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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
06-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Anyone ever watch the show "Keys to the VIP"? I never heard about it until I did a google/youtube search for the PUA "Cajun" because a few peeps said he was legit. The show is mad hilarious and I think it's pretty much close to 100% real, it pits two "players" against each other in a challenge of pick up ability. Each player has the same criteria and amount of time to accomplish a certain pick-up (get a girls #, makeout, etc.) My only complaint about it is that like 80% of the guys on the show would probably be considered very attractive to most women, so a lot of times they are getting success more on looks then actual "game."
There is a panel of 4 players that watch and analyze the pick-ups, and they are hilarious, (esp. the black dude "Peachez"). Also watching these episodes which I think are mostly filmed in NYC and Toronto, w/ a few in Miami & LA, it shows me how much women in these cities are more open to being picked up (lower bitch shields, sexual liberated, etc.) then a lot of the girls in my small town here in the "Emeral Triangle" of NorCal. Another thing about the show, is I'm surprised by how the players go for the phone number close so quickly, and how easily the women give the numbers up after a few mins. of conversation. The best thing about the show aside from having some hilarious moments, is I like being able to observe other guys in the field, and watch body language, tonality, eye contact, etc.
This is the funniest episode I've seen yet, but it has by far the "weeshest" "players", these guys have super weak game, but it should make you laugh:
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
06-06-2010, 04:53 PM
I think I saw a few episodes, it was pretty entertaining.
From what I remember they were always in Toronto, a pretty easy place to swoop in my opinion.
Also, I remember hearing at least one guy (who used a heavy neg on a girl "You are like the ugliest girl in here"), was later found out to know the girl from beforehand.
All in all, better than 99% of television.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
06-07-2010, 01:59 AM
I can get a phone number easy, but getting laid is another ball game. I think we should all focus on mid game and end game because there is so much info on approaching, but not enough on the actual venue to bedroom stuff. The first time I heard about the "can I use your bathroom?" was in Roosh's book and that's it. Out of all the PUA stuff I read, almost no info is provided on how to get a chick from the venue to the bedroom and get her clothes off.
I see a bunch of guys post "I approached this 8 or this 9", or "I got 5 or 6 numbers", but seriously we are all here to get our dicks wet, not get phone numbers and then to jerkoff as usual when we get no call back/get voicemail/get no response.
On the topic, I saw the 'Cajun' episode, which got me all excited, then I watched some other episode where two competing guys went around a club and their best material was "Come on, let me buy you a drink."
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
10-27-2013, 04:36 AM
Keys is awesome, I am still repping this show, I will probably order the dvd sets online even though you can watch episodes for free on hulu. Some episodes are just funny, others are inspiring, but I feel like a lot can be gleaned from both the good and bad game on display.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
10-27-2013, 11:07 AM
When Cajun approached that last group of girls with the line "You guys look like a bunch of retards" I started laughing my ass off. Props to him for being able to turn that around and get those girls totally into him. It just shows how important it is to be able to stir up emotions in girls, even if it's negative initially. It's raw material that you can work with and even with negative emotions you can mold it into something that works in your favor.
I've watched some other episodes and a lot of the other competitors appear to be naturals and jock types. I remember an episode that had some half Caucasian/half Asian guy that was so good looking that a girl actually said "You're so beautiful" to him.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
10-27-2013, 11:55 AM
It was a perfect idea and was done early enough at the right time to be a success. When bar culture was still strong, before cell phone whoring, tables/booths, and smoking bans being universal. If this was done today I couldn't work, though it would of web easier to export. Imagine if these guys took the show to different locations I show contrast in women, vibes and styles. Doing a LA, Miami, Vegas, and NYC version would of kept that show rolling till now.
Toronto was a different beast then. It had more nightclubs per capita then Vegas, second only to Miami. Each weekend you had 100,000+ people clubbing in a square block area called 'Clubland' (Entertainment District is its shitty official name). I first visited Toronto at the tail-end of it. I can remember my first weekend night out taking the subway downtown and it being full of people, hot girls, everybody drinking and talking, then stepping out of the station onto Queen West and just the heat and energy hit me. Music blasting from cars, women IN HEELS all over, the CN Tower all lit up and spazzing out, it all seemed special. Special like it was a event taking place. Going out then felt special even if it was weekly, everybody was soaking it all in. This was all at the tail end of it too, people me it used to be better than what I saw.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
10-27-2013, 07:00 PM
"Keys to the VIP" was a good show. The quality of the girls on that show was pretty good, which is interesting since there a lot of people on here who complain about TO, yet the show was entirely filmed in clubs in TO.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
10-27-2013, 07:15 PM
What I want to know is who the hell are these judges? For the most part I find them annoying.
I've never heard from them before.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
03-05-2018, 02:26 PM
First watched this a few years ago but watching some episodes on youtube. It's pretty entertaining. To think that a show that is only 10 years old would have no chance of being on the air today.
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Keys to the VIP (tv show)
03-05-2018, 06:09 PM
Is is really possible that a city as TO would change that much in within a decade to go from hotties in hugh heels to fat hipsters?
I find it hard to believe. I always found the quality in KVIP pretty high... So where did it go then?