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Squarespace Website Builder

Squarespace Website Builder

Has anyone built a site with them? I am wanting to build a site to showcase my photography and writing and I think they have some great looking templates that look way better then the other website builders. The problem is I'm finding it so complicated to build the site.

Has anyone here used them and are able to share their experiences or tips for using them to build a decent site? I'm thinking I might have to pay someone to build me a site with them but that defeats the object of using a self-build site.

Squarespace Website Builder

use wix.com...from my tech friend "its very easy to use and maintain your site at a very low cost"...I believe they have mobile options as well. He builds websites for his clients with wix.com

Squarespace Website Builder

Go with Wordpress man. Easy to use, literally thousands of themes, inexpensive, tons of configuration options, plugins, etc.


Squarespace Website Builder

Get a Wordpress theme and I can set you up with free Wordpress hosting. Let me know.

Squarespace Website Builder

Thanks for the replies.

Ideally I want to go with Squarespace but I'll check out Wix and Wordpress and see if they have decent templates that are any easier to build. I don't need anything complicated just a nice simple website with about 10 pages where I can add some photos and some writing.

Squarespace Website Builder

I'd say wordpress sounds best for you Vorkuta. There's 1000s of themes and it's very easy to use.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Squarespace Website Builder

Wordpress really is the standard and obvious choice for this. Do a bit if research and you will see. It's by far the best solution for nearly all small business and personal websites. Even huge websites that you read on a daily basis run on it.

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