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I am planning a trip for south/ central America the last week of November and am going to be going with some of my buddies. While I don't have enough money for Rio, I am thinking about some countries such as

Costa Rica

My main criteria are hot available girls, cheapness, good night clubs, things to see and do, safetey, and more girls. My friends have also expressed intrest in the bordellos.

I am leaning on Columbia because I notice everyone on this board is raving about it but I question if it is safe and what all there is to do there. Do you think this country is the best one on my list. Also which city in Columbia is the best?


I hear Medillin is the best. Is it safe? Well lots of travelers go there without problems. I plan on going there next.

Peru does not have very pretty girls.

Venezuela is better than peru, but not better than argentina or brazil.


Quote: (09-26-2008 12:46 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Venezuela is better than peru, but not better than argentina or brazil.

Totally disagree. I lived in Buenos Aires for most of the last year and I was in Venezuela a couple of weeks ago.

Venezuelan girls are way hotter.


Which cities did you go in venezuela?


Quote: (10-05-2008 10:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Which cities did you go in venezuela?

Just Caracas so far. I am heading back to Venezuela on Monday and plan to travel the country though.

Actually in the airport lounge on the way from Buenos Aires to Caracas I met a Venezuelan chick as hot as anything I saw living in BA and she invited me to hang out when I pass her town.

[Image: angel.gif]


I found the girls of merida better than caracas. and younger too


Quote: (10-12-2008 10:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I found the girls of merida better than caracas. and younger too

will check it out

any other tips for venezuela


that guy in our office told me that colombia is famous for YOUNG BUSTY girls

before getting married again, I should try that country

do you guys agree with my office buddy?

which months are best to go? or can there be around the year?


Quote: (02-19-2019 02:08 PM)Endless Escapes Wrote:  

that guy in our office told me that colombia is famous for YOUNG BUSTY girls

before getting married again, I should try that country

do you guys agree with my office buddy?

which months are best to go? or can there be around the year?

way to bump an 11-year-old thread.

hey everybody, do you know where this guy can find some information about colombia? there isn't any on this forum, that's for sure.


Quote: (02-19-2019 09:25 PM)Savonarola Wrote:  

Quote: (02-19-2019 02:08 PM)Endless Escapes Wrote:  

that guy in our office told me that colombia is famous for YOUNG BUSTY girls

before getting married again, I should try that country

do you guys agree with my office buddy?

which months are best to go? or can there be around the year?

way to bump an 11-year-old thread.

hey everybody, do you know where this guy can find some information about colombia? there isn't any on this forum, that's for sure.

Well, at least he did not create a NEW thread. If he can make his way to one of the MANY active threads on Colombia, there is still hope for him.

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