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I dont really get how the "screening" process works in practice. in bang, roosh gives the example of liking cats or dogs, and ive often seen the 'do you cook' qualification used in PU discussion. can anybody give me some more examples? i seem to have developed a good ability to maintain fun conversation and decent use of kino but it seems after the early game girls begin to lose interest when things move into more personal conversation. for example, a lot of times i ask things directly like "what do you like to do" or "where have you traveled," obviously not in such a boring way but i get the feeling there is a way to do it in a more roundabout manner that makes them feel as though they have something to prove to you.

can somebody explain this to me? examples?


Screening is best if it's customized. What is important to you in a woman? List the traits if you have to. I know a friend who asks girls if they work out.

"I have an important question to ask you.." then ask it in a humorous way.

If her answer is wrong, then say "I have some bad news.."


Quote: (10-02-2008 12:42 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Screening is best if it's customized. What is important to you in a woman? List the traits if you have to. I know a friend who asks girls if they work out.

"I have an important question to ask you.." then ask it in a humorous way.

If her answer is wrong, then say "I have some bad news.."

Thanks Roosh.

How much do you use stuff like this? would you say each girl you ask something similar to this at least once at a minimum? maximum? how does this work in her mind?

What types of things? for some reason im not really able to describe the things i like in a girl...how do you ask her if she gives good head? if she isnt too clingy? if she is smart? if she will do my laundry? seems like these arent the most considerate questions to ask, and at the very least no girl will out and out tell me she sucks. like i said, i havent had much experience with these types of questions so please excuse my ignorance.


Once every 5-10 minutes, maybe three or four times max. I don't know what they think but since she sticks around i'm guessing good.

good head: I wouldn't ask that. I wouldn't touch on anything sexual.

too clingy: How about.. "if you were in love with a guy and he dumped you, would you still stalk him on facebook?" If she says yes chide her for being clingy and if she says no call her a liar (playfully).

smart: Ask her the capital of a country like finland. "Come on everyone knows the capital of finland!!"

laundry: Ask her if she knows why clothes are washed in warm water instead of cold. "I'm looking for a wife who can maintain a home. knowing the different between cold/warm water is CRUCIAL"

Have fun with it!!! Sit down and think how you can spin a fun question from a basic/boring one.


Along similar lines, teasing is always fun. Nothing serious... just like with Roosh's examples, the more trivial, the better. [Image: smile.gif] Among other things, I teased my last date for not knowing that the residents of Minnesota are called Minnesotans (she said "Minnesotians"), and for saying that she's responsible because she can take care of a cat (great, you can take care of an animal that requires virtually no effort!).


Quote: (10-01-2008 11:17 PM)topshelf305 Wrote:  

I dont really get how the "screening" process works in practice. in bang, roosh gives the example of liking cats or dogs, and ive often seen the 'do you cook' qualification used in PU discussion. can anybody give me some more examples? i seem to have developed a good ability to maintain fun conversation and decent use of kino but it seems after the early game girls begin to lose interest when things move into more personal conversation. for example, a lot of times i ask things directly like "what do you like to do" or "where have you traveled," obviously not in such a boring way but i get the feeling there is a way to do it in a more roundabout manner that makes them feel as though they have something to prove to you.

can somebody explain this to me? examples?

I was out early this week, doing my usual circuit

- Me
- Boys in the Crew - Guys I kinda know, but not really
- FauxAlpha - A boy in my crew
- Zone (guy in friend zone?) - who I kinda know, but not really
- HBGlasses (Zone's friend)

- Bar

Zone shows up to bar with a girl, HB Glasses.

Zone kinda knows the guys in my crew.
Zone and HB start chatting us all up.

I forget how the convo started, but HB and Zone are talking with us.
Zone is talking about how he and HB are cool, and then goes on about what kind of stuff they do together. To me, it sounds like he does a lot for her, and she does nothing.

Faux Alpha asks Zone but outloud to everyone else, "So are you in the friendzone?"


Could be a good move if you know how to follow it. I don't think FA had much of a game plan after that.

Anyway, I see the opportunity to fit in between Super Alpha and Zone.

me - "You must clean his apartment or make him sandwiches"
HB - "Well he cooks..."
Zone - (a little confused) "huh..."
HB - "He's asking what do I bring to the table?"

For me, this is a screen - it's important to know how a girl handles her friends.

In terms of pick up

- It's a Long Term Screen - how does she treat people, especially vulnerable ones. Kinda like a girl notices how you treat the waitstaff, I see how she deals with orbiters/betas/friend zone guys.

- Getting her to realize what she was doing - attraction?
- Her coming up with an answer - compliance - attraction?

As the night progressed, I unconsciously did this a few more times, by asking her what she was into outside of her job/school. (most girls aren't into anything, as we all know).

She asks me some questions, and for the most part it should have been off to the races.

We get to the end of the night
- Alpha brings his phone in the middle of all 6 of us and publicly asks her in earshot for the phone # - "I don't give out my phone #" - his public strategy backfired. He had been keeping up the sexual innuendo with her the whole night (she brought it to the table, but SI is something you have to be calibrate. ) But when it came time to close....he tried to handle the objections, offered a meet up....still no dice.

- Alpha leaves (defeated)
- Night winds down further, less people. Down to me, HB, and Zone.
- we hesitantly shake hands....HB mentions " we're walking the same way"
- They both live ~close to me, but I need to handle some things before the night is up.

poof. They're gone.

- Screen was "what do you do for your friend"
- attraction - she thought about it, and then became more amenable and more compliant to
- Close? No. Warm open next time I see her? Maybe.

With tighter game and better understanding of group psych, I could have gotten farther.

But the basic principles of the importance of screening, for attraction purpose and for long term purposes.

You can screen by
- doing cold reads - I can't tell if you're a bad girl trapped in a good girls' body, or a good girl trapped in a bad girls body.
- asking direct questions - Can you cook?

- asking direct not-so-innocent follow up questions after direct innocent questions - Of you're from Minnesota? that means you must be in DC because of...

- asking indirect questions - Don't you just love the fact that last call is at 2:30... (you really want to know how much she drinks)

- presenting comment opportunities - They always play Kid Rock in this bar. (yeah, what's up with that...is the comment she can make)

What you can get
- attraction (ie she sees you slightly differently, cause you've displayed something interesting about who you are)/compliance
- a better understanding of the girl, and whether or not you want to deal with her


Thanks for the post Broken.

The impression in my life is that I don't do enough of screening, and I that I should be screening and evaluating for potential deal breakers way past even the stage where a girl lets you beyond the 'pearly panty gates'. Result : I had a 4 yr relationship with someone who had one or two major personality flaws, but who started out as a 'dream girl'.

ALso, one point I've realised is that with screening should go the power to reject a girl if she does not quite make it past the tests. If they don't feel like you've got the power to cut them off, then you're not really doing real screening it seems to me.

One part of my game that I've listed for refining.

"For the true meaning of victory ask the defeated warrior"


Cool, thanks a lot guys. I will try these techniques this week and report back with results. any further posts/advice/comments are very appreciated


Quote: (10-04-2008 04:54 AM)twigman Wrote:  

Thanks for the post Broken.

The impression in my life is that I don't do enough of screening, and I that I should be screening and evaluating for potential deal breakers way past even the stage where a girl lets you beyond the 'pearly panty gates'. Result : I had a 4 yr relationship with someone who had one or two major personality flaws, but who started out as a 'dream girl'.

ALso, one point I've realised is that with screening should go the power to reject a girl if she does not quite make it past the tests. If they don't feel like you've got the power to cut them off, then you're not really doing real screening it seems to me.

One part of my game that I've listed for refining.

Screening is way under-rated and under promoted. (I think cause confidence/inner game and approach anxiety are way more popular with the people who buy a lot of seduction material)

When i first started going out, all I wanted was some d-cups and the ability to cook. I could only think of things that were tangible
- wears heels
- make up
- dresses sexy
- takes care of herself
- has friends
- has hobbies
- she was "fun"
- interesting conversation...

Wife up a dime piece and you really start to understand what life with a hot chick is like.

Constantly having to build and support her emotional state, the nagging, the her shifting expectations of you, when her beauty no longer has that powerful effect on you....


Quote: (10-06-2008 03:24 PM)broken Wrote:  

Screening is way under-rated and under promoted. (I think cause confidence/inner game and approach anxiety are way more popular with the people who buy a lot of seduction material)

When i first started going out, all I wanted was some d-cups and the ability to cook. I could only think of things that were tangible
- wears heels
- make up
- dresses sexy
- takes care of herself
- has friends
- has hobbies
- she was "fun"
- interesting conversation...

Wife up a dime piece and you really start to understand what life with a hot chick is like.

Constantly having to build and support her emotional state, the nagging, the her shifting expectations of you, when her beauty no longer has that powerful effect on you....

Can you please elaborate? I find this point to be very intriguing. I agree that pickup material is heavily biased towards confidence building and approach anxiety, two things that I have never really had that much of a problem with. All of your advice is helpful in understanding the concept of screening, with which I have little experience.

Anyway, could you go on a bit about what you mean by
"Wife up a dime piece and you really start to understand what life with a hot chick is like."


Quote: (10-06-2008 05:52 PM)topshelf305 Wrote:  

Can you please elaborate? I find this point to be very intriguing. I agree that pickup material is heavily biased towards confidence building and approach anxiety, two things that I have never really had that much of a problem with. All of your advice is helpful in understanding the concept of screening, with which I have little experience.

Anyway, could you go on a bit about what you mean by
"Wife up a dime piece and you really start to understand what life with a hot chick is like."

To paraphase Ice T - For every hot chick that's out there, there's a dude tired of her shit.

Assuming you talk to her, bed her, and now you're kind of an item.
She's going to test your alpha, make sure she made the right choice, given that she only has a short shelf life. I totally understand from a society/evolutionary stand point.

But it's annoying, and it never seems to end.

To some extent, a hot girl in particular, is a novelty whore. Constant new experiences to keep her satisfied. Both the big things and small things can get old.

So what happens when you totally "break" her?

That is you so solidify your leadership position in the relationship - that she really doesn't make a move without your approval? She trusts, relies, and seeks your judgment on everything. (like I really care what color the drapes are....)

That's not really good either. It means thinking for 2. (it's never really a partnership, someone always has the upper hand) Although that may ultimately be your role if you have a family with this girl - that's just some heavy weight to deal with. You go through with it, hopefully because the things you really value, are in her, not because you're just used to the day-to-day security of a relationship.

For me, the battle has always been to not see Ms. Perfect 10 as a MAC lip glossed *burden*.

So when you screen, you have to think about those things that made you unsure of yourself, of your mission.

For me personally, when she's with me, how does she interact with her closest friends and family?

If she has to choose us over them, who does she choose?
The guy who pays her rent, keeps her fridge stocked, picks her up from work, and blows her back out.....or her family?

Does she act as an intermediary between me and the fam?
To my credit or to my detriment?

When I go out with her friends and i'm in her world, do I need to dominate it - so that she gets the right amount of validation from her friends and fam?

Those things have always been an issue in the relationships i've had with really attractive girls, because their inner circle is key to their survivial it seems.

That's not something I can readily figure out 10 minutes into a pick-up, but if you're trying to do more than pad your stats - that kind of long term thinking is crucial.

...It's not enough to so totally believe in yourself that others fall into believing what you believe......you still have to be right about those beliefs.

But you can't really figure out what you need to screen for, until you think of the past relationship's you've had.


Wait until you have your 1st disagreement and you're beyond the get to know you phase. How does she handle it?

this stuff digs right into how much inner turmoils a guy has too. its very deep stuff.

"For the true meaning of victory ask the defeated warrior"

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