Quote: (06-19-2010 10:59 PM)Giovonny Wrote:
I have noticed a few things. Generally speaking, Guys with weak inner game hate girls. Guys with strong inner game love girls. Guys who hate girls usually don't get laid as much or as easy as guys who loves girls. Guys who love girls have learned how to communicate with girls. Guys who hate girls struggle to communicate with them.
lol...I don't really think its as black and white as that. While I'm loathe to defend myself to your qualifications and indirect assessment of me, lets just say it can get much more complicated than what your making it out to be.
Although, if your just banging girls a couple of times and moving on, then I can see how you would have your perspective. I probably would to, and likely did at one time. Especially with short term relationship, your exactly right. If I just want sex from her, and I don't really know her, I don't have any feelings toward her. Love, hate, nothing. Its just a transaction, and some in the moment fun that benefits us both. It doesn't affect my emotional state in the slightest. Although, it usually confirms the fact that I've banged another slut who, if I was in a relationship with her, I couldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. But I'm fine with that, because I'm not in a relationship with her. No harm, no foul.
I dont hate her for that, i just know what the tendencies are of women with certain behaviors. When Im not in a relationship, I welcome women like that. One: because I know exactly how to exploit their wants and needs. Two: They appreciate that I don't judge them, and they have a lot of fun, as do I.
Communicating with girls and getting laid has been the least of my problems.
My perspective comes out of several long-ish term relationships spanning the past five years. The more time you put into a woman, no matter what you might tell yourself, the more power that she has, through her behavior, on your medium-term state. Including your opinion of women. Unless your not getting involved, then this is unavoidable. No matter what you say.
However, I guess it depends on how deep into the relationship that you allow yourself to get. I don't really buy into the "always stay distant" mentality, when I'm in a ltr, that the average player takes when ticking off ONS. I prefer to reap the benefits of a closer relationship, when I find a girl that I believe is worth the time, although I never kid myself into believing the relationship has any kind of permanency. I never try to own her. I just enjoy making women fall in love with me, when she's right for it, at least seemingly so at first.
But no matter how sharp my relationship game is, and how by the book my efforts are in not creating some type of dysfunctional relationship, eventually she does. There are good ones out there, but the ones that I've dated have always bored me (I'm unlucky, I don't think that good always equals boring), and every other one, who has demonstrated anything other than consistent 'good girl' behavior, has been fucked up to the point where I'm disillusioned.
It has the effect that when I now meet a new girl, I already have zero respect for her. I know what she's about, really. I know that I can most likely get her into bed quickly, often if she has a boyfriend, and even sometimes a husband. I know who she is, with probably 95% accuracy. How can I have fun when I'm bored of using women, and at the same time most women are ripe for being used?
But it even gets deeper than that. Like I said, its not black and white. Most women will only see you as a means to an end, and can even trick themselves into believing otherwise. But its always the case. They want to be saved. And in the very short term they might just want sex. Which is great. But while thats fine for ONS type game, because your both playing the game, its shitty when your trying to make a more stable existence for yourself.
I can play the game of sex vs beneficiary. And trust me, I always win that game. And I can use women. But for anything else than ONS type of game, it gets old and tiresome.
Quote: (06-20-2010 05:01 AM)clr Wrote:
hmmmm I dont know about hydro, but I dont hate girls at all. I have gotten VERY VERY good at the game, I just dont like it. Maybe different from Kona, I wont lie to a girl, as scar face said, I have my balls and my word and I wont break em for anyone.
I dont know how old you are Kona, but I see most of the guys on this board in their early 30's. Not that I want to settle down and get married BUT you start thinking about having a serious relationship. Its kinda sad, because for fucking, sure I can go out and get ass when I want, its fun, good times. Guys that are good with girls are used to having their cake and eating it too. Getting the best of all the worlds. Getting good with girls fucked me up in the head when I know I can shag most chicks out there, bf, married or not, but tripping the right switches and pressing the right buttons.
Maybe its just a funk I am in, time will tell.
Couldn't have said it better myself.