whats your opinion about sending a girl to voicemail. i know yu shudnt make yourself always there for her but yu dnt want to come off like yu might be upset if she didnt call on time.
ignoring a phone call
I dont leave voice mail, and i dont check voice mail. If its important they will call back, and if it isnt, they can just send a message. I dont leave messages, just not me, if i want to talk to a chick and she doesnt answer, whatever, she will have the missed call, so she can call me back. Adds a touch of mystery.
I normally only check my voicemail about twice a week. However, if I know I have an important call coming in (sure thing, work-related, moneymaking op, big event etc.,) I'll check every message that I missed.
Girls never do anything on time, even girlfriends. A girl says she'll call at 7, if she even calls don't expect it before 8:30. I've noticed that much more girls than guys more prefer to text. The only time I send a girl to voicemail is if I don't want to hear from her, otherwise I answer after the 3rd ring or so.
But if I call and get the machine I will leave a message. Something like (let's suppose I met this girl at the library earlier in the week):
'Hey, how's it going? This is Nonpareil and we met at the library on Tuesday. I'll be around today and tomorrow but am going away for the weekend, we should grab a drink at (one of my local spots) tomorrow night, give me a shout back at XXX-XXX-XXXX.'
That is basically my default message. Succinct and straightforward, speak slowly and calmly (I've noticed I usually have a smoke in my other hand when I send calls out, do what works for you).
She knows who I am, I've got a plan that I'm telling her she should get with (always have a plan, never ask 'what do you wanna do?'), there's some subtle takeaway ('going away for the weekend', even though I usually do) and my contact info. After that, no callbacks until she does.
I prefer to get her on the line no doubt, but if you get a girls' machine you have to leave a message. These days everyone has caller ID, which is a blessing and a curse.
Who is going to look better? A guy who called and left a short but infomative and direct message, or a guy who called and got all sweaty-palmed and nervous when he got the machine and hung up, but her caller ID still picked up his number?
Girls never do anything on time, even girlfriends. A girl says she'll call at 7, if she even calls don't expect it before 8:30. I've noticed that much more girls than guys more prefer to text. The only time I send a girl to voicemail is if I don't want to hear from her, otherwise I answer after the 3rd ring or so.
But if I call and get the machine I will leave a message. Something like (let's suppose I met this girl at the library earlier in the week):
'Hey, how's it going? This is Nonpareil and we met at the library on Tuesday. I'll be around today and tomorrow but am going away for the weekend, we should grab a drink at (one of my local spots) tomorrow night, give me a shout back at XXX-XXX-XXXX.'
That is basically my default message. Succinct and straightforward, speak slowly and calmly (I've noticed I usually have a smoke in my other hand when I send calls out, do what works for you).
She knows who I am, I've got a plan that I'm telling her she should get with (always have a plan, never ask 'what do you wanna do?'), there's some subtle takeaway ('going away for the weekend', even though I usually do) and my contact info. After that, no callbacks until she does.
I prefer to get her on the line no doubt, but if you get a girls' machine you have to leave a message. These days everyone has caller ID, which is a blessing and a curse.
Who is going to look better? A guy who called and left a short but infomative and direct message, or a guy who called and got all sweaty-palmed and nervous when he got the machine and hung up, but her caller ID still picked up his number?
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