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East Indian guys - advice appreciated

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

This is my first post. I ve been following this forum for about a month now, and I have to say there is a lot of really valuable information/advice being traded. However, there is rarely any info pertaining to east indian guys.

As we all know, some girls have a strong attraction towards particular groups. White is univerally in demand, while some girls prefer black guys, some dream for a latin/med. lover, and some have yellow fever.

Being 'in demand' is of course very advantageous when gaming in other countries. I know there is a lot valuable experience and insight on this forum. It would nice to get your views.

Where would you recommend a good looking east indian guy (American born) with style go to leverage gaming opportunities? In particular where in Europe?

What countries would you definitely not won't to go?

Thanks in advance guys.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Not sure about Europe, but my Hindi friend did good in Panama. He was a real novelty to women there. He dressed really well, and spoke excellent English and decent enough Spanish. I taught him some dance moves and he f-closed 2x in 3 weeks. I'm sure if he was as aggresive as I am, that number would have doubled. He was very shy/timid.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Indians are cool....chinese are fucked

East Indian guys - advice appreciated


East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Quote: (06-15-2010 02:44 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

Indians are cool....chinese are fucked

In the US and Anglo countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada, I'd have to agree.

But believe it or not, I've seen short, not very good looking, geeky Chinese guys with Eastern European girls who were pretty cute. Many had knocked the girls up and had kids with them.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Indians vary a lot in looks. Some Indians look like Italians or Latins, and some are almost as dark as central Africans. I don't think it matters being Indian as much as where you fall on the color spectrum. I've known girls that don't find Indian men attractive in general(particularly the dark ones), yet would go for the Kashmiri Indian guys in a second.

Kashmir guys:

[Image: kashmiris.jpg]

But the S. Indian guys like this will have a tough time with western women:

[Image: 2646287961_5a5bdd484d.jpg]

I wouldn't worry too much about it though. I don't think it's looks that holds back Indian guys, it's image. They think of guys working at 7-11 and those funny accents and a lot of the nerdy Indian guys that work in IT jobs. I think an Indian guy with style could do decent. Indian guys are like Asian guys in that they don't haven't really found their brand of "cool" to sell to women of the world. White guys have found it going back to James Dean up to Brad Pitt. Black guys have always had a cool image going back 100 years, same for Latinos. But Indian and Asian guys still need to find their cool.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

What about Dr. Sanjay Gupta? He's Indian and I'm sure his type would do well anywhere. He is very cool in my book.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

I would say play up the yoga, spirituality, meditation, mystic angle. You could even take a course to become a yoga instructor. Women can get very attached to their yoga teachers.

I think scandinavian countries are a good bet. The women there are very equality minded and all about giving everyone a fair chance. My neighbour in Canada is a Swedish woman married to a dark skinned Indian origin man from Trinidad.

Also, I was in Goa a couple of years ago and I saw some nice looking Russian girls hooked up with dark skinned Indian men. Goa is a very popular winter holiday destination for Russians. Talking about spirituality and meditation, the Osho ashram is crawling with young women from all over the world. If you haven't heard of Osho, google it.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

I live in New Delhi. I went around with a colombian girl a lot of times. I used to ask why would she prefer goin out with a Indian guy. She used to reply its due to their faithfulness they have for a gal. Which I don't think was true in anyway. Boys will be boys. Whether Indian or italian or american

Quote: (06-15-2010 10:11 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

I would say play up the yoga, spirituality, meditation, mystic angle. You could even take a course to become a yoga instructor. Women can get very attached to their yoga teachers.

I think scandinavian countries are a good bet. The women there are very equality minded and all about giving everyone a fair chance. My neighbour in Canada is a Swedish woman married to a dark skinned Indian origin man from Trinidad.

Also, I was in Goa a couple of years ago and I saw some nice looking Russian girls hooked up with dark skinned Indian men. Goa is a very popular winter holiday destination for Russians. Talking about spirituality and meditation, the Osho ashram is crawling with young women from all over the world. If you haven't heard of Osho, google it.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

I have an Indian friend born and raised in New York. He visited Trinidad once and loved it and was surprised by all the very cool Indian dudes down there. One day he was out with a couple of Indian friends at a bar in NY and they started talking to these Danish tourist chicks and the girls started asking where they were from and the other indian guys told them they were from NY but their parents were Indian etc. and when it was his chance he just lies and says "I'm from Trinidad. I'm just an island boy going to college in NY for the year." Suddenly these girls were all over him. I guess one of them had been to Trinidad and loved soca music and blah blah blah. It was crazy. He just made up these lies about how he went to an American school in Trinidad to explain his American accent and the chicks were loving it.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

LOL, The picture of the Kashmir guys look like they both just finished rubbing their butt cheeks together. but I digress, To the OP confidence makes a huge difference, act like you are the flyest baddest motherfucking Indian they have ever met in their life. At least in NY, Indian guys from the West Indies (Trinidad, Guyana, etc..) are in equal footing with Blacks, Latinos and Whites when it in comes to ass.

Also, complexion wise most Indians and Latinos have similar skin tone. If all else fails Just pass yourself off as Dominican or Cuban. Cuba is a safer bet because most people haven't been there, read the Wikipedia entry on Cuba and get your Rosetta Stone Game on. Tell them your name is Alejandro and that you are mixed with Cuban and India.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Im an indian dude born in the states. its nothing, I tag white girls all the time, although I am of the lighter skin variety.
Just be well groomed and get your game tight, although a thick Indian accent maybe a deterrent to some chicks..... fuck them if thats the case

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Appreciate all the feedback guys.

I don't think its a case of whether you can score as an indian guy. Like I said, I m good looking, got style, and got ample game. I m more interested in which places would be responsive or even preferential toward indian guys. And which places would be unresponsive.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

In my opinion, quite a few Polish chicks seem to like dark-skinned guys of the black/North African/Indian variety in EE.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Living in Mexico i do well with darker skinned girls and get ignored by the lighter skinned ones. Im american born though and speak fluent spanish, from ny originally.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Quote: (06-28-2010 11:55 PM)ao85 Wrote:  

Living in Mexico i do well with darker skinned girls and get ignored by the lighter skinned ones. Im american born though and speak fluent spanish, from ny originally.

The white chics in Latin America think they are higher than God. If you want white girls, just go to Europe or Australia. Forget the ones in Latin America.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Trying to summarize Info provided in this thread and more...........

I am going to ask all players specially DESI (Indian, pakistani, srilankan and bangladeshi players to help out .......

Best places where Desi/Brown/East Indian guys would have leverage

1. Scandinavian countries : getting mixed info , some of you saying scandinavian girls have an eqality midframe and give every body a fairchance on thee hand I am hearing negative responses to brown guys due to "cartoon's of Muhammed " and riots happening in denmark

Any more Info ?

2. Baltics/ Russia : need a full data sheet on white girls with desi boys ?

3. EE : same as above

4. South America : specifically where and if one has decent spanish

5.U.S.A : currently in US I am getting negative responses from majority of white girls , I understand if you were born here u can give the vibe as one of them but other then that u have to famous to get acknowledged

Come one now Desi brothers as well all comunity members...., need this question asnwered.......

" Where in the world would Desi/Brown/East Indian guys get most poon "

"Timidity is dangerous, Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity." (Robert Greene)

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

I chilled with an Indian guy in San Francisco, that was friends with these hippyish Russian girls who were visiting the U.S. on a work visa, one of the girls was pretty cute and was really into him. For some reason this guy never hooked-up with her and kept her in the friend zone (asexual maybe/?), but they actually became really good friends and he went to visit her in Russia, really liked it there and ended up staying for quite a while. I should say though that this dude is really fucking smart, picks up languages like it's nothing, so within a month was speaking decent Russian, and already had a social circle established.

But... I hear lot's of stuff about Russia and Eastern Europe being very racist, and sadly I do think there is quite a bit to that. Chances are you'd be fine, but these countries and very corrupt and a lot of times the police aren't really doing anything to look out for you. I know skinhead gangs in Moscow, etc. have been known to viciously kill foreigners randomly on subways, so it's always something you got to keep in the back of your mind, and stay on your toes, although I'm not sure if it's enough to totally rule out going there.

My guess would be that your best bet might be the Scandanavian countries, or some place like Iceland where the people are very liberal and open-minded, yet are very ethnically homogeneous like. Other countries that come to mind are Finland, Norway, and Sweden, maybe Slovenia based on Mixx's report... Slovakia (?). But in any of these countries you will still have to put in work as far as day game, night game (street, bars, clubs), and have to be around for at least a little while to have follow up dates.

I don't know where in the U.S. you are at, but you might have a bit of success in the SF bay area, there is a huge Indian population here, and they are well assimilated into the culture here. It's very open-minded and diverse, and girls here in the Bay are way more receptive to dating outside their race/ethnicity, I remember trying to spit game at this late 20's something brunette who was a serious 9 from SF at Reggae on the River this summer, only to find out she was there with her boyfriend, a not so handsome very dark and hairy 30 something Indian/Pakistani guy.

Also if you're seriously dedicated to this game thing and are willing to shell out the dough, there is an Indian PUA (org. from London) named Jeremy Soul that is considered one of the "best" working for Love Systems Inc. out of San Francisco, I've seen clips of him on youtube bc/ he's supposedly a "day game master", but I guess my point is a lot of Indian dudes like to go to him.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

i think the more u get out of common law countries, the better u do as an indian guy. especially if ur american in nationality. thats my experience.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Why don't you slay your own kind?? or are you just keeping your own for yourself?? virgins only....

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Quote: (06-15-2010 02:55 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

I had a friend who cleaned up in Denmark and Germany.

As far as where not to go, EE countries that may mistake you for gypsy. Romania, Slovakia, etc....

The Baltics may be better for you in that respect, although you may want to have that confirmed by those who know EE/baltics better.

so being Indian can work to your favor

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Quote: (10-14-2010 07:40 PM)docsedated Wrote:  

Trying to summarize Info provided in this thread and more...........

I am going to ask all players specially DESI (Indian, pakistani, srilankan and bangladeshi players to help out .......

Best places where Desi/Brown/East Indian guys would have leverage

1. Scandinavian countries : getting mixed info , some of you saying scandinavian girls have an eqality midframe and give every body a fairchance on thee hand I am hearing negative responses to brown guys due to "cartoon's of Muhammed " and riots happening in denmark

Any more Info ?

2. Baltics/ Russia : need a full data sheet on white girls with desi boys ?

3. EE : same as above

4. South America : specifically where and if one has decent spanish

5.U.S.A : currently in US I am getting negative responses from majority of white girls , I understand if you were born here u can give the vibe as one of them but other then that u have to famous to get acknowledged

Come one now Desi brothers as well all comunity members...., need this question asnwered.......

" Where in the world would Desi/Brown/East Indian guys get most poon "

I'm northeast indian, fairly light skinned, born and brought up in the UK. A little over a year ago i decided to do an experiment at my university. I joined every type of foreign language student society imaginable. Eastern european society, russian, french, german you name it. Lets call it a dry test run for where i would holiday too once i finish my postgraduate degree.
Remember the vast majority of the members of these groups were in fact fresh students from their country of origin so gauge receptivity and reactions would be a fairly good indicator.

personal Results i found:
-Polish women, very receptive. Of those i met they hooked and got really into the me being indian thing very well. hence why i'm keen to get travelling to poland.
-Romanian women, equally as such. In fact this woman working in the uni part time called me up something to do with a student survey, we talked i remarked about being indian and mentioned she has a very beautiful voice. the day later she tracked me down on fb and was pretty desperate to meet up.
-Russian girls, no chance in hell. bitch shields up at 400%
-French girls, German girls, Spanish girls- entirely game dependent, your ethnicity wont get you bonus points but depending on your level of game it wont severely hinder you either
-Chinese, malay, thai- game dependent again. they tended to be very cliquey
-Other slavic countries, generally not a good haul, you're working uphill all the way.

Those were my total biased personal results though. I'd like to see how it stacks with east indians who have travelled much more than i have to see whether the levels are similar when the girls are in their country of origin

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Quote: (08-05-2011 09:21 AM)gonzoman925 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2010 07:40 PM)docsedated Wrote:  

Trying to summarize Info provided in this thread and more...........

I am going to ask all players specially DESI (Indian, pakistani, srilankan and bangladeshi players to help out .......

Best places where Desi/Brown/East Indian guys would have leverage

1. Scandinavian countries : getting mixed info , some of you saying scandinavian girls have an eqality midframe and give every body a fairchance on thee hand I am hearing negative responses to brown guys due to "cartoon's of Muhammed " and riots happening in denmark

Any more Info ?

2. Baltics/ Russia : need a full data sheet on white girls with desi boys ?

3. EE : same as above

4. South America : specifically where and if one has decent spanish

5.U.S.A : currently in US I am getting negative responses from majority of white girls , I understand if you were born here u can give the vibe as one of them but other then that u have to famous to get acknowledged

Come one now Desi brothers as well all comunity members...., need this question asnwered.......

" Where in the world would Desi/Brown/East Indian guys get most poon "

I'm northeast indian, fairly light skinned, born and brought up in the UK. A little over a year ago i decided to do an experiment at my university. I joined every type of foreign language student society imaginable. Eastern european society, russian, french, german you name it. Lets call it a dry test run for where i would holiday too once i finish my postgraduate degree.
Remember the vast majority of the members of these groups were in fact fresh students from their country of origin so gauge receptivity and reactions would be a fairly good indicator.

personal Results i found:
-Polish women, very receptive. Of those i met they hooked and got really into the me being indian thing very well. hence why i'm keen to get travelling to poland.
-Romanian women, equally as such. In fact this woman working in the uni part time called me up something to do with a student survey, we talked i remarked about being indian and mentioned she has a very beautiful voice. the day later she tracked me down on fb and was pretty desperate to meet up.
-Russian girls, no chance in hell. bitch shields up at 400%
-French girls, German girls, Spanish girls- entirely game dependent, your ethnicity wont get you bonus points but depending on your level of game it wont severely hinder you either
-Chinese, malay, thai- game dependent again. they tended to be very cliquey
-Other slavic countries, generally not a good haul, you're working uphill all the way.

Those were my total biased personal results though. I'd like to see how it stacks with east indians who have travelled much more than i have to see whether the levels are similar when the girls are in their country of origin

Awesome idea. I"m gonna try the same since this seems like an awesome way to meet women.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Quote: (08-05-2011 09:57 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

Awesome idea. I"m gonna try the same since this seems like an awesome way to meet women.

It actually is. just two recommendations:
start early in the term (when everybody is fresh from abroad, more than willing to make friends and needs the nice social guy to show her a thing or two, be the host etc)

Keep a few unbanged, these are your tickets to girl mates of there's that come to visit from abroad, social circles and links to them, making a connection easier.

My game isn't fantastic, but i leverage everything to my advantage so it doesn't have to be.

East Indian guys - advice appreciated

Oh and if they ever ask 'why are you in [country of choice] society when you're not [citizen of country of choice], my go to semi-true excuse is that i worked briefly with [country of choice's citizens] in the past, and got interested in their culture and wanted to learn more. You can use this to segue into playful stereotypes/negging. "you know what i heard about german girls? i hear that though they're cute, [pause] they are absolutely 100 percent crazy" (all in the delivery, worded differently etc etc)

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