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The Crazy headache with online dating

The Crazy headache with online dating

To add on to this other guys post...Most girls on the online dating scence happen to be ohhh lets say CRAZY AS HELL.

When yu try to break it off with them....one girl in particular texted me threats and inboxed me threats. Im gettin a new phone in a few weeks thank God. and i do not plan on venturing online dating no more unless im calling with a blocked number.

The Crazy headache with online dating

I don't know, i have magical success with meeting chicks online, but i never go the dating websites. Try interest boards, or hell, I've hooked up with 3 Chinese girls from Omegle of all places, and soon to be number four come this week, since I'm traveling up to north china for business, and a chick i met on there is living up north, so we got a place and everything all worked out.

I figured out a while ago that if a decent looking chick needs to go online to find a guy for a lay or a date, she must be seriously fucked up somehow. So i just dont bother with it. There are already more then enough women to meet in the average guy's daily life, more so if you go out. Why bother looking online? I don't, but always keep an eye out for interesting girls you meet in your normal online interactions.

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