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speed dating for practice?

speed dating for practice?

I've been contemplating going to a couple of speed dating events -- as a way to expose myself to single women, sure, but also to _make_ myself open up in a required "approach" environment.

I've got some ideas for great openers at a speed dating event, but 'worry' about going into 'interview mode' instead, though... and I'm sure I would go into interview mode, especially if trying to meet someone I really don't find desirable at all.

Has anyone else taken in a speed dating event just to get some exposure to using your learned skills? To force yourself into developing more comfort into an approach environment? Let me know how it went!

speed dating for practice?

I went to a speed dating thing maybe 3 or 4 years ago, back in my clueless days. This one was an under-30 crowd; a lot of speed dating events I see are 25-35 or older, which I would avoid right now purely based on the age range (I'm 26 now). There were some attractive women, but yeah, it was very interview-ish. Nothing came of it. I wouldn't expect much, but practice doesn't hurt.

If, instead of people checking off the list of people they'd like to meet and then leaving, they told people to stick around afterwards for general "mingling", that might work better. Then you could go after the best prospects immediately, rather than hoping that they checked you off too.

speed dating for practice?

See if you can hook in 4 minutes or less?

So i went to one about a year ago. (pros in the city @ k street bar)

The chicks were...ehh. Some true attention whores, fat girls, lawyers and Hill Staffers, an engineer, older chicks....

- Format generally sucks.
- Feedback is instant. But it's very interview like.
- Your competition is non-existent, but you really have to prove that you're not like the motley crue of manhood that assembles. (short guys, special needs guys, tons of new eengleesh speakers, older guys)

I do recall that there was this kinda ambiguous guy was there. The chicks really weren't feeling him. After the round robin portion, people either left or mingled. (mostly the women left)

He got a drink. He was leaning on a column, and then lurched forward. He hit the ground face first. It looked really painful.
Everyone saw it, but not one person (guy, girl, staff member) did anything or even reacted.

It was as if he wasn't there. (which I always think is a metaphor for DC, but then again i'm a hater)

Not one person cared.

Things I learned

- If you go, you're better off running game with the chicks *before* the event starts. They're fresh and not hating the event. A lot of girls ar there for the 1st and last time, and they will start to hate it pretty quickly.

- If you hope the hot chick is in your rotation, she won't be. Talk to her now.

- And they're gonna ask resume questions, or try to figure out the event. You've only got 4 minutes, so it's hard to get somewhere conversationally.

- Convos get good (ie give and take, laughs, insights) @ the 3:30 mark, and then you switch. Key to remember when you're back "in the field"

- Leave fast, and have a place to go

If I ever go again, I'll try to set merge the couple ahead or behind me.

speed dating for practice?

I gave it a shot twice about 5 years ago. It was an interesting experience. It's almost unavoidable that it's going to be very interview like. You only have 3 or 4 minutes to talk. My second one gave 8 minutes to talk.

I think if you've been out of the game for awhile and just need something to throw you in front of a bunch of single women and get you warmed up to talking to women again, it's good for that. Just expect women to all say the exact same thing first, "So...what do you do?" Almost without exception they will ask that. And if you don't segue into something else quick or avoid the question altogether, you'll burn through your whole 4 minutes with boring conversation about your jobs. Unless your job is something particularly interesting to talk about, which isn't the case for most.

It's worth a shot, most likely, if you're talking to 20 chics during that hour, at least a few will bite.

speed dating for practice?

When they ask you questions, don't answer them straight, and give humorous answers. Almost everyone will be leaning forward, feigning interest and politeness. Lean back and look really relaxed, and you'll have a vibe worlds away from everyone else. You're going to this to have fun, and you don't have a serious expectation that you'll meet anyone.

I'm in college, but there was a Jewish speed dating event at my school last year, to which I went (I'm Jewish). I had low expectations, I was like, eh I'll just eff around and entertain myself. The girls were mostly hideous, because despite what they say, babes will take a sketchy drunk frat bro over your timid ass. Anyhow I ended up checking off 5 girls somehow out of ~22. I only wanted 2 of those, and one said no, the other said yes, but was actually just a tease. I saw loads of guys from my school suddenly becoming facebook friends; she didn't respond to my facebook msg. There were some decent girls, but they weren't even in my rotation.

I did come off narcissistic to some of the girls, due to my smirk, but whatever. I was a little clownish though, watch out for that.

I was dancing with a cute freshmen last night, and she asked me in middle what year I was. I kept saying I'm an old man, I'm a townie (in a school where everyone mocks the townies), etc. and she totally ate it up. She asked more persistently later, and by then she was way more invested, and less likely to be put off by my status as a junior.

speed dating for practice?

sounds completely stressful basilransom. Why do we put ourselves through this - its almost demeaning.

"For the true meaning of victory ask the defeated warrior"

speed dating for practice?

A few of my friends in DC have gone to speed dating events and they all said the quality of women was atrocious.

speed dating for practice?

Quote: (10-05-2008 10:08 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

A few of my friends in DC have gone to speed dating events and they all said the quality of women was atrocious.

The ones I went to in L.A., the quality of women as far as looks goes was no different than you'd find in the public at large. Some cuties, some uglies, with most being fairly average. I didn't see any knockouts, but wasn't expecting to. As long as there's at least some 7s there, that's good enough. 9 and 10s get propositioned enough to not exactly need anything like this. But I could see speed dating being an effective thing if a guy is just looking for pussy and doesn't need the most beautiful woman to get it from.

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