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Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I have done my fair share of traveling alone, so far 35 or so countries through out my lifetime. Most of which I have been to by myself, so obviously I dont NEED to find anyone else to travel with, but I find with the right guy friend(s) its definitely more fun.

I find its hard to find people to travel, they either dont have the money or dont have the time. I am not rich by any means but I retired at 32 and then by the bad influence of Timothy Ferris, sold all my shit and started on the move. I bounce back and forth between the US (NY and FL) and where ever I am.

I also like traveling with other people because I am kinda cheap. I like living it up, partying VIP and staying in Penthouses but dont like to rent those places/bottle myself. I have about 3,500 I like to spend and about 5k I could spend a month, not needed free money.

It seems there are a lot of community people on here, but unlike most forums they are not keyboard jockeys. Most community people I have met are weird and cant back shit up. I am pretty well known/respected on the NYC forums, same username, however I have all but removed myself from that life.

So question is as follows. I have the means and the time to travel, how do you other guys find people with the same to travel? I do realize many guys on here do the hostel thing, its just not my cup of tea to walk down a hallway for a shower (though I grew up poor so I dont look down on it)

Second question? Any other cool dudes on here that want to travel?
You dont have to be rich, but have a little coin..... also any other guys living it up in other countries that want to show me around?

I havent been to Brasil or Argentina yet, but they are high on my list. I loved colombia and have been all over numerous times.

Kiev, Australia, NZ, Thailand, sweden, peru, are a few places I want to go to. I have also been tossing around shipping a nice suv down to colombia and doing a driving tour of S.A. also wanted other people so share costs so I can spend money on doing other crazy stuff.

Who is going where when? UPDATED MAY 17 2010

JMB: June 6 (Ukraine with plans to visit Turkey, Spain, Germany), July 14 (Thailand) (CLR is strongly considering going)
Vacancier Permanent: South America 6 months Starting October 2010
EndGame: Summer 2010 Berlin, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Croatia. Maybe Turkey
Gringoed: In cordoba, Brasil
Pepini: Oslo, Norway, first week June 2010 (CLR strongly considering)
CLR: In costa Rica, planning on Colombia/brasil end of May, Kiev, or Oslo (meetup members???) in June, then June 26th 2010 Florence, open after that

family dude: in area of black sea, offering to show people around

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I agree with you that it'd be cool to travel with other like minded guys. I'm planning on hitting the road starting this October for a 6 months period. Hesitating hard between South America, mainly Brasil, I go there all the time for both Biz and fun and speak fluently the lingo and have some solid contacts there and Colombia as I keep on hearing heaps of praise about it and South East Asia where it'll be my first time. Where do you plan on going and when?

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

curious how you retired at 32?

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Quote: (05-11-2010 05:42 PM)clr Wrote:  

I am not rich by any means but I retired at 32 and then by the bad influence of Timothy Ferris, sold all my shit and started on the move. I bounce back and forth between the US (NY and FL) and where ever I am.

I have about 3,500 I like to spend and about 5k I could spend a month, not needed free money.

wow, thats a great lifestyle. Can you breakdown how you are able to do this?

3-5k a month and you are free to travel the world. Do you have some sort of online business???

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I pretty much have the same problem. Everyone I know neither has the money, nor the time, nor the inclination. Some people I know have not even traveled outside the US.

I´ve traveled to around 24-25 countries, mostly by myself. When I first started, I traveled with 3 other high school buddies. Agreeing on what do to, then negotiating & compromising was par for the course & time consuming. My second & third trips, I traveled with one other buddy - both which I also knew from high school. I was in a fraternity in college but surprisingly have not traveled with any of my bros after graduating. Nowadays, I prefer to travel by myself to avoid the hassle of finding someone that I can deal with during a 4-6 month trip. I always meet people since I usually stay in hostels. If after getting to know them for a couple of days, I can make the decision of inviting them to travel with me. If it doesn´t work out, I go my way and they go wherever they go (usually to hell).

I wouldn´t write off the hostel thing. A lot of hostels here in Argentina are VERY nice (think boutique motel if there was such a thing) and have private rooms with private baths for less than a hotel.

What I´ve seen in this forum are guys randomly mentioning that they´re going here or there and then other people chiming in saying that I´d be cool to meet up then. That seems to be working fine..

FYI, I´m planning to do EE this summer: Berlin, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Croatia. Maybe Turkey as well.

I also second the question on how you retired at 32.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....


I feel you.

It's easy finding hippie backpackers, not so easy finding somebody who wants to go in on a penthouse. It seems most of these people are not online so the best way is to find them and meet them in person whereever you want to live.

Its not only a cost benefit, but it's way more fun living with like-minded people. I'm living a pretty aristocratic lifestyle right now with Partytime in Cordoba and it's great.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Yeah, my friends that live in the US either don't have the money, time, or interest in traveling. Luckily I have a lot of friends from other countries, so I just meet up with them while I'm down there. The pluses are they know all the good spots, they are natives, and they know the culture. The only real negative is most of these kids aren't real close friends (Though I have a couple that are real close). I would prefer to share a lot of my expereinces with close friends, but I also don't mind sharing them myself. And when I travel, I kinda do my own thing. I'm not really one for making plans too far ahead. I'll plan maybe 3 cities, and after that, I just kinda play it by ear. I know a good handful of people who think life outside the US would be totally fucked. Most of them aren't people I would probably travel with anyways. A lot of close friends who would be down to travel either don't want to go to South America (Where I want to explore first, learn spanish and Portuguese). So many people just have a horrible missconception of third world countries. Or they are in spots I'm not quite as interested in. I have some friends in Mexico and chile. But for now I've explored Brazil quit well, would even like to go for a little longer, then check out Argenina and Colombia. Then maybe some other spots in SA. I'm down with that area while I'm young. I plan on doing Europe for maybe my semester I plan to study abroad and when I'm older, hopefully with more money. SA just seems like more of a place I would like to get to know while I'm young. I have a handful of friends who also love SA, but our schedules never coincide. Most are focused on European travel. When I travel I'm out to have a good time, but try to live somewhat conservatively. My last trip I spent around $2k a month.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I have long-time friends in the US who don't even want to talk to me if I mention living abroad wherever I want, being unplugged from the corporate matrix, and banging foreign girls for sport. It's too threatening to them and they'd rather not hear it.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I will be in Oslo the first week of June with 3 more friends. Feel free to join.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

hey man,
you are right, to travel the way you want to it would be quite difficult to meet people of a similar cut as you. I still enjoy going to hostels (usually in my own room), but often intersperse this with hotel stays while travelling.

I setup the Wingman Calendar so you can post where you are at so you can hook up with people on this forum. It is all explained here: http://www.rooshvforum.network/thread-1973.html

I will PM you (and anyone else interested) the password if you like....

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Wow, so many great responses......

Seems the biggest question so I retired at 31, it was a combo of things, but really just living well below my means and investing in real estate, rental properties. Once you have the income from the properties you dont have to be a multi-millionaire to retire. Just have enough income every month to keep in you in the life style you want. ( oh and I invested heavily in my 401k and I will just let that grow as my nest egg for the future)

I would like to start an few internet business generating about 10k a month. I co-own an online poker company but that hasen't kicked off yet, and we both dont want to deal with it and would rather just sell it.(it takes a LOT of capitol to blow up with online poker due to advertising and other things) Bright side we developed it from the ground up, its all flash so no down loads and best out there I am told.

I have met a few guys just from traveling and it is a good way to do it, but seems everyone has their own schedule. One black guy I met made his loot on dating sites (everyone I met who retired early is from real estate or online business) but he likes to go where they like black guys, I like to go where they like white guys! hahaha

On the Hostel point, true, I have stayed at a few hostels that are more like hotels with my own room, but then they arent really hostels are they? I mean they are called hostels, but I just dont like sharing rooms with people I dont know and not having my own shower when I want. I will occasionally rent a room with pvt bathroom from a hostel because I dont like spending 100 a night on a place where I just sleep and shower, unless its a pimp pad where I can bring girls back to.

@Pepini, Oslo? hmmmm I have some friends there, but I have to hit up Florence for my friends wedding June 26th but then I am free.

@Gringoed, sounds like you have a good lifstyle down there, if you give me a week to get my visa I will roll down there and chill if you want to show me the ropes! I like what you guys did with the models thing, thats what I mean when I say I want people that dont mind tossing a little money at something for the experience. A hundred or so a guy and you had a blast!

@V Permanent, Seems we could do a trade [Image: smile.gif] , you HAVE to go to colombia, its amazing girls are incredible in bed, super sexy and sensual and love to take care of their guy, cooking cleaning etc.... every flavor you could want there too. I have LOTS of contacts in most major cities and have been there around 12 times. I lived in medellin for 2 months. Amazingly beautiful women. I speak pretty decent spanish, latinas are my specialty. [Image: smile.gif] 6 months you can do a lot any where, I wanted to ship a nice 4x4 vehicle to Colombia and work my way down to brasil

@endgame, I have been thinking about the baltic states for a long time, and Hvar, split,all over mediteranian both for the culture and the woman! romania, my buddy met a romanian model and took her to the US he travels a lot and says no where is like romania, I lived in germany when I was younger so I speak quite a bit of German still, been there a bunch of times as an adult and have contacts all over Europe, Germany, France, Morocco, spain, israel, greece. I'd be interested in going.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....


Good to have a fellow real estate guy on here. I'm only in Cordoba another 3 weeks or so, then I'm off to wander around Brazil and maybe Colombia. The next place I'll really be setting up shop will most likely be Asia.


Ping me the password.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I have always wanted to hit up asia too, my buddy's wife's sister married the prince of Malaysia, and he owes me a BIG favor, I already told him he has to set me up when I go to Malaysia hahaha [Image: smile.gif]

Keep in touch tho, I am only flexible for the next 4 weeks or so as I have to be in Italy end of June.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

gringoed - PM sent

I've always been trapped in the short vacation of no longer then 3-5 weeks. So the penthouse option has not been there as I'm always on the move scouting out new places.

That will all change in exactly 15 months when my current contract ends (I live in Dubai) and I will be out living the life of riley as do many on this forum. I've got property too, but they keep jacking up interest rates in oz which makes it hard to make them positive cash flows. I'm also going live on my online business in the next few days, inspired by 4HWW.

I would be happy with $2000US/month.... not sure if I can penthouse for that, but well see.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

You can rent penthouses for 4 weeks, fully furnished. Its not bad, just have a local get you prices or look around yourself and have someone local call and ask so you dont get the gringo discount (40% markup!).

How is Dubai? I hear mixed things about it?

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Once I leave this place I'll be taking much more time visiting destinations - so the apartment option will be far more interesting to me then. Destination no.1 - Brazil [Image: smile.gif]

Dubai is pretty good, providing you have money. Drinking and going out is quite expensive. You can pretty much have whatever nightlife you like here. Everything from clubs to bars for arabs, or indians etc....

Game wise, you can pick your destination according to the nationality your after - although local knowledge will help.

The hypocrisy here is frustrating, the driving is crazy and the work mind-numbing (at least for me). In a way it's a means to and ends for me, although I do enjoy myself here.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I'd like to hear more about Dubai Damok, care to elaborate about what it's like to live there? What do you mean about the hypocrisy?

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I don't know how feasible it'd be, but it'd be cool if Roosh could somehow set up a sub-forum where people post their upcoming travel plans and people can msg each other if they want to meet up, or if their paths are going to cross.

I'm planning on hitting Scandanavia, Baltics and Russia this Aug/Sept, and I've seen 2-3 posts from guys mentioning the same thing.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

@entropy - until we come up with something better, you can use the wingman calendar

@VP - the most obvious hypocrisy here is the treatment of south asian workers. There is much truth to the saying that Dubai was built with oil money by slave labour. But things like sharia vs cultural sensitivity generally don't bother you, but every year there is a story of some western couple being arrested for something seemingly trivial like kissing in public, while things like murder/man slaughter are dealt with very light-handedly. I guess I have a problem accepting many of what I view as dogmatism of Islam. This certainly isn't limited to Dubai and is very much systemic to the whole of the middle east, in fact Dubai is probably better then most other places in the region. There are hundreds of examples, most of which seem petty in isolation, but when you live amongst it can where you down. Unfortunately the Arabs who are known for their hospitality are loosing it in their great wealth and nanny risen society.

anyhow, my 2c.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

and also the fact that my above post would cause so much offence given to the wrong person that some crazy will feel the name to put a fatwa on me..... (less to do with Dubai, but the region in general)

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

I updated who is going where when in my OP. [Image: smile.gif] that should help a little so you dont have to go sign into a calender [Image: smile.gif]

I think its funny as I re-read the comments, Gringoed hit it on the head, its easy to find hippie broke back packers, another thing to hang out with people who dont mind going to a club or bar and buying a few drinks [Image: smile.gif] Oh and people who actually WASH their hair! jajaja [Image: smile.gif]

I think we are the breed they are calling flash packers now, not hippies, but we have more disposable income and need internet for our netbooks!

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

yeah I agree with the flashpacker comment - I count myself in that category. If I can't find a hostel, the platinum card comes out [Image: smile.gif]

Maybe we could have a forum where the OP is just a list of who and where... people post to that page for only where they are going to be and the OP is updated accordingly.... I'm sure between us we can figure it out!! (The calendar/map might also be updated by one diligent person...)

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Thanks Damok for your short write up about Dubai, very interesting. Are you living there now? How about you start a thread giving us a run down of the scene there and how it is to spend some time there. That would be cool.
I like the idea of the sub forum where we would post where we are in the world. Roosh, what do you say amigo?

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

ok, will write something up - unfortunately I don't have the analytical skills of some of the other players here. But I'll do what I can.

Finding other cool guys to travel with.....

Quote: (05-16-2010 05:25 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

I don't know how feasible it'd be, but it'd be cool if Roosh could somehow set up a sub-forum where people post their upcoming travel plans and people can msg each other if they want to meet up, or if their paths are going to cross.

I'm planning on hitting Scandanavia, Baltics and Russia this Aug/Sept, and I've seen 2-3 posts from guys mentioning the same thing.

What about a single thread where everyone has 1 post only wich they edit depending on their plans/locations.

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