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PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

I'd heard about people getting hired to "test" the faithfulness of their partner -- hire some guy to randomnly meet up with your girlfriend somewhere you know she's going to be, having him approach her, see if she takes the bait (or vice versa, if you're the girl testing your boyfriend's loyalty). I think there's a company that does this in the UK, maybe there's more.

But this I hadn't really heard of before - at least not outside far-fetched courtroom dramas - people getting hired to seduce half of a couple and bring pictures to the other half for divorce court.

Read all about it in the Times of London here (hat tip - Mr. M):

It's interesting for more than a 'stare at the train crash' kind of way. Look at how they plan these seductions -- it's not some guy running into her at a bar. That's probably too hit or miss for guys who don't have pick up artist training, so they're smart. They set up the social context. Note the presence of other women, including at least one female friend. Note the peer approval for her actions. Note the way it "just happened" that the party continued in the hotel. Note how other people just drifted away so it "just happened" to be her and him in the hotel room at the end. Note also, alcohol Smile

This fits in with a lot of stuff Love Systems (formerly The Mystery Method Corp.) talks about when it comes to dates, like:

* Use your turf, not hers
* Make logistical moves (bar to hotel, hotel party to hotel alone, etc.) seamless
* Groups are great if your friends know what they are doing
* Context matters. A lot.


(Another curious thing just hit me -- with that UK company I remember that 'tests' for loyalty, I remember reading that one of their rules was that they don't send testers/seducers who are significantly better looking than the person they are trying to test. That seems weird to me. Most guys who are worried about their wives or girlfriends cheating aren't really worried about the average guy on the corner - they're worried about how she'll react when given a chance with smooth-looking eye candy. And same for women. Odd.)

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

That's actually kind of fucked up.

Just goes to show everybody is capable of cheating. Never trust nobody.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

This is utterly sick. Just shows how low some are willing to go to make some cash. Pathetic and sad beyond belief.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

Quote: (05-12-2010 05:57 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

This is utterly sick. Just shows how low some are willing to go to make some cash. Pathetic and sad beyond belief.

LOL I considered starting a company to do this. We already know that women do it to men, and its a lot harder for a guy to turn down a smoking hot bombshell. Of course I didnt but funny that someone IS doing it. My grandmother always said, everyone would cheat if given the right situation, the key is to keep yourself out of these situations.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

I have mixed feelings about this.

I mean, on one hand, its pretty cruel to "set up" someone to cheat on their spouse.

But, on the other hand, if your spouse is gonna bang some good looking, smooth talking guy, wouldn't you want to know about it as soon as possible. Maybe its a good test to put your woman thru, if she passes, you know you got a good one, if she fails you know you can't trust her.

If i was thinking of marrying a girl, I might "test" her like this.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

A wise man once told me "never" trust a girl, they are never happy and always want what is on the other side of the picket fence... I find this to be a true statement.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

Quote: (12-11-2010 11:11 PM)kali Wrote:  

A wise man once told me "never" trust a girl, they are never happy and always want what is on the other side of the picket fence... I find this to be a true statement.

It's a point I well agree with, unfortunately.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

Women will always cheat given the right situation. Just remember who was the first sex to eat the forbidden fruit...that doomed us all.

There us a reason the story of a smooth talking, snake was able to get Eve to do the forbidden.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

From the article, which takes place in Japan:

“We produce a drama at the request of our clients,” he says. “We write the script and put on the play. For a member of my staff, it could take a year to make someone fall in love. If it’s me, I can do it in a day. In this industry, I’m a god.”

Based on the article, it seems like Japan does not have "no fault" divorce, so evidence of adultery carries moral/legal weight in determining the distribution of assets and child custody. That is not generally the case in the US, sadly.

Note also that the seducer in this case was hired by the husband's *mistress*, presumably without his knowledge. I guess this further illustrates the don't trust them point. However, they're often pretty, smell good, and are fun to be around; just don't sign on the line that is dotted.

PUAs seduce then take pictures for divorce court

Quote: (12-12-2010 03:24 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Based on the article, it seems like Japan does not have "no fault" divorce, so evidence of adultery carries moral/legal weight in determining the distribution of assets and child custody.

This seems to be not true.


That is not generally the case in the US, sadly.

Why sadly? It was the case in US for a while, and resulted in pretty much every couple lying in the court to get a divorce.

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