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you need to see this

you need to see this

sorry to render Roosh, G manifesto, Bang, this forum, all of your perspectives, etc.. worthless.. but here's all any of you need to know.


you need to see this

I was expecting to be rick-rolled, but nice try.

you need to see this

Not dissing your post deadgabacho, just commenting on the video scene. Hate to say this, but that's a pathetic example of how to f-close. Those are great actors asked to do a lame skit by lame writers.

Notice how his buddy is working him up, just si he can go get digits? Seriously? Why?

Then, he is giving off a needy, and desperate vibe you can feel
miles away. Smiling out of nervousness, not confidence.

Digits are never my intent or goal. Who needs stinking digits? I need you having a great time with me the rest of the night.


you need to see this

Quote: (06-22-2010 06:18 AM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Not dissing your post deadgabacho, just commenting on the video scene. Hate to say this, but that's a pathetic example of how to f-close. Those are great actors asked to do a lame skit by lame writers.

Notice how his buddy is working him up, just si he can go get digits? Seriously? Why?

Then, he is giving off a needy, and desperate vibe you can feel
miles away. Smiling out of nervousness, not confidence.

Digits are never my intent or goal. Who needs stinking digits? I need you having a great time with me the rest of the night.


you missed the point.. he's a monstrous bear with claws she's a scared little bunny.

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