. I'm open to other suggestions, too.

Follow Up after getting blocked?

I seriously doubt she lost her wallet. This is a classic move. Women constantly leave things at guy's houses on purpose or just lie and say they lost something, just so they have a reason to return.

Follow Up after getting blocked?

Wallets, scarves, sunglasses, one sock (???), earring... I've heard it all.

My place is minimalist, so if someone left something behind, I'd know it.

These are just women trying to rationalize an excuse as to why they want to come over. Keep your frame, ignore her search and reframe to what you want to do, whatever it might be.

I doubt she lost her wallet.

Follow Up after getting blocked?

I don't really understand the question here.

A girl that you want to stick your dick in, wants to go to your place to look for her wallet, that she might have lost in a party when she wanted to get stuffed by you?

You just need to proceed normally and escalate. Give her a drink, pretend to look for the wallet for five minutes, sit on the couch/bed and profit.

I'm not a great artist, but if you really need I can draw you an illustrated guide on how to put your penis inside her.

Follow Up after getting blocked?

It's the classiv leave behind.
Make her come over when you have an empty house, offer her a drink and escalate.

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Follow Up after getting blocked?

You don't know whether to go for the bang with a girl you want to bang? You should have made a poll so the forum can decide for you.

Follow Up after getting blocked?

Quote: (06-16-2013 09:59 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

The brunette texted me this morning claiming she left her wallet at my house. She asked if she could come back and get it. The brunette and I were holding hands going up to my room when the blonde fucked everything up, so I'm assuming this chick was down at the time.

You can still very likely get the bang out of this. Make sure you look good, smell good, and your place is empty when she comes over. Make a drink, segue into showing her something cool/funny whatever in your room, make a move.

Next time I highly recommend telling the blonde "Can't you see we're busy?" then "Come on let's go" to the brunette.

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