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Stockholm Report with Tips...

Stockholm Report with Tips...

First 99% of people speak very good english here. Even most of the grammas. [Image: smile.gif]

Ok, so only one day in but I have been milking everyone for info all day and taking notes for you guys.

SO landed in Stockholm, went to the info booth section. There I bought a direct ticket to down town trainstaion stockholm 118 krona 30 mins. (8 to 1 USD right now) the direct train would have been 20 mins but costs 250kr not worth it IMO. Also bought a 8 trip bus ticket strip for around 190. In hindsight if you are going to be here for a week or so riding the buses and trains(which are very good) get the monthly unlimited card. It lets you ride everything and is 600 kr about 80 bucks but would def end up being worth it if you are going to be bouncing around (esp the embassy like I was)

I had to go to the embassy because the cow at immigration manhandled my passport, ripped the cover apart from the pages, then looks at me and tells me my passport is broke and I need to go to the embassy to get it fixed, as though it had always been like that. BITCH. If you care its bus route 69 east to the Embassy from in front of train station.

So at the bus stop/train station. There is a little shop where you can buy a sim chip for your phone 100kr, then 100kr to charge it with minutes.

They have a bunch of party cruises here, that apparently are super cheap (so tells me from the train operator I met) like 10-15kr because they know you are going to spend a lot of money on the cruises. They only really advertise to the locals. I found the websites and the prices are quite more expensive, but in another travel newsletter they said the same thing, getting these cruise for 10-15 Euros this time.

One tip the guy told me is often roundtrip tickets are cheaper then one way (if you are going from stockholm to Tallin, riga, Hellsinki) because they know you will be spending lots of money on the boat. So if you are going one way, look at the two way tickets and just dont get back on. He recommended talinksilja cruises, or for more party style cruises (uh yeah!) viking cruise lines. Let ya know tomorrow.

Women wise, lots of slightly above average girls, beautiful eyes, I didnt make it out tonight as I had a very tiring day adjusting and dealing with Embassy and running around to get a new temp passport.

Also on weekends he said the train tickets are 2 for 1 from the airport.

I iate lunch in the northern party by a big glass building and a huge towering round-esq water fountain/sculpture.... go up to the fifth floor for the lunch special, its a roof cafe, the food looks and tastes pretty gourmet and it was only 80kr with salad bar/drinks included. Great deal

Hotels are VERY expensive, but plenty in the old town. I am staying at Best Hostel Old town (+46 8 440 00 04), but I hit two others that were full. I would def recommend booking in advance as I was just wandering around looking for a place. I got a small prvt room for 500kr(that is by far their cheapest prvt room) also bring your own bed linen, they charge for it.

Few others

Gustav af klint + 46 8 640 40 77
2 kroner hostel +46 8 22 92 30

If you are using a local # and sim delete the +46 and at a zero before the 8

People here are super SUPER friendly. Everyone went out of their way to talk to me and be nice, and I stopped a LOT of people [Image: smile.gif]

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Brings back memories. Hopefully you'll do better than I did :-)

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Quote: (05-27-2010 07:59 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

Brings back memories. Hopefully you'll do better than I did :-)

Ya know, I am not that much of a cheap ass, but damn, everything here is expensive, and when you go from south america and you also know that you are just one small hop away to an EE country where you can live like a king, it kind of makes you think, wtf am I doing here for more then one day? Shit, when beers are like 8 bucks damn! [Image: wink.gif]

H&M was surprisingly cheap tho.

The other thing I noticed, people here dress really quirky and edgy. They are either grunge looking or very italian stylish looking, really wierd combo.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

I hear you.

In fact, if I were you, I'd just jump on a boat to Helsinki and Tallinn and leave Stockholm behind.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Quote: (05-28-2010 01:25 AM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

I hear you.

In fact, if I were you, I'd just jump on a boat to Helsinki and Tallinn and leave Stockholm behind.
I would even skip Helsinki and go directly to Tallinn. Helsinki has nothing special to see, and as for girls Estonians are better looking.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Quote: (05-28-2010 01:25 AM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

I hear you.

In fact, if I were you, I'd just jump on a boat to Helsinki and Tallinn and leave Stockholm behind.

Kindred...just curious...what country are you based in these days?

Stockholm Report with Tips...

At the present, Tokyo. But just for the summer.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

tokyo.... I wanna go.... care to show me around? [Image: smile.gif]

Yeah I said fuck you to sweden, immediately I was happier in Tallinn and I have only been here for an hour [Image: smile.gif] man I love MILF's, pub crawl tonight, going to see if I cant hang with the youngins.... 2 smoking hotties at the hostel, australians, gonna have to see if I can pull a hostel girl, this will be a first!

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Tokyo...very nice....Japanese are underrated girls IMO

clr....how was the party cruise?

Stockholm Report with Tips...

party cruise was ok..... nothing great older people only 2 hotties at the club

Stockholm Report with Tips...

btw the cruise was half the price for a round trip ticket....... crazy... cost me 1060 kr, then I just got off the ship in tallin

Stockholm Report with Tips...

How is it right now in Tllin? Was going to head out in a couple of weeks. I heard June was somewhere in between college exams and drunk Finnish guys trying to get laid?

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Its nice, rather then be the manwhore I normally I am have actually been doing some tours, hanging out with a cool aussie chick I met and a cool mexican guy.... wed shall change with ladies night.... let the man whoring begin! [Image: smile.gif] Girls are really hot but cold in the clubs. During the day everyone is super friendly but the really hot girls are VERY dismissive. Often not even looking at you to respond to a question like, "where is the bathroom" etc... (no I was not using that as a pick up line, I needed the bathroom!)

I was hanging with a bunch of broke ass bitches so no really nice clubs, but this weekend will be different [Image: smile.gif] plus I am going to hit up the college town of tartu. I really like the vibe here in this town despite the bitchy attitudes from some of the super hotties.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Quote: (05-31-2010 02:45 AM)clr Wrote:  

I was hanging with a bunch of broke ass bitches so no really nice clubs, but this weekend will be different [Image: smile.gif] plus I am going to hit up the college town of tartu. I really like the vibe here in this town despite the bitchy attitudes from some of the super hotties.

Let me know when you're in Tartu

Quote: (05-30-2010 05:12 PM)Richie Wrote:  

How is it right now in Tllin? Was going to head out in a couple of weeks. I heard June was somewhere in between college exams and drunk Finnish guys trying to get laid?

The Finns / Brits are in Tallinn as soon as the weather gets nice. Check out the RyanAir website...prices on flights from London -> Tallinn double from March to April. But the Southern Europeans usually don't make it to Estonia until about July.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Tallinn, the pancakes (which are more like thick crepes) are AWESOME at Kompressor, and great price. My huge crepe and cappuccino was 65 eek or about 5 usd

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Well I aint going to sample the Pancakes. Hows the nightlife out there.. Much going on?

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Quote: (06-02-2010 10:13 AM)Richie Wrote:  

Well I aint going to sample the Pancakes. Hows the nightlife out there.. Much going on?


Stockholm Report with Tips...

@CLR/Kindred - gives us an update compadre. I take it from the majority, that a latin guy should not even bother wiith sweden, and go straight to Tallin or Latvia for blonde mamacitas who are open to being gamed and SNL?

Are the girls in Sweden anything like the ABBA chics, especially the blonde one with the latina ass?

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Honestly, the women here in Latvia are incredible, but there are SOOOO many stag guys here, and most are so stupid, girls wont even barely give you a glance even when you are talking to them. Dont get me wrong, there are girls who are open to getting laid here, especially if you are tan/darker features, but my white, german/irish ass is getting lots of numbers but no real play

I can open well, but all the girls mentality has been one of, you just want to fuck me, lets see if he is here for more then 3 days. I've gotten a few make outs, but for my lily white ass atleast SNL seem harder to come by. Maybe in a university town etc... it might be better. Good thing for me is I made a few contacts, one guy is all connected here(he had the #1 club for the past 7 years but closed down last year) so he's VIPing me all over the city tonight.

They are fucking hot here, just not an easy SNL for a white guy, but honestly I dont know what was wrong with me my first 4-5 days here, I wasnt really trying either. I was just in sit back and watch mode. I was thinking WTF, here I am supposed to be a PUA machine and I am not talking to anyone, but I guess I got a little burned out from it all.

Essentials is THE spot on thursday, another great spot is PUSH fri sat (very upscale tho) and Mad House for great ladies, more locals. Radio bar is a good local spot too. Tonight I am going for a SNL, its been a week, I need to get laid! HA!

I'll let ya know how it goes when I am really trying.

BTW NOT trying, and just having fun/friendly, I got tons of emails/number even from girls with BF's.

Quote: (06-11-2010 01:14 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

@CLR/Kindred - gives us an update compadre. I take it from the majority, that a latin guy should not even bother wiith sweden, and go straight to Tallin or Latvia for blonde mamacitas who are open to being gamed and SNL?

Are the girls in Sweden anything like the ABBA chics, especially the blonde one with the latina ass?

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Yup, for an American guy, going to Tallinn, Stockholm, Riga, Vilnius, Krakow is a "huge" trip to the unknown.

For the millions of horny Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English, German guys, it's just a cheap trip on a discount airline.

That's why any city with "hot and easy chicks" won't stay that way for very long. Also, with the expanding Eurozone, girls are no longer limited and can travel and move to where they want.

The Golden Age was the late 90s when an average Foreign Joe with game and his shit put together could snag 9s/10s just about every day he went out. Now, you have to have a bit of luck and get into the scene within the scene to re-create your own version of The Golden Age for a given night.

Stockholm Report with Tips...

Quote: (06-11-2010 05:01 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

Yup, for an American guy, going to Tallinn, Stockholm, Riga, Vilnius, Krakow is a "huge" trip to the unknown.

For the millions of horny Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English, German guys, it's just a cheap trip on a discount airline.

That's why any city with "hot and easy chicks" won't stay that way for very long. Also, with the expanding Eurozone, girls are no longer limited and can travel and move to where they want.

The Golden Age was the late 90s when an average Foreign Joe with game and his shit put together could snag 9s/10s just about every day he went out. Now, you have to have a bit of luck and get into the scene within the scene to re-create your own version of The Golden Age for a given night.

dang yo! Sounds like Miami gaming. Thanks for the solid tips in you PM to me. =)

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