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Virginity Survey - please help

Virginity Survey - please help

Hi guys,

I'm doing research on male virgins for an article I am writing and would like if people could help me out by answering a quick survey below (only 3 questions). It doesn't matter if you are or are not a virgin currently, male or female, I'm simply trying to get some raw data on the lose of virginity. This is completely anonymous, so please take a quick moment to submit your data.

What I am hoping is that this information will help us in the seduction community get a better understanding of why some men remain virgins into their older years, so it will be quite beneficial to the seduction community and I ask that everyone participating give honest feedback.

Here is the link to the survey form:

Thanks a bunch for your help. I'll be posting results and my article by the end of the week.


Virginity Survey - please help

Uhhh, link doesn't work? HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed?

Virginity Survey - please help

Quote: (09-30-2008 12:36 PM)zorgon Wrote:  

Uhhh, link doesn't work? HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed?

Oopps. Thanks for catching that. I just updated the link, it should work now. Here it is again:


Virginity Survey - please help

How come the minimum age is 19 or younger? I think that option needs to be broken down into 11-15, 16-18

Virginity Survey - please help

Quote: (09-30-2008 03:06 PM)Trotter Wrote:  

How come the minimum age is 19 or younger? I think that option needs to be broken down into 11-15, 16-18

That's a good question. I kind of just whipped this survey together and didn't think to break-down the younger age groups.

My main focus for doing this was to get data on older male virgins, ie - late 20's, 30's and 40s. So, I suppose I wasn't that concerned with the teen age groups.

Virginity Survey - please help

I didn't want your results to be skewed because I lost my virginity at 11. Not sure how that would effect your survey.

Virginity Survey - please help

Could you even have a boner at 11?

Virginity Survey - please help

Quote: (10-05-2008 08:56 PM)Chick Wrote:  

Could you even have a boner at 11?

^^Not a dude.

Virginity Survey - please help

how observant. But seriously, I thought the minimum age was 13-14. At the earliest.

Virginity Survey - please help

Considering I was masturbating by the time I was 9 I'd say yeah at least mine was getting hard. Funny story though...

so I'm about 10 or 11 and masturbating in my bedroom. It's feeling good as usual and I'm about to reach that pleasure center then all of a sudden "SPLOOT!"

I just sat there scared shitless because I thought I just pissed myself. It was the first time I ejaculated from masturbating. It took a 15 year old from Tuscon to explain to me what that was. After a couple of weeks I summoned the courage to try again, but at first I was a little grossed out because I didn't know what to do with the mess.

Now here's the kicker. I had been having sexual relations well before then. It literally brings a whole new meaning to playing doctor. Mostly it was just young kids curious about why it felt nice when touched in certain places. So prior to that I started off with dry humping girls, and then slowly graduated to hand jobs, oral, and so on. My first real penetration act was with that 15 year old from Tuscon named Lisa.

The tough part was making that sell to girls my own age that didn't understand what the goo was about either. Thankfully, by the time I reached 12 and 13 I was meeting more girls that understood what that was all about. Good times.

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