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Inviting girls out with your friends early

Inviting girls out with your friends early


What do you think of inviting a girl to come to a bar with you and your friends on something like a second date? Should early interactions all be kept 1-on-1 or is it useful to be around your buddies for that home-court advantage thing, ignoring her a little, making her put in the extra effort to keep your attention etc.?

Inviting girls out with your friends early

I dont like to personally. Most of my friends are jealous about the quality of girls i meet and how interested they are in me so they get all bitchy, and arent too much fun to deal with. It doesnt take much to turn a sure thing into a no way in hell. Especially if your mates know you well.

If you want to mess with her getting your attention you can just take out you phone and constantly send texts for the same effect, or even bring a book. Really, if shes willing to go out on a 1on1 date with you, youre pretty much in the clear already. You dont need gimmicks or games or shit like that. You just need class and charm and interesting stories. Or simply put, you need game. Your friends wont help you nearly as much as you can help yourself. If you really want to play the social proofing game, bring a camera full of interesting pictures of you with hot chicks and interesting people and places, and just ask her to take your photo somewhere. 90% of chicks will dig through it themselves and find your planted photos, and its much more effective then speaking about it yourself. Really i think its just more of a hassle then a benifit bringing a bunch of friends.

Or there is the best of both worlds, and do the date and then just "happen" to run into your mates at a bar. Really, the possibilities are endless, depending on your style of game. I personally tend to be more of a soloer, but with mad social proofs everywhere i go so i never really worry about it anymore.

Inviting girls out with your friends early

Well I'm not worried about my friends getting jealous or bitchy, we're all supportive of the others' girl-getting efforts and everyone can hold his own well enough to avoid that kinda petty shit.

Inviting girls out with your friends early

Dude, my advice is not to do mixed dates, unless you've already banged your girl, cause otherwise it hinders any sexual tension/vibes. From my experience, ignoring a girl by talking to your buddies, is going to do nothing for you, if you are ignoring her to talk to other girls, that might be another story, but it could also cause her to talk to other guys, creating a competition you don't want to get into.

Inviting girls out with your friends early

Are you gonna act more confident and "Alpha" around your friends or by yourself. That is really the question. Do whatever makes you feel better. I try to never put myself in a "weak" position. Take her somewhere, and do something were you look strong and confident, or at least comfortable and social. Why take a girl somewhere out of your "comfort zone". I try to take girls to places where I am respected. I like for her to see lots of different types of people saying hi to me and showing me respect. I never let her see my weaknesses unless we develop a closeness and she "earns it".

Inviting girls out with your friends early

No upside.
Possible Downside.
Don't do it.

You need one-on-one time with her early, more than anything.

Why waste valuable time by mixing it up with friends?

Girls are fickle. Get that one on one time in as early and as much as possible, before something else catches her attention. Also, no matter how much you'd like to think differently, you will display different behavior around other people than you do with her one on one. That behavior isn't always conducive to gaming her. Keep the situation controlled, and don't mix it up early. The only exception to this is if she invites you out to be around her friends. No problem there.

That being said, Ive done it and its worked out fine. If you feel good about your first date (as in you locked it down) then you can pretty much do anything on the second date and have it work out fine...

Inviting girls out with your friends early

"What do you think of inviting a girl to come to a bar with you and your friends on something like a second date? Should early interactions all be kept 1-on-1 or is it useful to be around your buddies for that home-court advantage thing, ignoring her a little, making her put in the extra effort to keep your attention etc.?"

Like Giovanny said, it basically depends on if it will be beneficial for you or not.

For instance, if one of your friends is Manny Pacquiao and he is going to tell her how you are a cool cat all night, then do it.

If you think it might be a potential monkey wrench, then don't.

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