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Burnt out.....

Burnt out.....

Im not sure what happened. If my ex fucked me up, or if I am just tired of all the fucking games we have to play, or the bitchiness we have to get past in the beginning. I think I am just tired of the shit. It used to be fun.

I noticed I like to go out now and just sit in the corner and watch people more then approach. I mean when it gets more then a week or so since shag a lag time, I some how find some, but my drive is gone.

on the flip side, I was over at the hostel I stayed at my first night here, and was just playing with some aussie girls to entertain myself. They went to the bathroom and some aussie guy said with a grin "I know what you are doing" I said "what? I am just having some fun" he said dont waste your time/skills on aussies, then asked if I was going out and if he could tag along.

He seemed like a cool fun dude so I said yeah. We ended up having a great night, I was blowing open sets and showing him the ropes, pushing him to open(he was still kinda the bitch/nice guy). It was tons of fun, kissed a few different girls, got a few numbers emails (I noticed the girls here in latvia will give you their email, not number when they have a BF).

The last set we were working for SNL, but it turned kinda shady as they bounced us to a different empty bar, we got the, "this is a set up vibe" and rolled out.

Anyway, it was fun when I was showing another guy the ropes etc.... but I am not sure whats up. I just dont have the drive, I am not sure if I am just burnt out or what. Obviously I still have tight game when I want, the motivation is just gone. Maybe NYC got me jadded and burned out, or my ex fucked me up, who knows.

Other note, I think I am just starting to see all women as gold digging bitches, I mean, I date/open/like the really fucking hot ones, and while I know I have them hooked and I am the most interesting fun guy they are talking to, they will bounce for some guy buying champagne for her and all her friends. I dont want to be that guy that has to buy women, but I keep seeing it happen. I end up having to spend more time, using social game to get these, but then they have millionaires throwing yacht parties at them all the time etc... Even if I was trump I would like a girl to see more then my wallet. Ya think I am being unreasonable?

blah! Any one else deal with this shit?

I'm thinking asia where I hear girls are much less interested in the almighty dollar?

Even Julius Cesar said, "show the world I died with my hands empty"

Burnt out.....

what your going through is normal, imo... I wish I could tell you that what you perceive is wrong, but I'm essentially right there with you in terms of your frame of mind.

Think about it, when you first started getting women, you didn't care what their motivations were. You were happy just to be getting some. You then learned a bit, and were happy to have a little more control over the situation and to see the success of your efforts and game. Then you were happy to get the better looking women, more regularly, and enjoyed that for a while. (and I don't know what your history is, you could have gone through all of this at 18 years old or at 40, i'm just saying that this is the process with most guys who are continuously advancing their game)

After all the novelty of learning a skill wears off, and sex is easy to get with no real effort, then you start to lean back and really look at whats going on with women.

The long answer:

The reality is that most women are too self interested to really love you. This holds true for the ones that are obvious gold diggers, all the way to the ones that seem more sincere. In reality, they are only more sincere in finding a more stable relationship than a pure sex for money business deal can offer, but its still always a purely self centric motivation. That is, they will convince themselves that they are in love because of what you have been offering them (fun, money, status, etc), but if that ever stops, they really don't care about you in the way that signifies true love. (selfless care for you) They may be mildly interested in your well being, but beyond that they are always looking for that upgrade. Sure, women can commit. They see a good bet (you) and decide that this is the one they commit to and will convince themselves that they love. But, in my opinion, with westernized girls, it rarely if ever is the kind of enduring love that would warrant your reciprocation of that feeling. Its always a bit of a business deal.

I think that might be the core of the emptiness that you feel when dealing with women. Because I know that there are enough women who aren't such obvious gold diggers, but they mostly are in their own way. I also think your perception is correct, in that its a product of the economic culture.

I think its much easier to find a woman who will really love and care for you outside of the first world.

In terms of not wanting to do the work to land women, I feel you there too. It gets tedious doing the same repetitive process. Especially after you get okay at it, it seems like your always retreading the same ground for the same empty result (other than sex). You almost wish that these bitches would know that your going to seduce them anyway, so lets cut to the chase and save me the work that I keep having to do over and over again. Yet, you keep having to do the same approaches, the same first date, the same process of making her laugh, getting her comfortable talking about sex, and laying her. Granted, it doesn't take THAT much time, but still, women, as a whole aren't that interesting and it sucks to have to put in so much effort, over and over again, for what amounts to little more than sex.

yeesh...I think I'm getting fucking old...

Burnt out.....

Quote: (06-12-2010 04:42 AM)clr Wrote:  

Other note, I think I am just starting to see all women as gold digging bitches, I mean, I date/open/like the really fucking hot ones, and while I know I have them hooked and I am the most interesting fun guy they are talking to, they will bounce for some guy buying champagne for her and all her friends. I dont want to be that guy that has to buy women, but I keep seeing it happen. I end up having to spend more time, using social game to get these, but then they have millionaires throwing yacht parties at them all the time etc... Even if I was trump I would like a girl to see more then my wallet. Ya think I am being unreasonable?

blah! Any one else deal with this shit?

I'm thinking asia where I hear girls are much less interested in the almighty dollar?

Even Julius Cesar said, "show the world I died with my hands empty"

This same exact shit happened to me a few weeks ago in Miami. I had an incredibly hot colombiana mamacita next to me laughing and having a great time. The vibe was really good between us. All was going well...until her fucking girlfriend decided to pair up with this scumbag in the VIP booth with 3 full bottles of liquor and about 6 cans of red bull on his table.

Before i knew it, my target was in the VIP room with her Girlfriends, with this douchebag and his friends throwing $$$ around for drinks and food. (which I refuse to do)

I'm certain their bill was up in the $500USD range or more...fuck it. No bitch is worth that much cash for her to be standing next to me drinking my booze even if I was doing that.

What did I do? What else can you do but to find an even hotter girl, and game her right in front of my previous targets face to show her it's more her loss than mine =)

This happens in just about every major city in the world when doing night game in dance clubs/bars/lounges.

Women at clubs do not go with the mind set of finding a guy to fuck or hook-up - they go out with the mindset of "having a great time" which includes finding a sucker to buy her drinks, and take a free yacht tour the next day if possible.

I have 4 sisters, and I have learned 1 thing for sure: Women are selfish, and it's all about fulfilling her needs for attention - not sex. You have to change her mindset from let's party, to let's fuck. If she leaves you in the middle of your comfort building, then you did not progress fast enough to changing her mindset to "let's fuck" - always know your surroundings and what can impact your bang, including other guys around, and her cockblocking GF's.

It's war soldier - night game is not for the weak. Now get out there and fight!

Now, Is this what I can expect in Riga? Sounds to me I should stick to montreal girls =)


Burnt out.....

well, its not just Riga, I think every major city is like that with the top tier girls, I was a pro and picking up upper class girls in NYC, SNL's, tourists, locals.... good times... but I'm not happy with the status quo either.... I like really fucking hot girls, its not that the gaming is much different, I just kinda over the whole scene I think..... maybe I am going out too much because I am not working.

Just thinking on Hydro's point, I am thinking about going super fucking direct and see how that works. Like balls out I want to fuck you but lets get coffee first and see if you are cool enough type shit. Takes my frustration out of SSDD, alleviates my boredom.

Burnt out.....

Quote: (06-12-2010 11:52 AM)clr Wrote:  

well, its not just Riga, I think every major city is like that with the top tier girls

I've never had this problem in Eastern Europe. Don't go to bars that serve bottle service. I stick to student bars and indie / beatnik hangouts. Be the king of your niche; if you don't have the means, don't try to compete within the high-dollar club niche.

Burnt out.....

True to a point, its better to be a big fish in a small pond, but this night I was being toured around by a local who knew everyone and got me free into all the top night clubs, vip soooooo it was worth it.

Again tho, I like high caliber girls, really fuckin hot, and they go to the top clubs, so generally I will mix it up and hit up both. I am thinking the photographer route will be good way for me to go... no pain in the ass opening, automatic value (nyc photo guy) I just create a site and poof

Quote: (06-12-2010 12:26 PM)Eric Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2010 11:52 AM)clr Wrote:  

well, its not just Riga, I think every major city is like that with the top tier girls

I've never had this problem in Eastern Europe. Don't go to bars that serve bottle service. I stick to student bars and indie / beatnik hangouts. Be the king of your niche; if you don't have the means, don't try to compete within the high-dollar club niche.

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