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Does anyone here have depression? What have you done about it? Is it working?


Is that you Weblinks?

If not, try exercise


Antidepressants, exercise, and building self esteem through developing skills.


Fuck anti-depressants, although I guess they work for some people, I don't like the idea of becoming dependent on some chemical pill drug. I will admit that I deal with on and off depression, I think a lot of people do, in one form or another. As far as dealing with depression, I think exercise is great, doing things that you really love and are fulfilling/fun (sports, concerts, travel, etc.), spending time in nature (hiking, swimming, etc.), opening up and sharing your feelings with good friends/family, and finally if you're really not doing well, go see a psycho-therapist.

P.S. this dude does kinda like the reincarnate of weblinks...


Surprisingly effective treatments for depression.


Not on there: doing something every day that scares you or really excites you!


Quote: (05-14-2010 05:38 PM)toddh Wrote:  

Is that you Weblinks?

If not, try exercise

hahahha o man


I agree with the previous replies. Exercise helps alot along with following your passion.

For natural remedy try St. Johns Wort, a B-Complex vitamin, and eating healthy.


Sex is a good cure for depression, unfortunately for me (recently) lack of sex has been the cause of my depression... [Image: sad.gif]


I guess my problem is that I think too much
about the meaning of life. A lot of people wonder what's the point of life? We are all going to
die anyway. Sometimes I feel just as unhappy when I am doing what I like as when I
stay home in bed.


All pain comes from want.


If this isn't weblinks, we def. have a Buzzkill Jr.


here is a link tweeted by Tim Ferriss - http://curetogether.com/blog/2010/04/22/...reatments/

Exercise is the clear winner


Here is the meaning of life:



Having battled with depression in my teenage years I can tell you that Biz is right, natural remedies like St. John's wort and B-complex vitamins go a long way. However, B-complex can sometimes interfere with sexual performance and could make you even more depressed (I learned this the hard way when I couldn't get it up for a 9-looking little motorcycle chick, I got off of it right away). Panax Ginseng also works great, but I would recommend trying a combination of exercise and diet before relying on any kind of supplement.

Also, nothing cures a brief bout of depression better than getting new tail.


Quote: (05-15-2010 03:04 PM)feomuerto Wrote:  

Having battled with depression in my teenage years I can tell you that Biz is right, natural remedies like St. John's wort and B-complex vitamins go a long way. However, B-complex can sometimes interfere with sexual performance and could make you even more depressed (I learned this the hard way when I couldn't get it up for a 9-looking little motorcycle chick, I got off of it right away). Panax Ginseng also works great, but I would recommend trying a combination of exercise and diet before relying on any kind of supplement.

Also, nothing cures a brief bout of depression better than getting new tail.

B-Complex did that to you really? didn't know that was a side effect of it, how do you know that was the cause?

Panax Ginseng I also take, mostly for stamina (everyday energy, and in the sack).

Also try Royal Jelly with the Ginseng, great combo for stamina.

I never really took any of those to battle depression, just for an extra zing, and when I first took St John Wort, I felt like nothing could bother me...really shocking from something thats been around for thousands of years and cost less than $5 for a hefty supply.


the Sedona method

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"


If you live a place that sees little sun on a daily basis that can fuck you up as well. There is some scientific reason for this - I think some vitamins only get absorbed if you're exposed to sun, so dunno, it might got something to do with that?

A couple of weeks in an exotic place could do wonders then.

Most of the time, what people call depression is not a 'real clinical' depression, but rather a deep disappointment or lack of satisfaction with their current life situation.

If you find yourself unhappy, you should ask yourself if you're doing the thing that you really, really want right now?
If the answer is not yes, you know what your problem is.


@Biz. I went on and off the B-complex for a while as a personal experiment. Maybe its just my metabolism but it definitely had an effect on my "fuck skills".

But dude you're so right about St. John's Wort. You feel basically invincible and completely positive at all times. I heard about it from my mom who was a psychotherapist and also a huge hippie, but I thought I was the only one who knew about this stuff...

My regimen that I stick to is a few caps of sjw, one cap of ginseng and a mini-bowl of herb in the mornings. I can strike up a 2hour convo with pretty much anyone after that.


Quote: (05-18-2010 12:49 PM)beebopaloo Wrote:  

If you live a place that sees little sun on a daily basis that can fuck you up as well. There is some scientific reason for this - I think some vitamins only get absorbed if you're exposed to sun, so dunno, it might got something to do with that?

A couple of weeks in an exotic place could do wonders then.

Most of the time, what people call depression is not a 'real clinical' depression, but rather a deep disappointment or lack of satisfaction with their current life situation.

If you find yourself unhappy, you should ask yourself if you're doing the thing that you really, really want right now?
If the answer is not yes, you know what your problem is.
Its vitamin D that is synthesized in the body via sunlight contact.

Depression for me was a battle against the bordom of normal life and the lacks of clear goals. I tried the meds, but ever since i was diagnosed with ADD i dont trust in pharms, especially in brain altering ones. I got some goals, got a job, made friends, and forced myself to get out and do something. Always made for a great improvement.


I wouldn't suggest anti depressants. I know a kid who has taken them almost all his life. If he doesn't take them he has to go to the hospital, as he goes through extremely violent withdrawls. Plus, then you HAVE TO rely on those pills to keep you happy.

I used to get depressed a lot more often than I do now, I didn't have a problem with it or anything, but then I just changed my whole mindset. Here is an example that I can think of, right before I changed my mindset and was still not real good at picking up girls. A real cute girl I was with who I liked a lot dumped me. She made it sounds like it was because she was leaving soon, so I figured we would still hook up, but she would avoid my calls and blow off our plans together. I would always be a little whiney emo kid to my friend/roomate about it, and he pretty much told me to stop being a bitch and to look at life more possitive. Think good things and good things will happen, and it's true to a certain extent. If you are constantly thinking negative, you act negative, therefore the people around you are going to treat you negatively. I know this sounds all hippy and shit, but it really makes sense. Negativity gets you nowhere. When you cry you cry alone, when you laugh the world laughs with you. Anyways, instead of thinking about how bad it sucked I lost this girl, I started to think about how awesome it was how I bangged such a hot chick, and that I had a lot of fun being with her. Now I'm single again and there are plenty of girls out there just as hot as she was. I have new options and new doors open for me. Think of whatever is on your mind like that. Don't think about what you lost, but what doors it has opened for you. I'll say that my change in location and friend probably had a lot to do with my change in mindset. Also, finding hobbies/activities that you like to do can help. I can have the shitiest day, wake up the next morning and hop on my snowboard, I forget all about what happened the day before.


Quote: (05-19-2010 01:46 AM)AlphaQup2nite Wrote:  

Quote: (05-18-2010 12:49 PM)beebopaloo Wrote:  

If you live a place that sees little sun on a daily basis that can fuck you up as well. There is some scientific reason for this - I think some vitamins only get absorbed if you're exposed to sun, so dunno, it might got something to do with that?

A couple of weeks in an exotic place could do wonders then.

Most of the time, what people call depression is not a 'real clinical' depression, but rather a deep disappointment or lack of satisfaction with their current life situation.

If you find yourself unhappy, you should ask yourself if you're doing the thing that you really, really want right now?
If the answer is not yes, you know what your problem is.
Its vitamin D that is synthesized in the body via sunlight contact.

Depression for me was a battle against the bordom of normal life and the lacks of clear goals. I tried the meds, but ever since i was diagnosed with ADD i dont trust in pharms, especially in brain altering ones. I got some goals, got a job, made friends, and forced myself to get out and do something. Always made for a great improvement.

This too I find to be a great suggestion. I must also say since my mindset has changed, I've been much more involved in all sorts of different types of activities etc....


The best thing you can do is intense exercise, coupled with ample time outdoors, NO ALCOHOL/Drugs, and give yourself a break from thinking about any problems.

If you do all of the above consistently for an extended period of time, you won't necessarily be happy (that takes major life changes/time), but your emotions will be within a normal range.

If the above does not work, then get a good psychiatrist, and listen to what he/she says, not to what you read somewhere on the internet.


DrArete is right about no alcohol/drugs and exercise. Boozing is a major contributor to depression. If you feel like shit, do this experiment for a month: cut alcohol out of your life and incorporate lots of exercise. If you don't feel better after a few weeks ... get a psychiatrist.


I really like this blog http://zenhabits.net/ It has really good motivational stuff and positive thinking stuff.


It depends on the person. As someone mentioned before, what most people here are calling depression, might just be your hormones fluctuating, some stress, lack of physical fitness, poor sleep, too much partying ...

- BTW Partying is something important to note. Some of you guys smoke or do other party favors when you're are out, and back in my hadcore partying days, this could cause some real deep depression. Everyone reacts differently to chemicals but I know for me, I would be up all night partying and having a blast with some fine girls...then feel sidelined, down and very easily aggitated for sometimes weeks afterwards. Some of my boys didn't have any bad sides at all.

In some cases people really do need meds. I wouldn't recomend them and I think far too many Dr's just throw you on some Anti - D's at the first sign of any aggravation or depression. But I do know friends that realy did need them...guys who were completely ape-shit Bi-Polar though, dudes that wouldn't sleep for days, or had crazy nightmares when they did..dudes that were having crazy delusional thoughts...that is med worthy...other than that, just man up and get with it.


Quote: (05-27-2010 01:26 PM)mntgoat Wrote:  

DrArete is right about no alcohol/drugs and exercise. Boozing is a major contributor to depression. If you feel like shit, do this experiment for a month: cut alcohol out of your life and incorporate lots of exercise. If you don't feel better after a few weeks ... get a psychiatrist.

Gotta put in my vote for this as well. If you smoke weed, drink, or do other stuff and are depressed, then STOP.

People with these habits a lot of the time don't put 2 and 2 together to realize that drug/alcohol use exacerbates depression greatly. Thats because when they consume them, they briefly feel better. The cause and effect isn't clear to them.

I know a lot of lifelong chronic weed smokers and alcoholics that also have the worse chronic depression that I know of. It often mutates into extreme constant paranoia states in weed smokers. I'm talking paranoia that is present whether they are high or not.

Another HUGE factor in mitigating depression, and maybe the best thing that you can do for it, other than cutting out drugs alcohol and getting a life, is GOING TO BED EARLIER.

You principally replenish the neurochemicals and sexual hormones that you need to stay healthy, physically and mentally, when you sleep.

The catch is that the manufacture of these chemicals is directly related to your sleep cycle, which is a circadian rhythm. Ultimately, this means that your production of these hormones and chemicals is directly dependent on how early you go to bed. If you go to bed at 3 am every night, you will be making the bare minimum of sex hormones and neurochemicals to get by. If you train yourself to go to bed at 9pm, you will be making closer to the maximum. The rule of thumb is 'the earlier the better'.

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